Your Top Ten Distractions

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Your Top Ten Distractions

Post by mittens » Thu May 30, 2002 3:28 am

I just thought I'd try this and see if I get any responses. Let's all list our top ten distractions for when we really wanna SI, but know somewhere in us, we don't either. Maybe we can share ideas. Here are mine:
10. Play a computer game requiring concentration(tetris, pinball)
9. Eat a lot of a yummy that is completely unhealthy food(ice cream, popcorn)
8. Do a jigsaw puzzle
7. Buy myself flowers
6. Put on an entirely new outfit
5. Turn up the music and dance
4. Concentrate my energy on doing somethings productive(thank-you notes, cleaning a room/desk, homework)
3. Show my pillow who is boss
2. Post on these boards
1. Call a friend

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Post by 'rissy » Thu May 30, 2002 4:08 am

Ok I'll give this a whirl... although i'll warn you I haven't been doing so hot at following through and using these...
Ok..these are some things I do to distract myself:
1. Playing with my two kitties
2. Playing upbeat music and dancing around my apartment like a maniac.
3. Wrapping myself up in my schoolwork( I am taking summer classes) and my part time job...
5. Curling up in a blanket with one of my favorite drinks and watching a movie.
6. Buying something nice for myself
7 Eating my favorite ice cream in the whole world Breyers Vanilla Fudge Twirl..
8.Writing letters to friends and family members letting them know that I am thinking about them
9.Running to my very supportive boyfriend for a hug
10. Exercising
oh and what the heck we'll add a bonus..
*11.. Playing around on the computer and posting on this site... I love coming here and talking with others and getting ideas about distractions.. I am so glad I found this site..
Well and there you have it .... *smiles* 'rissy

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Post by Tamrick » Thu May 30, 2002 4:05 pm

Okay, lets try this:

1. getting on this site and posting
2. writing in a journal
3. going for a walk
4. phoning home or a friend
5. going to sleep
6. watching a movie
7. playing or listening to music
8. playing computer games
9. doing some work - studying seldom works well though
10. going shopping and buying something special and different
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Post by just a girl » Thu May 30, 2002 8:59 pm

1. Take a shower.
2. call my bf
3. coloring
4. painting
5. posting on the board
6. eating
7. taking a nap
8. scream
9. go find someone to hang out with just so i'm not alone
10. squeeze an ice cube

i was kinda stretching... sry if some of them aren't very good.
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Post by splitimage » Fri May 31, 2002 2:19 am

Wow - 10 is a lot - here goes

1. Surf the web
2. Play music
3. Deadhead my petunias (summer only)
4. Squeeze Mr.Teddy (my teddy bear)
5. Hide in bed.
6. phone friends
7. Write bad poetry
8. Cook something massively complicated
9. Make books.
10. repeat above, as I am out of ideas...

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Post by SONshine » Fri May 31, 2002 8:06 pm

Aight my favorite 10 hmmmmm well here we go....

1. Grinding which is agressive inline skating
2. playing basketball
3. Hanging with my lil' Dude
4. Listening to music
5. Playing pinball on my puter
6. Go Cruising in my car
7. Going to the bay
8. surfing the board and posting messages
9. go running
10. If none of these work..calling my T
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Post by Guest » Fri May 31, 2002 10:31 pm

ok here goes sooooo what do i do
1. Phone a friend a have a good natter
2. take a shower/bath
3. Go out
4. Be around other people
5. Hold an ice cube (sounds stupid but it works)
6. Scream
7. Take a walk/run
8. Do some form of exercise
9. Listen to music
10. If all else fails sit in the corner of the room and cry.

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Post by ms2 » Sun Jun 02, 2002 12:14 am

1.i play with my dog scruffy.
2.i watch movies in bed.
3.i read my bible
4.sing a spiritual song.
5. i call friends just to talk not about my urges.
6. i go through my dbt handout.
i go on the computer to read my e-mail from other communities i joined
8.i pray.
10.i wait 20 minutes to see if the feeling goes away if not i call my therapist. [/list][/list]

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Post by sine nomine » Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:55 am

i'm going to split it in two, cause i had different things for what i thought of as passive bad feelings making me want to hurt myself (sad, ashamed, humiliated, etc) and active ones (anger would be a huge one in that category).

in no particular order...


1. tearing up newspaper or a phone book
2. screaming
3. cutting up a soda bottle while ranting at it
4. dancing
5. singing along to ministry or a similar band
6. stomping aluminum cans for recycling
7. throwing water balloons
8. stomping up the stairs
9. slamming a door
10. going for a long walk


1. taking a long hot bath with lots of nice-smelling stuff
2. curling up in bed with a book
3. listening to sad music, stuff that made me cry
4. telling myself i could do it if i waited 15 minutes
5. getting online and researching something that interested me
6. wandering around a big store
7. playing minesweeper
8. irc/mushing
9. drinking hot herbal tea
10. rocking

nowadays, i don't use these very often and i don't use the active ones much at all (i might slam a door or stomp up the stairs now and again). i still use the passive, self-soothing ones when i feel bad and want to be nice to myself; i also go for long drives in my car when i'm upset.


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top 10 distractions

Post by gui hong » Sun Jun 02, 2002 3:07 am

I am lousy at distracting myself (like almost never) but it's a good idea to have a list anyway:

10. the shower or the bathtub (no shaving)
9. posting on the board
8. going to the gym
7. cleaning the house
6. delving through the papers on my desk, answering mail5.
5. baking something mmmmmmm delicious
4. blasting a CD and dancing
3. banging around on my keyboard
2. writing rubbishy poetry
1. general surfing on the net

but usually I get so unmotivated to do any of these...hope I can keep myself from getting that down in the future

gui hong
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Post by Nilkku » Sun Jun 02, 2002 7:13 am

1. sleeping (I know a relaxation technique that almost never fails, so I can fall asleep almost whenever I just want to)
2. shopping
3. phoning my grandfather (he is a bit lonely and depressed and becomes so happy every time I phone him)
4. eating something healthy but good (like fresh whole wheat bread with cheese and vegetables)
5. listening to loud music (heavy metal)
6. washing dishes
7. writing in my journal
8. mindlessly surfing on the net (hm, I do this all the time)
9. phoning my boyfriend
10. eating lots of biscuits or chocolate (this is the last resort) :)

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10 Distractions

Post by moonunit » Sun Sep 01, 2002 8:36 pm

So i was surfing through and found this post...I'm trying to think of my top 10 distractions...which i think is a good idea, for i might end up coming up with some new ones.

1. Intense exercise
2. Talking on the phone
3. Loud music
4. Cleaning
5. The mall (for more distraction, not shopping)
6. Honestly, marijauna sometimes is a distraction.
7. Drawing on myself with red marker
8. Holding ice cubes (seriously it works!!)
9. Walking
10. Painting

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Post by Maura » Mon Sep 02, 2002 6:02 am

lets see
1. play on the computer
2. take a bath
3. go work out
4. talk to my dogs
5. call Cat
6. tv is allways good
7. make a fancy meal
8. paint my nail works really well
9. paint a painting
10. Clean my room
writing is nice too but some times it makes me feel worse.

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Post by Satine » Mon Sep 02, 2002 8:01 am here
2.blast great music(i.e Linkin Park,Avril Lavigne or Kelly Osbourne)
3.web surf movies
6.write fan fiction Whose Line
8.go to the movies with my kitty Willow
10.experiment with fashion
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Post by Canni. » Mon Sep 02, 2002 9:46 am

1) sleeping
2) go cook something
3) draw
4) go online
5) tetris or another game like that
6) Movie or tv
7) take my doggie for a walk
8) play with my bird
9) cleaning
10) If I'm in a angry mood ripping up paper
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Post by Joyce » Tue Sep 03, 2002 5:29 am

great idea!

ok here's mine in no particular order

1) play with my kitties :cat1: :cat2: :cat3:

2) sleep :sleeping:

3) call a friend :wavey:

4) go online :geek:

5) play solitaire

6) rent a movie :popcorn:

7) pray :newangel:

8 ) go shopping and buy something :D

9) go swimming :swimhelp:

10) go to the beach
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Post by Chimera » Tue Sep 03, 2002 7:30 pm

1) Talk to my husband or a friend.

2) Post on bus.

3) Listen to music .

4) Curl up with a good book.

5)Play a game requiring concentration (Chess, Alchemy).

6) Clean something.

7) Work out- hard.

8.) Cook/bake.

9) Watch a movie.

10) Go for a walk or take a bubble bath.
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Post by caterpillargirl » Tue Sep 03, 2002 7:36 pm

1. go shopping, or if i have no money, look through the catalogues for things to buy when i do have money.

2. pray.

3. talk to my best friend.

4. listen to music, especially madness.

5. listen to all my tapes of stand up comedy.

6. watch my sister's "the young ones" video.

7. come here, and talk to everyone on bus.

8. bake cookies, and then eat them!

9. tidy my room untill it is perfect.

10. play "lemmings"

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Post by angelic212 » Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:55 pm

here are my top 10 distractions:

1. writing in my journal

2. listening to music

3.coloring in coloring books

4. writing poetry

5. doing art work

6. doing collages

7. making beaded bracelets

8. exercise

9. watching a dvd

10. playing with play doh

(i think this post should be a sticky post)

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Post by Tamrick » Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:48 pm

I wrote on this post nearly 3 years ago now. Now I am over a year SI free and wondering if my top ten distractions have changed.

Here are mine now:

1. writing in my journal (esp when angry)
2. buying something nice for myself
3. making myself busy in my job
4. reading a book (novels usually)
5. doing a hobby - at the moment drawing but it varies
6. playing with my dogs
7. phoning my boyfriend
8. just being - usually means forcing myself to relax
9. taking a bath
10. using the internet and this site

A lot of them have changed, but there are still some old favourites.
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