Things Left Unsaid *LA*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by sassy koala » Wed May 19, 2004 7:00 pm

dammit kid

It's your fucking paperwork. get fucking organized and do it. And when I fucking organize it, keep it fucking organized. And call the fucking INS yourself. You're home all motherfucking day. DO IT!!!!!!
It's really not that hard. :roll:

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Post by say » Wed May 19, 2004 7:03 pm

Tell me it's enough. Tell me you know how much I hurt so I can stop now. Tell me it's real enough, and bad enough. Hug me.


Post by Guest » Thu May 20, 2004 8:57 am

That was a really stupid thing to say. If I cut myself I would not be cutting you. Don't use emotional blackmail.

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Post by dreams » Thu May 20, 2004 12:05 pm

A relationship is about taking the good with the bad. Not giving up as soon as things get tough. It hurts me so much that you gave up on me so quickly. I AM a nice person and I DESERVE to be loved. I will keep trying to get better not for you but for me because i want to be better.
One day in your life missing love will remind you, how could you leave it all behind?
one day i hope you'll learn what love truely is. I don't even know whether we could be together again even if you wanted to be - you deserted me when i needed you, why should i live a life pretending everything is fine and dandy just because i'm frightened that if things go wrong you'll go away again?

I deserve to be loved for who i am and i've been through enough - don't put me through more pain.

:clover: dreams

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Post by Euphemia » Thu May 20, 2004 5:33 pm

m: i wish i could tell you how much you mean to me and how much you'v helped me, we don't speak much a nymore and its making me kinda sad, i wish for once you would speak to me instead of me always feeling like i'm annoying you, and i often get the feeling you're only talking to me because you feel you have to, so make up your mind either you want me in you rlife or not i'mnot going to wait around forever, though i will always be there for you no matter what!
oh and also i'd appreciate it if you wouldn't say something to me and then something else to your friends *see F*

F: you never should have been involved, you nver should have known but just because you do don't think you know everything about me or everything about everyone who si's

J: yea so what happened to you *being there for me* where are you now?

k: get some friggin fake tan already and pleasedont pretend like nthing happened you pretty much bullied me but u didn't like it much when i fought back so why don't you grow up and no, not everyone fancies you in fact i'd be surprised if your boyfriend does-we all know you're a ho.

e: i get the point you scratch yourself so please stop flaunting it in my face, i know you get deperessed too but it would be v helpful if you didn't go on and on and on and on about all your problems and then when something is going on with me you just ignore me-thanks for that, and it really doesn't make me feel any better to hear you say how many people fancy you and how many people tell you you are gorgeous then go on about how you thinkyoure so fat and no one likes you-give it up some people don't have anyone to fancy them - but you know i love you i'm just having a wee rant

c: up yours

G: up yours too

to myself: grow the f*k up, not everything is about you and if you fail your exams it's down to you wasting so much time i.e. now!

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Post by indiegirl » Fri May 21, 2004 8:11 pm

The Most Beautiful Girl in the World - Please can you come round, I'm tired and sad and scared and I need you to hold me like only you can.

L x
<center>I'm so modern everything is pointless (Nicky Wire's shirt 1994)
In three words I can sum up everything that I have learned
about life. It goes on (Robert Frost)
*~*on the way back up*~*</center>

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Post by Solemn Rurouni » Fri May 21, 2004 9:34 pm

Dad - why can't you start beign considerate of you family, damnit!?!?
Mom - *censored*
Hannah - Get it through your brain I WANT TO BE ALONE and stop being such a fucking idiot, leave me be!!!
Michaella and Kylie - suck it up you idiots and start acting mature, I'm going through a lot worse than you, just stop bitching about all your pathetic problems
Myself - please get better
```I have more pain than you'll ever know```

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Post by Calluna vulgaris » Sat May 22, 2004 3:46 am

Mike - I love you in a way I've never loved anyone else. I can't be your girlfriend, because I'm long-term taken. Please don't be sad because of what we aren't... be joyous because of what we are. And what we are is great friends, a support system that's infallable. *hugs*

Dave - As you're "away" right now, I feel like I'm chatting to a brick wall. That's ok, though. Because you always seem to know what to say, what not to say, when to give advice and when to just change the subject and ask me yet once again if I'd consider having a romp with you in the woods on the 7th.

Kim - I don't give a shit about your boyfriend, lack of boyfriend, surplus of boys who aren't your boyfriends but you kiss anyway. You used to be my friend, but you don't seem to get the fact that I have issues of my own that I'm trying to sort out. I can't give you advice all the time. STOP BEING SO DAMNED CLINGY!

Dayna - You are my little sis, but I have this feeling that something's just not right at the moment... I'm sorry, and I would ask, but I don't want my intuition to betray me and find out that there's nothing wrong at all. I love you sweetie.

last, but not least, Corey - I love you hun, please understand that I hate worrying you and as such often refuse to tell you things. It bugs the crap outta me when you've just insisted I tell you something, and then you reinforce the fact that "I really worry you" or "I really scare you". That's NOT helping. In fact, it makes me want to not tell you even more.


Post by Guest » Tue May 25, 2004 11:16 am

Shut the fuck up you stupid stupid bitch!!! You are so self centred and smug and STUPID. Go away and stop bothering people who are in no way interested in your self indulgent crap.

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Post by enna » Tue May 25, 2004 1:49 pm

Please don't take this personally, but could you please just SHUT UP.

Do I have to wear a sign that says "I am upset, please stop talking to me" around here?
I'm tired of laughing and I'm tired of crying
Tired of failing and tired of all this trying
I want to do some living
Cause I've done enough dying
I just wanna dance
I just wanna f**king dance

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Post by lost down here » Tue May 25, 2004 9:47 pm

I dunno, I just wish that you would pay a little more attention to me. I'm trying my best for you day after day after day and I feel as though you don't care and don't notice what is going on in my life. I'm suicidal, I'm depressed, my family is abandoning me, and my life is going to be absolute hell over the next 12 months because of other things, and only once have you asked me how I'm doing with my life in general (as in not related to my depression) in the past 7 months. I don't know what to do anymore I honestly don't, and your lack of compassion isn't helping...

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Post by kurdt_kobain » Wed May 26, 2004 3:29 am


Listen. I'm not a whiner. I don't know how you see me, but I can't tell you anything because I am so scared that you'll think that of me. I really am. I'm terified. Listen, please.
Out of all the people I know, I have the most respect for you. And I really wish you would offer to listen to me when I ask for help. I know you would listen, but I'm too scared to ask you because I know if I do you'll feel like you can't say no.
I want you to like me.
I don't feel like you like me.

I'm sorry; I'm insecure.

Thank you for all you've done for me.

trying to follow in the footsteps of the masters,
but it's a lot harder than it looks because even though
they had the same size feet as us, they weren't looking
down the whole time while they walked to make sure
they were doing it right.
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Post by snowangel_03 » Wed May 26, 2004 10:26 am

he'll never read thos cause he doesnt know about the board or how i feel about him, but here goes..

HOW the fuck could you do that to me!!! She says she loves you but there's no way that she can love you anywhere *NEAR* as much as I do!!!

I've known and loved you longer than she has..
"XXX is in love with me and I love her" - I don't give a fuck!!

"thought you might get a kick outta that" WHAT THE FUCK are you on about?!? I was fucking heartbroken!

You say that you care about me.. sign off your emails "love ya!" - if you cared, you'd gently ease me into letting me know that you're with her..
You wouldn't just dump it on me; you know I'm going thru hell right now..
Did you think it'd make me feel better or something?!?!

You're just another bastard that doesn't care about me.. so fuck you.

> Give SnowAngel HUGS <
:tslug: Last SI: -- Image

> My Sigillum Diaboli - Read 1stPost <

KLove24's twin | Owns ultimate starshine | Haven's special RW buddy
Oftentimes all we need is a thought or a message to help us see another side to the problem,
or just some hope that life will be better - magicmum

Hugs & PM's are fine
The Truth that can set Souls Free is Buried within Sweet Pandemonium
To cry is to know that you're alive


Post by Guest » Wed May 26, 2004 11:24 am

I fucking hate these computers and this wanky piece of shit database and this fucking useless programme!!!! Aaaarrghhhhhhhh!!! This whole company is FUCKED

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Post by kurdt_kobain » Thu May 27, 2004 12:43 am

love me, me, me, me, me

...i don't care if it's out of the in crowd, a gang, a reason to smile...

...i'll wear any kind of clothes you want...

...i want to be a c c e p t e d...

is there anyone out there?

i'm so alone...

[from Godspeed...kinda just done by memory...there are probably phrases that I left out...but this says what i'm feeling better then I could]
trying to follow in the footsteps of the masters,
but it's a lot harder than it looks because even though
they had the same size feet as us, they weren't looking
down the whole time while they walked to make sure
they were doing it right.
[story people]

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Post by nirvana » Thu May 27, 2004 1:39 am

you are a slut.

a fucking slut.

believe them when they say it, because they're right.

and you're stupid.

you do this to yourself.


from me, to me.
i thought i was a fool for no one, but baby i'm a fool for you.

[safe since february 2005.]

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Post by pretty » Fri May 28, 2004 12:24 pm

You have spent my whole life pushing me down into the ground. You've made me fight so hard not to hate you. You've hurt me so much. You made me so scared of living. You made me so scared of you. You did this to me, and I hope one day you can see that and be sorry. If when I was a little girl you had said I was good and pretty and clever, that I'd done well, all of which was true I might never have ended up here. I wish you could feel what you've done to me.
'this is what she says gets her through it,
"if I don't let myself be happy now, then when?"' - jimmy eat world



Post by Guest » Fri May 28, 2004 2:36 pm

Well, durrrrr. Take your own advice sometime, fucker.

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Post by nirvana » Sat May 29, 2004 2:46 am

again, tara:

you are a slut.
a fucking slut.
believe them when they say it, because they're right.
and you're stupid.
you do this to yourself.

you let him see. you fucking whore. what the hell were you thinking?? he saw the fucking cuts; he knows. and you didn't cover it up, bitch. why not? why didn't you say it was something else? and lie?

i thought i was a fool for no one, but baby i'm a fool for you.

[safe since february 2005.]

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Post by pretty » Sat May 29, 2004 11:54 am

Fuck off. Just fuck off.
'this is what she says gets her through it,
"if I don't let myself be happy now, then when?"' - jimmy eat world



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