Emeritus staff bios (bios of former staff)

news about changes and fixes to the board, and a place to post any technical queries.

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Post by kcat » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:03 pm

Hello hello! Tis' KCat. I am currently moderating the Workshop.

I am 29, I live in a house with three cats, and I am a financial coordinator in a cancer hospital. But I just graduated from law school, so hopefully I will have a better job someday. :roll:

I have been self-harm free for a little over a year now ( :o ) and have bipolar disorder. I am working on accepting THAT little bugger into my life (the Bipolar) but am doing OK. I SI'd for quite awhile before I stopped.

I like Hello Kitty, reading, chocolate peanut butter ice cream, spending money (but I never have any, alas), yoga, and painting.

Nice to meet ya! :)
Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? --Rumi

Man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately in love with suffering.-- Dostoevsky

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Post by LBC » Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:59 pm

Hi Everyone

I'm little_bear_cub; most people call me LBC. I'm a mod on Arc, but I hang out in a lot of places on bus.

I'm 29, and I'm a social worker. I live alone with one cat (but I'd like to get another one!) I enjoy movies, reading, dance, music and theatre; my sense of humour tends toward the "darkish" side, so I also enjoy television shows like "Seinfeld", "Arrested Development", "The Daily Show" and (sometimes) "South Park". I'm also intensely interested in spirituality, although I'm not a religious person.

I'm also a writer; my first book will be coming out later in 2007.

I have physical disabilities, and I feel that this was part of the reason I started to SI when I did. I've been without SI for over 2 years now, and bus was a huge part of what helped me to do it.

I love pm's and getting to know people better, so consider my inbox always open. :)

If you believe everyone is the future
If you believe that nothing ever goes wrong
If you believe that deep down inside you're really falling apart
Know that everybody's weak and everyone can be strong. - Sloan

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Post by Spidey » Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:17 pm

i updated this on 4 aug 08]


i am electric prophet. most people call me spidey though :) fear not! i am a friendly [neon] pink arachnid :) :) i'm 26 and i mod coping and games (so come visit! *hint hint*). i'm also an avatar wrangler (meaning i upload avatars for use on the forum).

i live in my own flat with my cat smoke tetsuya komuro (he's named after tetsuya komuro, who's produced everyone under the sun, and is the keyboardist/leader of tm network, i kept his call name of smoke though because nobody could pronounce 'tetsuya'). i am currently a college student again, and therefore about to move for the second time in a year.

i've been si-ing since i was about 13. i decided in late july to not engage in any more self-destructive behaviours, and i have held to it. i have a lot of diagnonsenses but i don't give them credence because labels do not make the person.

my hobbies are listening to japanese music (right now i seem to be addicted to tetsuya komuro, gackt, globe, dir en grey, takashi utsunomiya and tm network), watching tv (i watch lost, project runway, gene simmons' family jewels and any home improvement show), spending time with my cats, programming, finding new ways to aggravate myself aka designing websites, drinking copious amounts of diet pepsi and seeing if ancient programs can work with my computers (so far i've been good at getting them to work).

oh, and i hate the wind. reaaaaaaaaaally hate the wind. [/random]

my strengths are that i can usually empathize with people, i can see both sides of a situation and hold the middle ground, i am fairly good at compromise and i work towards getting a solution that is equable to all

my weaknesses are that i can be really nosy, i am often selfish and i tend to dominate conversations :-? i'm working on it.

if you have a question or you want to pm me just because hey i exist, go ahead - you're more than welcome to, or you can drop me a line in my place.

take care

Last edited by Spidey on Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.
there is, in the end, the letting go.
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Post by magebaby » Sat Jun 02, 2007 12:45 am

Hi all.

I'm another full-time geek and a part-time su doku fiend. I have an oscillating relationship with peanut butter -- at the moment we are on very good terms, and spend lots of time with each other communing through the eating of PB&J sandwiches. At other times, i can't stand the thought the of peanut butter. Same goes for Marmite. Strange. Oh, and I read far too much Douglas Adams.

...And that's the important stuff about me really.

(I originally came to Bus when I was SIing...can't now remember the date... but I've now been SI-free for a few years. Kept coming back here though after I quit, and have been hanging around F/F and PBH most of the time. I'm pleased to be joining Friary and Magicmum and Silent on the F/F boards.)

take care all,

[edited for clarity]
Last edited by magebaby on Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." -- Vincent Van Gogh

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?" --Nelson Mandela

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Post by KathyG » Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:01 am

Hi everyone. I'm Kathy, a new mod in Workshop. The thing that I like the most about the Workshop forum is that real people post about real problems that they are working on. It makes me feel good to see so many Bussers who genuinely care about one another and want to help each other grow.

I am 41, female, I'm married and have 3 children, 2 girls (20 and 16) and one boy (13). We also have 4 rats and a leopard gecko and too many gold fish to count. :roll: Ideally, I would love to have a golden retriever, but that will have to wait.

I live in sunny Florida, USA, and don't think I would want to live anywhere else. I like most kinds of music, but contemporary country is my favorite. I do not like bluegrass, rock-a-billy or rap and I am not really a fan of Jazz. In the past my hobbies included photography, quilting and other generally crafty things. I have been trying to get reconnected with my hobbies, but I still don't have much interest in them yet. For me, the best way to distract and/or quiet the "negative head talk" is to play sudoku puzzles online.

I have struggled with bouts of depression as long as I can remember. Along with the depression I have had suicidal ideations (sp? - thats what t calls it) going back as far as I can remember. For a long time I didn't see the depression for what it was, and the suicidal thoughts I just kept to myself. I had some serious trouble when I was 20, but managed to keep it all hidden from my family and friends. There were some minor depressions over the next 18ish years. When I was 38, things hit an all time low. I discovered the relief of si unintentionally, but was instantly hooked. I didn't know at the time what I was really doing. I found BUS in October of 2004. It was so nice to have a place where I didn't feel like such an odd person.

I really like BUS. I love the people here. I find them to be caring and compassionate and best of all accepting. I hope to keep this in mind as I learn more about being a mod and while supporting the Workshop forum.

I think that my strengths and my weaknesses are very much the same. I feel that when I am focused and logical my traits are usually strengths. When I get emotional and take things to an extreme, the same traits become weaknesses. I am loyal and value loyalty. I try to be empathetic and compassionate. I am usually good at examining issues from different points of view. I strive for fairness and balance.

I welcome questions. I read and try to respond in a timely manner to pm's. So, feel free to talk to me.

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Post by caged bird » Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:21 am

Hey i'm caged bird (or usually known as birdie) and i'm an admin here now!

I’m 24 years old, live in the UK and currently work in mental health, although i'm about to go back to uni to do my social work masters

I joined BUS way back in 2002 and I think I can definitely say that I wouldn’t still be here were it not for BUS. It’s been somewhere I’ve been able to come back to on and off for the last couple of years whilst I’ve been trying to run away from my problems, and perhaps, more importantly now, it’s somewhere I can feel safe and work through things now I’m facing them.

I love animals, my fave colour is purple, I like working with kids and can be very good at making sure that people are represented and supported. I have spent time volunteering for a telephone and e-mail helpline whilst at uni and have loved doing it.

My favourite food is pasta and pesto (shows I’m a student), I’m kind and compassionate to other people and always happy to listen but I’m not always so good at integrating myself places and making new friends.

My PM box is ALWAYS open, and as i work shifts you're likely to find me online at the same time as you at some point :wink:

Last edited by caged bird on Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Being almost devastated is horrible because it lingers. But total devastation brings a kind of peace. It lets you give up.
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Post by pinky » Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:43 am

i guess i should post somethings about myself :)

i am pinky, i too am bad at writing intros and will apologize now for this being short...i joined BUS in 2004 and was on the mailing list for a few years before joining here at the website...

i am a mod on ARC and am the mod for the Welcome Wagon, i love welcoming all the new members...i also hang out in Place a lot... :D

i am 55, divorced, and have two grown kids, my daughter is 29 and is married, she has around 25 tarantulas and 2 cats...my son is 26 and is single...
he lives about 3 hours from me and comes home when he can get time off from work...

i have 3 dogs...Sueanne, a 4 year old border collie; Panda Bear, a 14 year old Lab; and Evie, a 8 year old cock-a-poo (she is my grandpuppy)...
my buddy Dewkey, a dalmatian went to Rainbow Bridge on April 20, 2012 ad my baby Carmen, was only 4 years old when went to Rainbow Bridge on July 12, 2008...
she had skin cancer and i will never forget her nor her fluffy fur or her kisses and love, she will always live within my heart... :pinkheart:
two of my grandpuppies went to Rainbow Bridge in 2011, Kalika and Yorkie...

i also have 7 cats and a turtle named Jesse, my son received him as a birthday present 19 years ago...

i have self harmed for years but am now fully recovered...i also have depression and degenerative disc disease in my spine and am disabled...i grew up in a very
abusive family and self harm was my way coping at a very young age...

i live in west virginia, in a very rural town..i spend alot of time on BUS as i can't do much housework, except to take care of my critters and clean my house only on my good days...

i share my bed with Sueanne, Panda Bear, Evie and my son's cat, Big Cat :D

i dont watch a lot of tv, though do like the Food Network...i like to listen to Pink and whenever i am on my computer, which is most of the day, i always have Pink playing in the background...

my pm box is always open...i hope that is enough about me :)
welcome wagon member - member of OATS - oldies against text speak
you will always be remembered and missed
:pinkheart: 7.12.08 Carmen :pinkheart:
:pinkheart: 1.16.11 Kalika :pinkheart:
:pinkheart: 11.3.11 Yorkie :pinkheart:
:pinkheart: 4.20.12 Dewkey :pinkheart:
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Re: get to know the board staff

Post by han » Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:25 pm

Hi! I’m han

I’m 28, female and have been a member of bus since 2002. I’m now a mod in place (the journaling board). I think place is great because it really lets you get to know people and I’ve made some good friends there. Although I’m normally in place, I do visit other boards and if there’s something you’d like me to look at just let me know!

I live in London with my partner and work full time. I have a degree in psychology and hope to use that more soon. I’d love to have pets, but for now I have plants. In my spare time I’m learning to ice skate, I read a lot (and I’m always happy to get book recommendations), I travel as much as I possibly can and take millions of photos – especially if there is any wildlife around.

I try to give good practical advice for problems as well as listening and offering hugs, and I’m working on giving myself good advice too :roll: I love the power of positive thinking and like to tell myself “I am creating a beautiful day”. I think bus is a really special place and I’ve learnt a lot here – so I’m very happy to have been made a mod and will try to help as much as I can. I look forward to getting to know you, feel free to be in touch

han x

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Re: get to know the board staff

Post by Neviah » Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:12 am

It's bad that I only just found this isn't it?

I'm Neviah :) I'm sure most of you already know me. I've been on bus for a good few years, joined while I was at school and having a particularly bad time with SI and ED and sometimes SU. I've whinged on in my place and nest for that long they made me nest staff :tongue: no but really I am someone who likes to listen and offer snuggles if i can't think of any advice and I really have basically lived in nest most of my time here. It's since I became staff I've been brave enough to post on main a bit more :olol:

I am 20 years old and have a lovely boyfriend and we have a rabbit called Ryo-Ohki, some of you may recognise that name from the anime "Tenchi" Ryo-ohki is the cabbit (cat cross rabbit that later turns into a space ship) he's a dutch rabbit and he can be very naughty. I think he's a bit confused too as he is a dutch rabbit living in england with a japanese name. I do not do things by halves :tongue:

There's not much else that's interesting about me to be honest, I am blonde and short and I work in a bakery lol.

I am honoured to be bus staff and to be made a nest mod was a major thing for me, working alongside magicmum is fab :)

Think that's it. :)

Nev x

Edit to add: I have just been made a place mod too, this too is an honor as ive been continuously whinging in there too :olol: very happy to be working alongside the others and will do my best to uphold the standards of moderation thus far. :)

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Re: get to know the board staff

Post by Licentia Poetica » Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:23 pm

Ooh, I just noticed my post was moved to emeritus staff because I took a few months off last year :lol: I'll delete that one as most of the stuff has changed.

Well, everyone here calls me El and everyone's forgotten why because it's not my real name. (A very confusing point to the 20 or so Bussers I've met in real life!).

I'll be 24 this year (feels old :roll:) Although I'm more of an artist than a designer, I'm at uni studying design but currently taking a hiatus because last year I was diagnosed with a chronic pain disorder which is still currently wreaking hell on my life.

I also suffer from borderline personality disorder, major depression, generalised anxiety disorder and EDNOS. I still SI from time to time but a hell of a lot less than I used to. My depression took a reprieve in 2008, then I relapsed, but I've learnt a lot through 7 years of therapy so I don't think I'll ever sink as low as I used to be.

I have a boyfriend I'm totally in love with, I'm on a disability pension, and I live in Sydney Australia, although I lived in France for a year in 2009.

I pride myself in being approachable, very friendly, and non-judgemental so feel free to pm me for any reason.

:redstar: El
:redstar: the time to tell a person you care is now :redstar: the paper crane chain of hope :redstar:


If we knew each other's secrets, what comforts we should find.
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