get to know the board staff

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get to know the board staff

Post by jo_alone » Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:54 pm

Hi I'm jo_can (previously jo_alone, I promoted myself!) or just plain Jo, I'm a busser and an admin here on bus.

I'm 35, nope 37 now (is it really 2 years since I first wrote this!), single, although engaged for a few months now to a great guy. I'm mother to a 16yo girl (that's her < ), Cian. That provides enough challenges in life on its own. She is VERY independent, headstrong but I love her with all my world.

I've been living with SI since year dot or it feels like it anyways. I did have a 10 year break kind of but this was when I was in a bad relationship. When I finally left, I was happy, relieved, nervous about starting a new life and the SI came back with a vengeance. I was recommended to come here from a domestic violence support board and kind of stayed :) Someone suggested that I didn't SI when I was in the relationship as I was "getting my SI through someone else". That proved to be a big turning point for me, to actually realise that and I shall be forever grateful.

I'm turning my life around - I'm back at work full time now (legal secretary), in a new job, a new relationship and a new house :) I also have a new kitty, mainly black with bits of white and called KiKi. She came from a rescue place and immediately fell very ill. I thought we were going to lose her. But she pulled round and is now fat and black :) We also have another kitty, Oscar who is just my babe.

SI is alot rarer now than it was, I'm hoping I can be without it for good very soon. I don't consider myself to be suffering from depression anymore but I do have bouts of anxiety/mild paranoia/self hate :roll: These I hope will go as I build my own self confidence.

I love to read, watch films (Gone with the Wind particularly), crosswords and I am addicted to pogo, a game site on the web full of "brain-dead" games. I love football (Come on Wycombe/England!) and those who know me already, know I like a pint or two at the weekend also :wink: I hate tea, coffee, baked beans and shopping. :evil:

Strengths - patience (most of the time!), calmness in crisis (most of the time again!), reasoning, BIG shoulders, LARGE ears, caring, sense of humour.

Weaknesses - may tend to get over-involved in things that don't concern me, lack of confidence in my own abilities.

I'm usually around if needed, don't be scared - I did say I was patient most of the time :)


Last edited by jo_alone on Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
One day I will not think...I will just be...

"You can talk to me, I am your safe place" - from a daft film I watched - but those words stuck out a mile

Sometimes people with the worst pasts have the best futures.

You learn from the journey and trying to get where you want to go. Actually arriving is not what it's all about.
tis me

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