Things Left Unsaid - Version 3.0 *Language*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by volta » Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:05 am

don't let me go.

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Post by red umbrellas » Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:47 am

stick this one up your clacker.
It's all life and fire and lunacy
And excuses and excuses and excuses

Hold On To Yourself - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

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Post by Never Again » Sat Aug 18, 2007 6:15 am

i wish you were fucking dead you sick fuck. you'd better stay the fuck away from them. or else.
I have love. I have love but I don't know where to put it.


Post by _____iamacliche » Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:33 am

right here & now.
is where i give up caring.
cos quite frankly, i just can't do it.
i can't.
how the fuck can i look after you if i can't even look after myself.
i'm quite close to giving up.
but i'm not there yet.
so here is where i draw the line.
now let's see how you like it.


Post by _____iamacliche » Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:47 pm

[SI, OD, Lang]

stop pretending you care about me. you wouldn't give two fucks if i OD'ed. you'd never be there for me like some people are. all you care about is making me feel shite about the fact you have someone one & i don't. & what gives you the right to fucking assume that i want to hear what you do with/to your girlfriend. i think it's sick to be honest. i don't like hearing about it. right at this moment in time i couldn't care less about you. i have other people to think about. people who matter.

so, basically, i'm going to dumb this down into two words you'll understand; fuck off.

got it? good.


Post by _____iamacliche » Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:19 pm

i can't put up with this shit much longer. honestly.

what the fuck do you expect me to do?!


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Post by troubles undone » Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:49 pm

wtf is up with that?

"Heaven's not a place that you go when you die
It's that moment in life when you actually feel alive
So live for the moment
And take this advice, live by every word

Love is just a hoax
so forget anything that you have heard
And live for the moment now"

-There is more to life than just being alive.


Post by _____iamacliche » Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:28 pm

i fucking love you. never forget that.

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Post by wilson » Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:14 pm

you mean the world to me. please dont be mad at me. i know what im doing is wrong but its all i know how to do now. i need to be with you again. this is the only way i know how
<center>R.I.P. 23/07/89 - 05/11/01
R.I.P. 1953-2008

counting stars

im over existing in limbo
im over the myths and placebos
i dont really mind if i just fade away


Post by _____iamacliche » Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:18 pm

i want to mess up more than you realise. i'm sorry.

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Post by Callisto » Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:46 pm

to my family,

fuck off! stop all fucking stalking me or whingeing at me or having a go at me because your fucking email got bounced back the server (its not my fucking fault). you've all spent 20 years being too wrapped up in yourselves to give a shit. none of you were there to comfort me or explain to me what was going on when my parents were screaming at each other constantly. no one told me it wasn't my fault. no one told me it was ok to cry when grandad died or even noticed when i didn't. no one noticed the fact that i was being bullied in school or when i started to self harm. none of you even cared about me when i od'd and went to a&e. all you fucking cared about was how my mother was feeling, not about me.

so y'know what, just fuck off and leave me alone. you all stopped being my family a long time ago. i made my own family when i was growing up and they cared a lot more about me than you ever did.

we all know the only reason you're all trying to talk to me now is because i fucked up all your plans for glory when i dropped out of uni. well yknow what, nothing any of you could say would make me go back. and im not sorry for it either.

you all need to grow up and let me live my life. i am not who you thought i was. i am me and i am happy with who that is, so either deal with it or fuck off.

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Post by Beasty » Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:05 pm

I know you have a boyfriend now, but that doesn't mean that I don't want you. I don't want to date you or be in a relationship, but I want you. He said it was okay without any prompting. So apparently I'm safe. Please. Kiss my brains out.

And one more thing. I am SO jealous of you that I can barely stand it.
"No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow. What? Look, somebody’s got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom, sooner or later. BOOM!" - Susan Ivanova

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Post by southsider » Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:35 am

I really, honestly, feel sorry for you. I'm sorry for what happened to you. I'm sorry that I was really an asshole to you (inadvertently!) the last time we talked. I really want to send you that unsent letter I wrote, but I'm afraid of what I'd receive in response. Or if I'd receive a response at all.

i'm sorry that your life is boring now. i'm sorry that there's nothing eventful going on. it kind of makes me sad, and i kind of want to hug you but am scared to contact you again.
☼ 12/13/2004 ☼
☼ there is hope ☼


"If you really want to stay clean, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse."

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Post by Binayshee » Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:04 am

i hate you stay away from me leave me alone don't ever come anywhere near me again i'm better off without you you know that i know that since you couldn't keep one of your worthless promises the best you can do is just stay the hell away from me forever i don't need that kind of pain leave me alone i am going to find someone who i can actually be happy with

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Post by troubles undone » Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:06 pm

stop ignoring me.
i hate it.
you dont even have to go out of you way to not acknowledge me.
but you cant even be bothered with that.

after everything, i dont know why i still bother.

"Heaven's not a place that you go when you die
It's that moment in life when you actually feel alive
So live for the moment
And take this advice, live by every word

Love is just a hoax
so forget anything that you have heard
And live for the moment now"

-There is more to life than just being alive.


Post by _____iamacliche » Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:03 pm

you have no fucking right to have a go at me for who i flirt with, okay? honestly. it's none of your fucking business what i do. i can do what i want. i can do who i want. i know what i'm doing. i know where my priorities lie. i know who i want. it's a bit of fun, am i not fucking allowed that? i mean, for christ's sake, i've just been in two fucking relationships and not once have i let myself feel. not fucking once. right now i'm fucking enjoying my time being single, and i'm being fucking safe about it, okay? fucking leave me alone.

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Post by bellamuerte » Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:59 pm

you disgust me, why would anyone do that to some one else?? How numb do you think i was??? Well fucker, guess how numb i am now
Rot in fucking hell you pig. now all i see is you when i close my eyes. TRIGGERS SSUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I still believe that I cannot be saved.


Post by _____iamacliche » Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:54 pm

Me, in Place. wrote:[Lang.]

i've had this fear of dread since i posted what i quoted from TLU. because it's fucking true. i'm tired of always having to do everything to please others. i'm tired of having to feel miserable because i can't do what i want, because i get told it's wrong to flirt with who i want to.

really do people think i'm that stupid? because it fucking seems that way. it seems like i should be fucking miserable for the rest of my life and not have any fucking fun. well what's the fucking point? why can't i just do what i want, when i want without people fucking commenting? it's doing my fucking head in.

i like girls - so fucking what. i still have feelings for my ex - big fucking deal. i know nothing can happen yet whys it such a big deal that i flirt with them? i know where i stand with them. i know when to back off. i know when to say no. i know what i'm fucking doing, okay?

honestly. my priorities lie with R - always have, always will. and she knows that, i know that, the ex knows that. so it's fine. surely i'm entitled to a bit of fun, right?

because, honestly, i'm not putting up with this bullshit anymore. i can do what i fucking like whether people like it or not. i'm the only fucking person responsible for my actions, so if i fuck up, that's my problem. nobody elses. fucking simple as.

you're making me feel like such a fucking bad person about all this and i'm tired of it. you fucking know that i wouldn't carry on flirting if i knew it was going to go too far, but it won't. stop being overprotective. stop taking over my love life. stop thinking like you know fucking everything about this, because, in reality, you know fuck all. you don't care. you're acting like you do so i will tell you think. well, mate, after being ignored for fucking three days for no reason you really expect me to tell you things now? fuck off. who do you think you're kidding? you make out that i'm fucking shite in relationships. but i'm not the fucking one that tells my boyfriend/girlfriend that i love them after two fucking days. i mean, what the fuck is that? but then again, i'll never fucking forgive you for trying to fuck me after two weeks. that was the real reason i broke up with you. it scared me. you scare me. you're too fucking clingy. words can't fucking describe how pissed i am at you right now. infact fuck that, i'm hurt. it took me so much to tell you things this week, and if i knew that this was the way you were going to react. i wouldn't've fucking bothered.



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Post by Binayshee » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:31 pm

Helika wrote:i am going to find someone who i can actually be happy with
:lol: that is probably myself
that's funny

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Post by Silentdancer » Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:12 pm

Don't fucking touch me like that fucking pervert. I swear I will have your daughter taken away if you give me even the slightest feeling of a reason to make that phone call.


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