help me cope...tell me something really stupid you did today

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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help me cope...tell me something really stupid you did today

Post by MyEvilTwin » Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:09 am

i just did something really stupid. i misinterpreted something someone said and sorta chewed him out (by email). two minutes later i realized what he wrote was a typo and he didn't mean any harm, so now i feel like a total arse.

little stupid stuff like this really rips me apart, and i'm afraid i'll be dwelling on it (it's already 2am) until i can get my mind off it.

i figure it might help if you guys tell me about stupid misunderstandings you've had and how you dealt with it.

btw yes i immediately sent another email saying "ignore my last email" and explaining myself... but i feel like it's too late. it's already out there :cry:

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Post by swanfaerie » Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:46 am

oh boy do i relate! i do stupid stuff almost everyday, and i too dwell on it to the point that i know it's unhealthy for me. :oops:

so today, i almost walked off the job but instead said to my boss that the way i'm being treated is like being f***ed in the *ss. (i can't believe i said that outloud to my boss rather than saying some a bit less vulgar :o)

i said hi to a visitor who was a former patient (i work at a drug detox) but since the visitor is a nurse and wearing the same color of scrubs our patients do, i tho't she relapsed and was back for treatment. so i said i was glad she chose to come back rather than stay in the addiction. then she said, "oh no! i'm just here visiting somebody."

me --> :oops:
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Post by MyEvilTwin » Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:09 am

owwch now that's what i call an oopsy daisy :o
i hope you don't mind that i sorta laughed when i read that.
i'm sure it sucked to be there. but from an outside perspective it's pretty funny :)

i guess that's what i hope will happen with me... eventually i'll be able to laugh... maybe. wouldn't it be great if life was like a sitcom and there's a studio audience who laughs at your mistakes and everything's just silly.

i once got into an argument with a roommate about wasting money on unnecessary supplies like 85 rolls of toilet paper. we were in a public place and i just remember yelling really loud, "I DON'T NEED TOILET PAPER, ASSHOLE!"

the whole room went dead silent

talk about stupid things to say :oops: but at least i can laugh about it now
it only took 3 years to get over the embarassment

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Post by pelagic » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:42 am

Bahaha once I fell asleep standing up when I was working !
That's not saying something silly but it was kinda funny.

I can't remember anything stupid I've done today, but I do know that I've said some really stupid stuff this past week. I hope I remember tomorrow (just remember.... sooner or later, you'll look back and laugh. sooner or later)

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Post by joeygirl » Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:55 pm

Well it wasn't today but the other week i set my head on fire!! Once i figured out i was ok and only had singed hair it was very funny!!! Talk about having a hot head huh?!
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Post by zombiepeople » Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:25 pm

I think yesterday it was that I went bowling and I had forgotten to put on bowling shoes, so when I went up to throw the ball, I kind of skidded on the floor and fell on my face 8)

A bunch of people in the bowling alley just sort of looked at me for a moment, then went back to what they were doing. I was so embarassed, but I busted out laughing because I know how stupid I looked.

I have a big bruise on my knee now, but it was funny so it's ok. :star:
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Post by onlypurples » Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:19 pm

I slept instead of going to church, which was stupid, because I needed some church time.
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Post by VowsOfSadness » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:48 am

one time one of my other employees was harassing me to hurry up and close so I basically listed ways he could cut corners, he got an odd look and said "We're not supposed to do that" which I found SO irritating since he had just harassed me for hours on how can we make close fast, so typical upset me fashion I said "I DON'T GIVE A F***!" That is when my manager, who was behind me for at least long enough to hear the list of ways to cheat on a close asked me if I wouldn't mind talking to him in the office.

:oops: :oops: :oops:
omg even still thinking of that makes me horrified lol.
but its mostly all good now.
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Post by *poke* » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:05 am

I tried to convince the dog imlooking after to eat the remains of my Sweet and Sour veggie dish, beacuse I dont like those particular veggies.

Now he wont eat the food i put dow unless it has sauce on it >_<
fail XD
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Post by Roxi » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:20 pm

not today ...but a week or so back - I got into a 'pretend fight' with a friend of mine in a really long line for the restroom at starbucks- she kept saying I was racist because I wouldn't let her use the toilet first. - It was kind of embarrassing because nobody knew that we already knew eachother and I got some really nasty looks even when I kept saying, rather loudly to her "Don't you dare turn this into a thing about skin colour or call me racist! " ... that actually made it worse - people just shook their heads and looked pityfully at me :blush: :blush:


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Post by amyfairy » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:33 pm

okay, I was waitressing over the lunch shift at a hotel this week and a guest ordered the rice pudding. So what did I take out for him? A lemon sponge :oops: ... but he didn't even notice! And said it was lovely!

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Post by calypso » Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:01 am

*poke* wrote:I tried to convince the dog imlooking after to eat the remains of my Sweet and Sour veggie dish, beacuse I dont like those particular veggies.

Now he wont eat the food i put dow unless it has sauce on it >_<
fail XD
:1roflmao: That's hilarious!

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