Ten Strategies to Get and Keep Motivated

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Ten Strategies to Get and Keep Motivated

Post by angelic212 » Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:17 am

Ten Strategies to Get and Keep Motivated
Source Unknown
(found this on the internet)

When I am depressed I often find myself doing the same things every day. I often put off doing the things I need to do or would like to do. As a result, the pile seems to get bigger and soon overwhelms me completely. How can I start to change this?

There are some things I can do to help myself. I can begin doing what needs to be done. I shall:

1. Make a list of all things I have been putting off.

2. Ask myself which of these needs to be done first? Which is next important? Arrange the list in order of priority. If I can't decide, I shall simply put them in alphabetical order. I could stick a pin in the list to decide. The important thing is to do something.

3. Take the first task. Break it down into small steps. Ask myself what do I need to do to complete it?

4. Go through the steps in my mind: I shall visualize myself doing it. If I think of anything, which might stop me from doing it, I shall write it down. I shall try to work out how to get around this obstacle. I shall imagine a stream flowing around a rock. How might I 'flow' around this obstacle?

5. Write down any negative thoughts I have about doing things. What do I say to myself which blocks me from doing this?

6. Take each task step by step. I shall do it exactly as I did in my mind. I shall deal with any negative thoughts I have by putting them to one side. I shall put them in a box; I shall deal with them later. I shall tell myself just to stick to the task at hand.

7. Stop when I am winning. I shall avoid stopping when things start to go badly, as sometimes happens. I shall do just a little bit more - then stop when I am on top. I shall feel so much better.

8. Write down what I have done on my record sheet as soon as I finish.

9. Focus on what I have achieved. I shall avoid thinking about what I still have to do. I shall keep an eye out for any thoughts which might make my success appear any less than it really is. I shall write these thoughts down also.

10. When I am ready to move on to the next task on my list, I shall acknowledge this - Well done.

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