ignore list (requires the firefox browser)

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sine nomine
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ignore list (requires the firefox browser)

Post by sine nomine » Fri Aug 26, 2005 3:43 am

i wouldn't recommend this, but if you really want to ignore someone on bus, you can use a firefox extension to do it.

first you need the firefox browser (
http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ )

then go to

https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/m ... hp?id=1045

and click on install now. after you've done that, you will see a small [X] next to each person's name.

click it, and instead of any posts by that person, you'll see

[X] User Name

[Display/Hide Post]

next to a blank post. If you click on the X again, you've un-ignored them. If you click on display/hide, it will show a hidden post or hide a displayed one.

i don't know if keeping an ignore list is a good idea, but some may find it useful.


[blockquote]Facts are not frightening. But if you try to avoid them,
turn your back and run, then that is frightening. -- Krishnamurti[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Why are we so frightened of what is?
What is the good of running away if whatever we are is always there? -- Krishnamurti[/blockquote]

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