distracting quiz...

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distracting quiz...

Post by moon raver » Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:01 am

here's a random quiz i found here
if you don't want to answer any of these it's fine because this is just for fun :)

1. Name: Lilli
2. DOB: 8-30-97 (i'm almost 17!)
3. Birthplace: florida
4. Current location: florida again
5. Eye color: green
6. Hair Color: it's going to be blue tomorrow
7. Height: 5'5
8. Heritage: portuguese and italian (yes i have a moustache)
9. Piercings: none, but i'm hoping to get a lip ring for my one month clean
10. Tattoos: none yet, but i'm going to get a butterfly project tattoo for my one year clean
11. Favorite Band/Singer: MCR!
12. Favorite Song: famous last words, cliche i know, but the guitar is so amazing!
13. Favorite Genre of Music: i don't really have one, but if i'd have to choose, i'd say female fronted country
14. Favorite Color(s): purple, black
15. Favorite TV show(s): star trek enterprise
16. Favorite Movie(s): the avengers, captain america
17. Favorite Food:
18. Favorite Store: hot topic. sadly.
19. Favorite Number:
20. Favorite Drink: like... alcoholic? i don't drink. but non alcoholic is earl grey tea
21. Favorite Clothing Brand: uhhh.... stuff you find at wal mart?
22. Favorite Shoe Brand: converse!!!
23. Favorite Animal: panda, because it's my girlfriend's nickname
24. Favorite Pizza topping: i don't like pizza. i'm diabetic.
25. Favorite Season: winter
26. Favorite Month: october
27. Favorite Holiday: samhain. because i'm dark like that.
28. Favorite Flower: gardenia
29. Sunny or rainy: rainy
30. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
31. Fruit or veggie: veggie. again, i'm diabetic.
32. Night or day: night
33. Sour or sweet: sour
34. Love or money: love
35. Phone or in person: both make me anxious
36. Poor & happy or rich & miserable: i'm already miserable and poor. it can only go up from here.
37. Looks or personality: both. looks matter, but i won't reject someone because they aren't cute. for example, i had a boyfriend in 7th grade...
38. Coffee or tea: tea!!!
39. Hot or cold: cold
40. Goal for this year: do well in life
41. Most missed memory: laughing and listening to music on the couch w my girlfriend in the hospital. also, our first kiss. it was quick because we didn't want to be caught by hospital staff.
42. Best physical feature: hair. when it's not frizzy.
43. First thought waking up: i have to check my blood sugar
44. Do you wanna get married: HELLS TO THE YEAH!!! it'll be a nice beautiful wedding under an orange tree.
45. Do you wanna have kids: maybe someday. not kids of my own, we're going to adopt.
46. If so, how many: one at the most
47. Do you wanna go to college: yes
48. What do you want to be: a prosecutor, or a musician
49. Do You Dance in the rain: no
50. Do You Smoke: no
51. Do You Drink: no
52. Do You Shower daily: yes
53. Do You Like thunderstorms: yes and no. they're exciting but scary.
54. Do You Curse: yeah
55. Do You Sing: ALL THE TIME
56. Do You Play an instrument: i want to play bass
57. Do You Think you are good looking: sometimes
58. Do You Get along with your parents: most of the time
59. Can you whistle: no
60. Right or left handed: left
61. Your bedtime: whenever i'm tired
62. Biggest fear: panicking like i did in 10th grade. that was rough.
63. 3 things you can't live without: my phone, my girlfriend, and my insulin i guess?
64. Color of your room: cream colored w posters everywhere
65. Siblings: one brother, younger; two sisters, older, my sisters and i don't have the same mother but my brother has my mother
66. Middle name: rose
67. Pets: two dogs <3
68. Nicknames: froggy
69. For or against gay marriage: i mean, it would be kinda silly to be against it considering i want to get one
70. Thoughts on abortion: you gotta do what you gotta do to survive
71. If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: with my gf
72. Do you wear contacts/glasses: sometimes. i need glasses but i don't wear them like i should. i lost them.
73. Are you afraid of the dark: yes
74. Where is your dream vacation spot: a hotel in orlando. just a hotel. no theme parks or anything. just. a. hotel.
75. Was this survey good: hella

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Re: distracting quiz...

Post by sweetelisum » Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:21 am

1. Name: Jamie aka James
2. DOB: 4-23-84
3. Birthplace: nashville, tn
4. Current location: franklin, tn
5. Eye color: blue
6. Hair Color: it's going to be blond by next week, but naturally a weird reddish black
7. Height: 5'5
8. Heritage:scottish, irish, indian, aaaan whatever barbados is
9. Piercings: ears
10. Tattoos: none yet,
11. Favorite Band/Singer: Pink Floyd or The Doors
12. Favorite Song: Eclipse
13. Favorite Genre of Music: classic rock, indie
14. Favorite Color(s): purple, green
15. Favorite TV show(s): blacklist, family guy, pretty little liars
16. Favorite Movie(s): Fracture
17. Favorite Food: anything i can throw up easily
18. Favorite Store: limited or banana republic
19. Favorite Number: 13
20. Favorite Drink: vodka with sparkling ice
21. Favorite Clothing Brand: The betty page brand
22. Favorite Shoe Brand: Madden, or if im being bitchy, Louis Vuitton
23. Favorite Animal: puppies, dogs, always always
24. Favorite Pizza topping: hawaiian
25. Favorite Season: fall
26. Favorite Month: october
27. Favorite Holiday: christmas...or halloween equally, weird, i know
28. Favorite Flower: Persephone or "sweet allysum" ha
29. Sunny or rainy: rainy
30. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
31. Fruit or veggie: veggie. i have hypoglycemia.
32. Night or day: night
33. Sour or sweet: sweeeet
34. Love or money: love
35. Phone or in person: in person
36. Poor & happy or rich & miserable:rich and miserable
37. Looks or personality: both.
38. Coffee or tea coffee
39. Hot or cold: hot
40. Goal for this year: get a job and laugh in my competitors faces
41. Most missed memory: losing the idea of someone
42. Best physical feature: eyes or tits, so i've been told
43. First thought waking up: god, why am i still here
44. Do you wanna get married yes, but cal won't so no i guess
45. Do you wanna have kids: no.. i don't think
46. If so, how many: one at the most
47. Do you wanna go to college: yes, finish it
48. What do you want to be: a licensed paralegal, investigator or genealogist
49. Do You Dance in the rain: yes
50. Do You Smoke: yes
51. Do You Drink: abundantly
52. Do You Shower daily:not when depressed
53. Do You Like thunderstorms: yes
54. Do You Curse:f***
55. Do You Sing: ALL THE TIME
56. Do You Play an instrument: guitar, violin, and laymans keyboard
57. Do You Think you are good looking: sometimes
58. Do You Get along with your parents: most of the time
59. Can you whistle: yes
60. Right or left handed: right
61. Your bedtime: when mytrazadone kicks in
62. Biggest fear: suicide.
63. 3 things you can't live without: internet/phone, my love, my personal info
64. Color of your room: cream colored w posters everywhere
65. Siblings: one brother, one sister
66. Middle name: elaine
67. Pets: two dogs <3 giz and sam sam
68. Nicknames: jae-may, james, jamies, millertime, miller lite, baby james
69. For or against gay marriage: for
70. Thoughts on abortion: you gotta do what you gotta do to survive
71. If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: on the couch gtting drunk with my love OR confronting someone
72. Do you wear contacts/glasses: npe
73. Are you afraid of the dark: yes
74. Where is your dream vacation spot: caymen islands
75. Was this survey good: hella hella hella!
"Hinged to forgetfulness
like a door,
she slowly closed out of
and she was the woman I loved,
but too many times she slept like
a mechanical deer in my caresses,
and I ached in the metal silence
of her dreams."
-Richard Brautigan

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