Pinkllama and Purplepenguin's list of fun things to do

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Pinkllama and Purplepenguin's list of fun things to do

Post by pinkllama » Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:38 am

We want life, dang it...we want to suck the marrow...go to the woods and drink deeply and all that...strange funness...

FUN THINGS TO DO......(get out of the house!)

:star: have a sandlecastle building contest/party
:star: oil painting
for me, I want to really focus on trees....don't laugh, they're so expressive...I'm caught in wonder almost every time I go outside...I just HAVE to admire them....**hides**
:star: have a pie baking party
:star: fondu
:star: frisby tag (I can't throw a frisby straight...which kinda Xs me outta this one)
:star: go kyacking
:star: go biking (find a list of good biking trails in your area)
:star: go hiking
:star: go to a good bookstore and get lost
:star: valley fair!!!!!
:star: hang out by the lake or any fun substantial body of water in your area
:star: go rollerblading
:star: play batminton
:star: create photographic sherates for BUS
:star: photographic or artistic scavenger hunt
:star: have a pique-nique
:star: make coffee and take someone special star gazing
make up your own constelations
:star: find a friend who likes to learn and learn a new language with them
:star: start your own book club :P **hey, I can dream, can't I?!**
:star: volleyball
:star: Bon fires....I demand bon fires!!!!
:star: pick a random place on a map of your state, or a bordering state, and go check it out....take random pics of your friend at each location
:star: make up obituaries....ok, now I'm just getting silly
:star: do random religious one sunday morning, get coffee and go to a traditional CAtholic mass then the next go to a quaker church....(k, so maybe this only sounds kool to me)
:star: try to discover new kinds of foods...try out all the different kinds of ethnic foods in your area, then write a review called toxicity *cough* just kiddn :D
:star: go bowling
:star: go fishing
:star: get your nails done
:star: have a makeover party...even if its just you...pamper yourself
:star: learn to knit
:star: have an anime night
enter, bean-mobile
<P>Fueled by </P><img src=" ... rducky.gif" width="120" height="120">.....
<img src=" ... kllama.jpg" width="230" height="170>

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Post by PurplePenguin » Fri Apr 16, 2004 9:15 am

Woot!! Yay for fun stuff to do! I will add on later, I will. (Like how I went to bed??) :o
<center> Purple Penguin's Place
I don't belong here
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Escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
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Post by PurplePenguin » Fri Apr 16, 2004 11:42 am

Okie dokies, so I can't fall asleep. And this is what I've been thinking about!! Hey, isn't that "suck the marrow out of life" a quote from Dead Poet's Society? Love that movie! *wipes away tear*

Anywho, the funness!!

:grnstar: fly a kite
:grnstar: write some music
:grnstar: go play on a swingset
:grnstar: go try on as many fancy/prom dresses as you can find, even if you don't think they'll look good on you
:grnstar: pick a grave at a random cemetery and drop by to put flowers on it
:grnstar: go to the casino (with only a certain amount of money, if you double it, leave, if you lose it all, leave anyway)
:grnstar: make bead bracelets
:grnstar: cook!! (mmm, cooking...)
:grnstar: play capture the flag
:grnstar: pick a random address out of the phone book and write the person a letter (tee hee!)
:grnstar: go paddleboating
:grnstar: canu canoe? :lol:
:grnstar: make up random lists of fun things to do on BUS (oh wait...) :wink:
:grnstar: visit an orphanage or homeless shelter
:grnstar: take a favorite song and change all the lyrics
:grnstar: go to a craft fair
:grnstar: go to a department store and have them do your makeup
:grnstar: learn to sew
:grnstar: write a children's book
:grnstar: go to a local airport and people watch (and have fun commenting with a friend...particularly interesting if it's an international airport)
:grnstar: go to a museum
:grnstar: go to a planetarium
:grnstar: try every type of some food or drink you can find (like cheese or coffee)
:grnstar: play mini golf
:grnstar: add soap to a fountain (tee hee, this is funnier than you'd expect...)
:grnstar: play a get to know you better game with a friend (like go through every letter of the alphabet and ask a question beginning with that letter that the other person has to answer)
:grnstar: attempt to waterski
:grnstar: go swimming
:grnstar: make your own smoothie (or go to Jamba Juice...mmm...LOVE Jamba Juice...*drools*)
:grnstar: lose yourself in a forest
:grnstar: roast marshmallows (or make the yummy campfire treat with marshmallows that must not be named) :wink:
:grnstar: dye your hair
:grnstar: make a collage
:grnstar: tye dye something!!
:grnstar: pick your nose (okay, please don't, that was a joke!!) :o
:grnstar: have an egg dropping contest with a friend (see who can package their egg well enough so that theirs is the last one to break when dropped from a height)
:grnstar: grow flowers or plants outside or in a pot
:grnstar: put a letter in a bottle in a nearby ocean, river, or large lake
:grnstar: pick a random room in a hospital and go visit the patient (this works best if the person has a long stay in the hospital or if you visit a child/old person)
:grnstar: play hide and seek
:grnstar: go out with a friend and speak in a foreign accent (or a foreign language!)
:grnstar: watch grass grow or paint dry (okay, so that's not fun...)

I'm out of ideas! I'm sure I'll come up with more later, but...yeah! Lots o' stuff to do!
<center> Purple Penguin's Place
I don't belong here
I've gotta move on dear
Escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
Far away from here

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Post by Laura » Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:20 pm

Thanks for this - added some to the sticky vast list :)
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Post by babyelephant » Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:22 am

Cute list ~ cheers I needed some fun stuff to do today :)


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Post by xPaintTheStarsx » Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:18 pm

I really enjoyed reading that, you made me smile :D
:purpstar: :dkpurpstar: :purpstar:
<i>buried deep as you can dig inside yourself
and hidden in the public eye
such a stellar monument to loneliness.
laced with brilliant smiles, and shining eyes
and perfect makeup.
but you're barely scraping by...</i>

:purpstar: :dkpurpstar: :purpstar:

:bfly: My Place :bfly:

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