new mod

tools to help you assess your urges before you give in to them, and to help you understand and learn from slips after they happen. by posting here, you're saying that you are serious about exploring the feelings behind your self-harm in depth, whether you're ready to stop hurting yourself or not. to request posting access, click usergroups above and join before and after.

Moderator: treasure

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new mod

Post by treasure » Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:27 am

i feel a bit weird posting here after writing a "before" post, but i wanted to say hi rather than just start modding without any intro.


i've been posting on b&a for quite a while. most of the time there were few or no replies to posts and i didn't really need to revisit my posts because the urges were gone for the time being. but there is something to learn from posting here, about what triggers you, and what strategies help. let us (other b&a mods) know if you specifically don't want replies, because we will try and give feedback and ask if the before/after questions helped.

*random note*
the question about "honoring self-protective instinct" often gets skipped but i find it really helpful, so i'll describe how i use it.
si is a protective mechanism, a way of stopping yourself from feeling pain or from thinking what you're thinking. the urge to si can get to be a shortcut for your brain to tell you that you are not ok. recognising this can make si less about the act and more about the feelings that surround it.
in my experience, my parents were not all that concerned with teaching me how to deal with emotions, how to protect myself from my feelings. their response is denial, which really doesn't work. being my own protector is a role i want to encourage in myself and in others.
self-protection doesn't have to mean disconnecting your feelings, or denial. you are worth caring for, and your feelings are worth listening to. protecting myself from overwhelming sadness is often about comfort - hot drinks, baths, candles, food. protecting myself from anger is about expressing it without turning it on myself. the expression can be writing it down, or listening to music. self-protection is loving yourself, although it can be very hard to feel worthy of that love/care. you don't need to be worthy, you can just try something that might offer comfort to see if it works.

sorry if that ramble was not exactly clear, i'm still struggling a bit with my emotions. anyway, b&a is a great forum, thanks to everyone who posts here and reads the posts.
virtual hugs welcome.
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Re: new mod

Post by SorryIAm » Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:24 am

That is a very profound perspective, treasure. Thank you for sharing that point of view. I am grateful for your deep analysis of the usefulness of the questions.

And THANK YOU for your good work as a mod! Truly a community supporter. Much gratitude. :1love:
Hugs and PMs are VERY welcome. Gentle advice is OK, too, so long as it's framed as an option, and not a "must do". Thank you!

P.S. -- I'm often away for months at a time, due to health and family reasons. Please excuse my fits and starts. I read and I care, even if I don't reply.

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