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Serenity River
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Post by Serenity River » Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:23 am

i cant realy do teh questrion i dint feel up to them
ill just ssay how i feel i guess this should have a SA warning on it

i feels disgusting disty voices in my head saying thing to me that i reambe little about can even feel hands on my skin that just mkes me want to cut cos it dirty disgusting tryed distracting my self from in it cold bath did art was in a chat room chatting
it feels to much like i destivstived it taht i should be punsihed fir waht tehy did to me i feel angry i dint tell any one at the time i could have stoped it from happing
i still blame me not as muchas i use to but i stil blame me
want ing to crwl away from this hide in the dark and cut like i d did after they did thoese thing to me

Sometimes, you have to put the walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down."
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Post by balletomane » Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:46 pm

Hi Rogue.

I know this is a really old thread, but I still felt like responding.

You do not deserve to be punished for what someone else did to you.

It is tempting to blame yourself and think that you could have stopped it, but the reality is much more complex. No one has a right to sexually abuse or harass you. They were in the wrong. Not you.


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