Bitch Fest / Things Left Unsaid II *LA*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by AlteredImage » Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:13 pm

This is what I want to hear from these people

J : You were right, I shouldnt expect you to become who i want you to be. You are a valid person.

Mum: i am sorry i didnt listen to you, sorry for blaming you. You are an individual and i respect that. i dont expect you to be like ur twin.

c: I am envious of you. I was wrong when i said that you could never compare to me

xx - I care

my dad and younger sis arent on the list because they already tell me they love me and will listen to me when i need a friend
Last edited by AlteredImage on Tue Feb 10, 2004 3:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.
But the dreams were not forgotten,
Just wrapped, and packed away
In the hope that she could take them out,
And dust them off one day.

The girl would sing the melody,
But the woman stands in doubt
And wonders what the price would be,
For letting the young girl out.

There's a girl inside the woman,
Who's waiting to get free ...........

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Post by guest11 » Sun Feb 08, 2004 10:27 pm

"I'm sorry. It was irresponsible for me to kiss your girlfriend and put vodka in her drinks without her permission. I've been a total idiot and I take back calling you "Sir Cutsalot", and everything else I said"

Yeah right.... :roll:


Post by Guest » Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:23 pm

From D:
"I realise I'm a bitch and a smug, up my own arse bitch at that. I'm sorry for pissing you off EVERY TIME I OPEN MY UGLY MOUTH."

From A:
"Yes, I do so adore myself. You're right."

From M:
"It's all going to be OK."

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Post by joanthegoat » Fri Feb 13, 2004 7:06 am


I'm coming back next year, I promise.
nothing, whether deed, word, thought or text, ever happens in relation, positive or negative, to anything that precedes, follows, or exists elsewhere, but only as a random event whose power, like the power of death, is due to the randomness of its occurrence.

-- Paul de Man

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Post by indiegirl » Fri Feb 13, 2004 3:06 pm

i want to hear; I love you, never leave me
<center>I'm so modern everything is pointless (Nicky Wire's shirt 1994)
In three words I can sum up everything that I have learned
about life. It goes on (Robert Frost)
*~*on the way back up*~*</center>

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Post by Laura » Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:22 pm

Dr C - I misjudged you at first, and that delayed your getting the right treatment. I'm sorry.

Dr B - I was wrong not to ask you about SU thoughts, and to assume you were just looking for attention. I will try to be less prejudiced with new patients.

M, and J , and R - I'm sorry the things I said about psychiatric patients at my work upset you. I didn't know then that you were directly affected by this. Perhaps we could talk about how it feels to be on the other side of things, so that I can change my attitudes a bit.
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Post by pretty » Fri Feb 13, 2004 6:23 pm

G&G-Whatever you do will be ok by us. We love you unconditionally, we don't think you're a failure. We will recognise that you're ill and treat you with love and kindness. We will support you through whatever you need to do to get better.
'this is what she says gets her through it,
"if I don't let myself be happy now, then when?"' - jimmy eat world


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Post by serenity » Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:43 am

Mom and dad-I'm proud of you.
T-Sorry I've been such a dick.
J-I'm sorry i lied to you, sorry i told you your feelings ment the most when at that point they didnt. I know i wont have your trust again like i did but i want you to know that i wont stop trying to regain it.
B-im here for you, through everything. It will be okay.
:redstar: Nothing is impossible, even the word itself says, "I'm Possible." :redstar:

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Post by dreams » Tue Feb 24, 2004 10:48 pm

Things i want to hear:

C - i'm sorry i upset you i never realised that the things i said had such an effect on you. Please forgive me and be my friend. I would like to be your friend we get on really well.

J - I'm sorry we haven't spoke for ages i do think about you and want to catch up. I promise i will speak to you as soon as i can.

mum and dad: we love you for who you are.

:clover: brokendreams :clover:

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Post by C_Tyrdrop » Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:35 am

From Dante: "Mono really opened my eyes. I'm going to quit my job the moment my car's paid off."

From E: "Hey, guess who died in a car accident? I think this will help my nightmares."

From T: nothing I don't already hear.

From my parents: "We're proud of you, and we realise how hard things are. You've done enough. We'll back off about the schoolwork."

From K: "I fucked up. I'm changing. I won't touch you without your permission."

From S: "I'm moving back to the Ukraine."

From some random person on the street: "Wow, you have really pretty hair."

Thank you for starting this thread, DiamondHeart.
Hey Jude,
Don't make it bad.
Take a sad song
And make it better.
To let her into your heart,
Then you can start,
To make it better.


Hugs are always appreciated.

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Post by indiegirl » Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:47 pm

A - I know you cant talk to me right now, but i'm here until you can
<center>I'm so modern everything is pointless (Nicky Wire's shirt 1994)
In three words I can sum up everything that I have learned
about life. It goes on (Robert Frost)
*~*on the way back up*~*</center>

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Post by PassingCloud » Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:56 pm

my family in the states:

We believe in you. We miss you. We love you.

(they have said those things before - I just wish they would say them NOW. I need it atm. I miss them so. but they are going through a tough time... I cannot ask for their support right now... :cry: )
[I'm talking about my life.][I can't seem to get that through to you.]
[I'm not just talking about one person,][I'm talking about everybody.]
[I'm talking about form, I'm talking about content.][I'm talking about inter-relationships.]
[I'm talking about God, the Devil, Hell, Heaven!]
[Do you understand?]
(one flew over the cuckoo's nest)

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Post by filtheesbaby » Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:06 am

Jay: I wish you understood that just because I have difficulty in loving myself it doesn't mean my love for you is void in any way shape or form, and invalidating my love and devotion to you in that way, hurts and confuses me

Evette: I want to be there for you but I don't know how to be the kind of friend you really need of me and i'm sorry for not always doing the right thing by you, I wish I had noticed the signs earlyier and got you the help that you needed, as soon as you needed it....I'm sorry for not helping you,I blame myself for where you are today

Mum and Dad- I love you both dearly but you know we are very different people and I don't relate the anybody in this family. It doesn't mean I don't love and respect you but you have to understand that me being different is a right and privilige of mine and that your insecurities for my furutre only further my own self doubtabout who I am as a person and my place in this world

To the bullies: Daniel, Gemma,Cara,Mufasa...I'm not mad at you for what you did to me all those years- and everybody thinks I should be because what you put me through is liable for the onset of my ocd,depression and the route cause of my SI....only you made me alot stronger than I ever thought I could be.You gave me the chance to build myself and my life from scratch even though at the time that meant needing a suicide attempt in order to do it.I am thankful for your years of abuse because I escaped it unbitter,stronger,and more determined to show you I can become far more than those who deemed me worthless.

And finally: To all the Si'ers out there, all the depressed or lonely people, the suicidal or sad, the hurt or tormented ppl who I don't know personally but I know are out there....
Somebody cares whether you know it or not,I wish I could hug you because I can relate,nearly everyone on the board i'm sure wants to hug you because they can relate,
There is a world much bigger and much stronger than the one people have built for you, and that is the one you build for yourself. You have worth and value,you are unique and you are special...because everyone is.Remember that whenever you feel weak, the strongest muscel in the body is the heart, people may break it,but it can keep beating,if you just give it the can mend,things can get better, and life can go on.

Hugs to everyone....sorry if I rambeled..... :star: :-)
King Crimson - Epitaph
Between the iron gates of fate,
The seeds of time were sown,
And watered by the deeds of those
Who know and who are known;
Knowledge is a deadly friend
When no one sets the rules.
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools.

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Post by ~Claire~ » Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:26 pm

Im sorry.
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Dance like nobody's watching.
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
:pinkstar: :lpurpstar: :dkpurpstar:


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Post by talliah » Mon Mar 08, 2004 5:03 pm

i am your tourniquet.
(but this time when you say it, i want you to know me and know what the above actually means. and i want you to want me)

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Post by theatregeek » Thu Mar 11, 2004 2:25 am

Matt: I broke up with her, so now we can do all those things we have been doing and not feel ashamed, i love you and i want you.......

Mom: Im sorry i have been a bitch.

Dad: Its ok if u cut, i understand.
Lie To me
Convince Me That I've Been Sick Forever
And All Of This
Will Make Sense When I Get Better
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Post by kurdt_kobain » Thu Mar 18, 2004 3:57 am

Joel: I actually like you.

Ms P: I'm sorry for what I did. I was just concerned about you. I'm here if you ever need me.

Anyone: You're a pretty, worthwhile person.

Mr H--We'll give you some anchor spots.

Tyler: I'm sorry for what I said, you're an okay person.
trying to follow in the footsteps of the masters,
but it's a lot harder than it looks because even though
they had the same size feet as us, they weren't looking
down the whole time while they walked to make sure
they were doing it right.
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Post by Dungeon_Lilly » Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:29 pm

J- I love you
-I'm sorry you cut i'm alway here if you need me.

Sam- Ok you were just doing as you were told

Sophie- sorry I spoke down to you it was wrong of me

Parents- sorry

it's our fault

we love you

Edexcel exam board- you passed your ND :roll:

I'm all lost in the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personality


:dkpurpstar: :purpstar: :lpurpstar:

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Post by kurdt_kobain » Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:32 am

I believe you. I understand that you're not the type of person that would do something like this. I have a lot of respect for you, and when you say you didn't do something, I believe you.
trying to follow in the footsteps of the masters,
but it's a lot harder than it looks because even though
they had the same size feet as us, they weren't looking
down the whole time while they walked to make sure
they were doing it right.
[story people]

Inwë Lessien

Post by Inwë Lessien » Wed Mar 24, 2004 3:57 am

I'm sorry. You're right, I have been a complete ass and have taken everything about you for granted. I can't believe how blind I've been. Is there any way you can find it in your heart to take me back? I'm driving home as we speak. I've missed you so much. I can't wait to see you. I love you; never forget that?

me = ::continues to sob and dream::


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