There exists a PHPBB mod that is IDEAL for bus.

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There exists a PHPBB mod that is IDEAL for bus.

Post by HectorVictorius » Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:04 pm

Hi, I just wanted to report that I know of a mod in PHPBB - Which, if I've got it right, is this type of forum, that will hide "spoiler text" which would be perfect for this forum, since someone could use the BBcode:

[hide={**SI**}] Text That would be tagged with SI goes here [/hide]

and then, when someone else read the post, they would only see a link that says **SI** instead of the actual text that is hidden. This would probably make a lot of people more comfortable, and it would be a more effective way of tagging things that people may not want to see - It requires action on the part of the reader to see the tagged/spoiler/hidden text.

I'm pretty new to PHP and HTML, so I don't actually know how difficult it would be to incorporate these mods into bus, but I figured that since it would be valuable to have, hopefully someone else with more computer experience than I would be able to figure it out?

Here are a couple of links that talk about the hide BBCode.

This one has a .zip file that apparently contains the mod in it.

This one has many mods listed in it.

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Post by breathing » Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:37 pm

Wow, that would be awesome!

Waiting to hear info.

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Post by Keith » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:37 am

This would involve installing another mod, Multi BBcode mod, before you could install this one and both mods are not for the feint hearted to install, you would need a good understanding of how things work to install these mods.

Also this mod does not work across all browsers and for those that it does work on it would be dependant on the user having Java script enabled in there browser.

To be honest this is a very complicated mod to install, take that together with it's incompatibilities with peoples choice of browser and choice as to weather they wish to have java script enabled in there browser or not my advise would be not to install this mod.

I think the guidelines in place on BUS at the moment with regard to putting spoilers on posts are sufficient.

Take care, Keith

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Post by HectorVictorius » Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:02 am

Keith, you raise some valid points but I disagree with you on some of them. Please don't take it personally. I just want to argue for the hide BBcode in feasibility, in counterpoint to the legitimate problems you saw with it.

While I can agree that it might be too complicated to actually pull off, if it could be browser computability would be a minor problem. It would work in Firefox and IE, which is already mostly everyone, and then if you go to the next step - Safari and maybe Ice Weasel, it still would work. It seems like it would only not work on a very outdated browser. Those who have no-script and/or block Java could choose to enable it, or, just see the text, tagged, instead of hidden (which is the current system in place anyways).

So...for almost all, it would work, and for those for whom it would not, they would still be able to see the text tagged.

I think that it is perfectly acceptable if no one has the time/expertise to do it, but I think that if it was successful, it wouldn't pose much of an accessibility problem. According to the thread, hidden text would instead show up normally. This is a good concern for you to bring up, though. This means that even if this mod would work, people should still tag as they always have, and may hide additionally (instead of replacing the old system with the new BBcode).

The current system does work, but I think this would be even better. That said, does sound complicated, so unless someone with the appropriate expertise volunteered, it wouldn't be possible.

If you're one of the people responsible for technical support on bus - I didn't mean to create a groundswell of support for something that would be really difficult to do.

I wanted to argue for it so that the idea wouldn't be overlooked if the possibility does exist, though.

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Post by Keith » Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:29 am

Hi HectorVictorius,

Healthy debate is always good in my book :)

First let me clear up one thing, I am not a tech support person for Bus, I am however a systems administrator and it is what I do for a living.

Taking the possible browser compatibility and java script issues aside what about those who have sight problems or use screen readers? Having something like this could make it impossible for them to read messages.

I think Bus should be easy to use and accessible for all and installing something that could limit that accessibility for some is not a good idea in my view.

Take care, Keith

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Post by Spidey » Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:29 pm

that's a really, really hard mod to incorporate on the board. i've seen the spoiler hide function used on other boards and truth be told, if you pretty much do ANYTHING else to the board it breaks it big time. it's risky and even i, who am fairly decent at this stuff, wouldn't touch it.

this would also pose accessibility problems to those who use screen-readers.
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Post by breathing » Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:34 pm

I wouldn't want to break the board.

And I use Opera, and I refuse to switch! :wink:

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Post by HectorVictorius » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:12 pm

Bad idea, then.

Just goes to show that CS people are everywhere on the internet.

And the fact that phpbb is compatible with all sorts of accessibility is really impressive.

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