What's Your Story? **SI**

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by Allinoya » Tue May 09, 2006 12:00 pm

Well... This isn't as bad as others, but...

I just turned 23. Ten years of SI. Working on my B.Sc, trying to keep up with life.

I had a great childhood. Don't want to sound dramatic, but it ended when I was 8 and we moved to a different country. I was abused (emotionally, a bit physically) for three years by my peers in school.

When I was 13-14 my mother got up and left to live with some guy.
My father went deep into depression and became religious. I kept living with him until I went to the Army (Israel - we don't get a choice :) )

That's when I started SIing. I use it as part of my escape-the-world techniques (the other one being drawning deep into a fantasy world I've created).

I guess it's part of a general problem I have - I was also harrassed sexually through life and also raped by someone for whom I worked three years ago.

I'm trying to stop SI right now, but it's not working very well so far. Well I'm proud even of a few days off (I'm used to doing it every day).

Good luck to me

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Post by neassa » Sun May 21, 2006 2:11 am

on my 14th birthday i had an argument with my parents. i digged my nails into my palms until they nearly bled. then i cut my wrists.
i kept it secret for a little over a month. then my parents found out.
there was a lot of tears, a lot of anger,
they were going to send me to someone.
but i said no.
nd so i 'stopped'.
after a month or so the urges came back, stronger.
so i did it again. everyday almost.
then my friends started to notice.
my parents found out again.
two days later someone at school reported seein cuts on my hands.
so i had to see a counsellor.
nd she made me sign a contract, sayin i was gonna stop SIing whilst in councilling.
so i pretended i did.
i went to her for months.
so now my parents think im 'fixed'
but now im SIing worse than ever.

ive had a great childhood. my parents love eachother nd me me very much.
we're pretty well off, its not like ive been neglected.
i dont cut myself for attention.
i cant explain half the thoughts that run thru my head.
im an extremely messed up person nd i cant explain why because i dont even know.
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Post by rustedrabbit » Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:57 am


kinda feel that i shouldnt be telling this...(deja vu) i dont know how to even start... names will not be real...they will be made up of course..it started soon after i was given as a birthday present to a neighbor when i was five, dad wanted the neighboors daughter , he wanted me... it was punishment for being born, beating self, throwing self into objects, walls, figured if was hurt enough , then it wouldnt happen, didnt matter.it alwasy did anyway. for whatever reason injured went with helpless, so...
when i was in 5th grade i stopped huurting myself like that cause mom dicvporced dad...i was not going to have to ever do that stuff agian and i could froget it ever happened and go about my life normalk..no chance..mom gets involved with a worse ,more violant person, the stepfather bob..he liked to harm me. he liked to make me the example. he liked to sell me.the other family members were never treated as i was. i was scapegoated. a blacksheep. a reject. embaressment.i was for all intents and purposess the family ...pet.sincve my life was worse, the injury to self got worse, 11 suicide attempt, tried od, was to youjng to know that that few wouldnt work, so i jaut got sick.. first time i really cut was when i was 11, it was words into my legs..funny how that seems to be a common thing for alot.. i was choking myself to, stepfather l;oved to choke me out, for some reason i always got pleasure from that, never will ever understand that, now anyone touches my neck i freak, inless its me. i find myself grasping my neck and choking myself alot.. i dont even know im doing it really.at 13 i tried to su..wrists. didnt happen.. just got worse and worse.. alwasy hid it tho. joined military when 17 raped twice.. cuting got that much worse.. and i abused any and all drugs, alcohol, anything that kept me in a state of dysfunction, anything that abused my body as it had been all its life, i did. i didnt care the affects as long as they were bad.23 su agian..almost became a statistic..damn close.. i was found by offduty poloice ..he took me to e.r. from that point on, cutting has been almost consistant and bad. the longest ive ever been able to go was 4 months. the only times ive ever been able to go without is when im given validation for me being me..and that is rare.i know i wont be doing this for another 20 years, its already been that, but i cant imagine my life without it.. but i cant imagine how the heck my life can continue with it...catch-22...thank you... R.R.
"the darkness that had devoured me and made me as it was, would ahve surely made me its slave...except for you...your light shone so brightly on darkness that it could not remain...i was freed and made alive agian becasue you cared...becasue you chose to love me...even tho i no longer knew how to"

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Post by Silme Lor » Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:44 am

I started cutting just over a year ago. When I was younger I used to hit and punch myself when I was upset, it didn't strike me until after I started seriously SIing that it was early signs of self abuse. When I was 14 I read something about cutting and it absolutely horrified and frightened me. After a series of bad times off and on for a year I felt pretty shit about myself. I craved attention and for someone to notice me. One night I picked up a needle and started scratching myself. It progressed into sharper and more dangerous materials. After awhile I didn't do it for attention anymore, I did it becuase I couldn't stop. Sometimes the addiction scared me and I was forced back into reality for a moment, but that never lasted long. I'm now 17 and haven't managed to stop for more than a month or so. I have nothing to be proud of, no great triumphs. Sometimes I wonder if maybe I still do it for attention, it sickens me and makes me feel ashamed but it's a vicious cycle. Now whenever I feel sad, angry, or just overwhelmed with any kind of emotion I hurt myself. Only two people know, and neither of them care. I stopped caring too.

Wow, even though no one is probably reading these that felt really good to say all of that. :star:
"And then, something happened. I let go. Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom."

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Post by leemc77 » Tue Jun 13, 2006 4:57 am

Hey, I'm reading! :) Well here it goes:

:star: I can't remember much of my childhood, but I know I suffered from anxiety from a young age. I used to make myself sick to go home from school.
:star: My own family made fun of me - my own mother told me she thought they'd brought the wrong baby home
:star: Always shy and had difficulties making friends.
:star: Hated myself for as long as I can remember
:star: I started to SI when I was in 5th grade - my mother kicked me out of the house and so I rubbed by arm across the top of the license plate on her car - still have a nasty scar
:star: started hitting my head, scratching myself with [method edited], and used [method edited] when I could
:star: high school was HELL - SI became more serious
:star: I watched my father die - SI hit the roof, been in and out of the hospital 6 times
:star: started burning
:star: I still SI, work is a huge stress and I'm still incredibly shy and lonely, not many friends
:star: basically, I'm a loser

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Post by rustedrabbit » Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:09 am

silme lor and leemc77 peace and all..silme...wanna bet.. of course there are those reading..and the greatest triumph anyone ever did was make it another day in this life..you should be proud of yourself for that at least...thats an accomplishment in itself...kudos....mc77 i used to think that love was jsut a word that parents made up to use it agianst their kids... think some didnt evenknow what that was...love imean...sorry you ahd it so bad..R.R.
"the darkness that had devoured me and made me as it was, would ahve surely made me its slave...except for you...your light shone so brightly on darkness that it could not remain...i was freed and made alive agian becasue you cared...becasue you chose to love me...even tho i no longer knew how to"

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Post by Wandering » Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:27 am

Well, I've had an ok upbringing I guess - my mum got pregnant accidently when she was 20, so she married my dad, and i was born. We've lived in the same house most of my life, my parents are still together, I was bullied a bit at school but no real abuse. I've always been the high-flyer, the one who's great at school and has a fair number of friends. Unfortunately I've never had much tolerance to stressful situations. When I was 14 my best friend (at the time) moved away, and the work load at school got ridiculous. I was depressed (never went to the doctor, but I was) and suicidal (as in seriously suicidal, I had a couple of plans and came very close to carrying them out). Then when I was 15 I discovered SI - I'd read a magazine article on it and decided to give it a go one night, when I was so pent up that I felt I couldn't go on like that. And it worked, so I kept doing it - initially it was only once a week, then it got up to about every second day - only ever small cuts, nothing dangerous. No one knew, and of course by now I was into exam period, so I was cutting and drinking to survive.

I managed to get out of doing 6th form, which would have killed me, and went to college. Then in january (ie 1 1/2yrs after starting) I told my youth leader, who was great about it. I did my best to stop, and managed 10 1/2 months free, though as soon as I stopped I went back to being suicidal and the urges didn't get much easier to handle. I slipped a couple of times over the next year, but was mainly white knuckling it. I should have gone on meds or to counselling I think, but I didn't want it on my medical records.

Then I went abroad for a year, which was awesome, and made it easier in a way, as I didn't have the every day home stresses, though it did mean I didn't have anyone to talk to about it. Only messed up once while I was away. Then I got home last week, and my mother announced that they'd 'accidently' found an email printout where I'd been talking to my friend about it, so they knew (and had known for most of the year...) They were ok about it though, well they thought I'd been stopped for ages anyhow, but its not nice having them know. That and lots of other things have meant that basically I'm now SIing again, though I don't plan on telling my parents :(

So thats me
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Post by tai-dah67 » Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:24 am

I started by accident in a way I was 35 late bloomer I guess.. never even heard of it.... Still shocks me to read all these stories.

I had two boys by the age 21. I started work at 18, was divorced 2 times by the age of 24. My life rolled fast and hard w/ two boys to raise on my own. I did the best I could at the time....after 15yrs on my job my shoulder fell apart no surgery could fix. Chronic pain. By now I had remarried I lost my job and he lost his at the same place a few weeks before.

Then depression set in I could not cope w/ the financial situation we almost lost everything. I went to court over the injury,more stress. I won but all the money went to getting out of debt... Then it took hubby 2yrs to get hired meanwhile I have a breakdown my world spins out of control. I don't remember much just clawing my arms then one night I had a piece of plastic I think I ran it up and across my arm. Thats when it started. I had so much anxiety that I didn't know how to cope, still don't. The panic attacks were scary I thought I was having heart failure. My family sent me to a mental health facility not a good expierence they put me on a lot of meds on top of the painkillers I was on. I stayed a week and came home a walking zombie SI became a way to feel then. It progressed into my best friend because I was alone and no one understood me anymore. I got addicted to the pain killers and became out of control. My parents came to take me. By now my marriage was in trouble. My children watched me go slowly insane the meds were powerful stuff... When my parents got me I went off cold turkey do not advise it found out it could kill you but what did we know.. I ended up in the hospital. I stopped for awhile but the depression was to much I went to therapy and slowly got back on meds.. SI is like a drug it called to me. Every crisis I couldn't handle became a reason to do it. Each time I did it got worse shallow to deep to symbols that mean whatever I was going through. I have stopped again. Then one night I felt the urge and found this web site. I'm new so forgive me if I got carried away. This has been a blessing just to know I'm not alone. I lost my friends and the family still thinks I'm crazy.

thats my story and i'm sticking to it.......

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Post by rustedrabbit » Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:41 am

im afraid to grow up, im 35+ years old physically, and im still not 21 years old mentally.
"the darkness that had devoured me and made me as it was, would ahve surely made me its slave...except for you...your light shone so brightly on darkness that it could not remain...i was freed and made alive agian becasue you cared...becasue you chose to love me...even tho i no longer knew how to"

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Post by Oceanic » Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:05 am

my family moved when i was in the seventh grade. part of my responsibilities that year was to occasionally start part of dinner when my parents would be getting home slightly late and i used to stand in the kitchen waiting for the water to boil and then put my hands into it. sometimes i would pick up the pot and hold it without potholders. to this day, i cannot come up with a reason why i did that or what made me think of doing it.

slightly before i started ninth grade, my sister got a manicure set as a gift. we were looking at the implements in it while we were watching tv, and i took the scissors and starting cutting out pieces of my wrist, almost without thinking. as i realized what i was doing, i pulled my sleeve down and took the scissors down to my room, where i kept on cutting.

i moved from scissors to shaving razors and knives and exacto-blades pretty quickly. things began to feel out of control. i started referring to si as "going half insane." there are countless entries in my journals from those years referring to "going half insane." i remember coining that term with the thought that comitting suicide would be going completely insane. i was suicidal only some of the time (okay, a lot of the time), and usually not while i was cutting myself, yet even then, there was a connection between SI and suicide.

halfway through my freshman year in high school i confided in my elementary school teacher. actually, after setting a time to talk with her, i found myself unable to speak and pushed my jacket sleeves up and showed her my arms. to this day i have no idea how she managed to keep my confidences for close to a year. i was 14, terrified and objectively? probably in a not insignificant amount of danger, yet this woman loved and loved me and though she kept putshing me to talk to my parents and to see a therapist, she did not ever break my confidences. (many years later, we talked about it, and she confessed to me that she'd spoken to her parents, to mental health workers and to friends (w/out using my name) about the situation and so many times had decided to tell my parents or school principal - but for any number of reasons never did. i still feel guilty about putting her in that position. :()

i knew something was really wrong with me and i didn't know how to fix it. i told my parents i wanted to see a psychiatrist, "because i thought i needed to be on medication." they took me to a therapist, who referred me to a psychiatrist. i began the years of medication-rotations and cycled through quite a few therapists. i had many disappointments and a great "victory" with effexor xr. i went back to being myself for about a year. i lost my appetite and close to 30 lbs on effexor, from an average/slim build, and the psychiatrist took me off of it, for health reasons. i was ok for another 6 months or so before falling apart again. i tried suicide, twice, and failed. i talked my way out of every proposed hospitalization and desperately, desperately tried to hide everything even slightly depression related. i succeeded and to this day have never been hospitalized. (a slightly silly victory...but one that's nevertheless meaningful to me.)

i never completely gave up SI but for a year or two I only injured every couple of months, and not seriously. in college, things fell apart again. the administration got involved. i went through several therapists and found them unable to help me. i went back on effexor, lost more weight, and found to my dismay that the pills were no longer working. i went through a series of medication changes. in frustration and with the sincere belief that therapy could not help, i took myself off of all meds and out of therapy. i struggled through another year. i tried to kill myself, again. my amazingly supportive friends kept me alive throughout everything and just kept loving me.

my senior year in college i had a final, extremely serious, suicide attempt. the good news was that it spurred me to pull myself together. i found a new, excellent, therapist and my psychiatrist took a risk in deciding to prescribe a tricyclic antidepressant. before they'd always said i was too high of a suicide risk to take a tricyclic. i expected nothing. and then, one day, about 11 weeks after i started the new medicine, i looked up from my desk one day and discovered that i "didn't feel terrible." I remember looking around and slowly realizing that, not only did i not feel "terrible," i actually felt okay. it was the first time in years that i felt okay.

things have kept looking up from there. it's been about a year and a half since i've SIed or had any serious suicidal ideation. i had one serious, week long slip that we addressed by tweaking my medication and seeing some pretty quick results. i graduated college, held down a meaningful job for a year, successfully, and applied and was accepted to graduate school.

i still find myself thinking "half insane" thoughts or even just negative and defeatist thoughts. I've learned to actively change my thinking patterns and to effect change within my own mind and life. i consider myself healthy (for the most part!) and not a second passes for me without feeling grateful adn thankful and amazed that i've come as far as i have.

that's it, in a (large) nutshell......
thanks for reading! replies and pms welcomed.

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Post by BadLuckClover » Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:58 am

This is the first time I've written about the night I first SI'd. So there might be triggers in it. Kinda nice to put an exactness on the experience.

I've always been obsessed with psychology, reality perception, emotion manipulation. Even when I was a mere 14. I was obsessed with controling my every emotion. I could make myself feel anything at any moment, and thus learned to supress ever negative emotion I happened upon during the day. At night, however, every couple of weeks I would hit amazing lows, empty desparring depression. The first night I cut, it was 11:30 at night, my mom was out doing whatever, and my little brother was in her room watching TV. I was reading an online comic I read every week, when one of the characters slid down a wall and started to cry and confide in his best friend how nobody ever loved him(or something like that) and I was just HIT so hard! I can't even explain it, something corny and common like that all of a sudden felt like my entire world was crashing. This was my first triggered-episoed. I became so supremely aware of my own alone-ness, my duel-personality that I was creating that kept me from ever becoming close to anybody. I felt like I wanted to hurt, and to be AWOKEN. I thought about stabbing myself with a steak knife. The thought terrified me and I went stumbling out the back door into our hammock, and lay on my back, looking at the stars and crying very violently. I started to scratch and tear at my arms, trying to pull off all the skin. I was screaming and crying and raking my arms, but I knew it wasn't enough. I suddenly knew exactly what to do. I stopped crying, and perfectly calmly grabbed a disposable razor(for shaving, lol) and went into my room. I pryed off the plastic so I could get to the razor, and cut myself twice across the wrist. It fucking stung, and I was instantly better. That was almost five years ago.

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it found me

Post by Pan!c » Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:41 am

:cry: I would say it found me....
About 3yrs ago lot of crap was going on at my house and I was sitting there watching are lives turn to sh*t I felt so alone, yeah I was sad but I think I was even more numb than anything so whatever things were crappy but one day I walked into the restroom and as I was reaching towards the soap and the sink corner cut my wrist I looked down and I was bleeding it hurt like hell but I felt good, felt I physical pain not emotional pain... And that's how it found me so when ever there's was something bothering me that was my only way to cope it helped when nothing else did, after a 8 months of *SM* I had to stop my family was getting a bit suspicious ( and I did not want to get hospitalized) the kept asking me as to why I always bought razors, needles, and why I always had thing over my wrist so I threw my tools away and I started using the ice coping method and it helped.
For about two years I keep relasping when everything got to hard.
As for now I started *SM* again and now I don't even have the urge to stop and I'm even getting sick from *SI*
Its the only thing I have when I think to myself the reasons I *SM*

*me having no motivation to stop or improve my situation
Last edited by Pan!c on Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
*I am alone in this bed...
she never fixes this,
but at least she make me forget.
* The only thing worse than not knowing is you thinking that I don't know, I am having another episode I just need a stronger dose...
*I keep telling myself I am not the desperate type, but youv'e got me looking through the blinds.
*Sitting out dances on the wall trying to forget everything isn't you, I am not going home alone cause I don't do too well on my own!
- panic! at the disco and fall out boy

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Post by s0_vErY_sCaReD » Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:32 am

reading these, I kinda wanna put my story up, but I kinda dont.

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Post by Quiet little Angel » Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:40 pm

i've been in here a few times, and tried to write my story... i'm no good at it... but now i'll give it a real try...

GRAPHIC contents trigger...
i started when i was about 10... i think... maybe it was earlier on... but this is when i remember it from... i scratched my head, dug my nails into my palms, beat my head on the wall, bit my tongue... the works... did it until i went to boarding school at age 15... then i started scratching myself with needles... nothing big... no blood but it scarred (i know it sounds wierd, but it get's the surface of a wound, but without bleeding when it happens...) had a nasty expierience where a guy from the school threatned... no... told me he had been thinking of, killing me with a scissor... he also wanted to commit SU... went to a T after that... without my parents knowledge... (he did too, and today we are close friends...) the T dug into my past, which only seemed to make things worse... started cutting for real at age 16... oh, and i also tried on SU twice during those two years... (sounds so casual... but i did almost succede once... so... i just don't know how to put it...) still my parents were unknowing... the only people involved were my T and the schoolnurse... no word about the SI... all about my attempted SU and my past...
have been cutting on and off since then... now i'm 19 (and a half...) and i'm 60 days free...

trigger end...

i think i need to mention my upbringing and family in this...
i live with my parents, my mom, and my ex-army dad... he has a big temper, and i've never once stood up to him... he never used physical abuse... but i would say his behavior boaders on mental abuse... he turns on you with no warning... hot cold... you never know... and his backproblems don't make it better... my mom does everything she can to make him feel better... never stands up to him either...
so i spent most of my childhood making sure my sister was out of reach to his anger... cleaned up her stuff before my own to make her less of a target... (sounds very heroic... but really i was just stupid thinking i could protect her...) it only ment i got more of his anger than i needed... i will go very far to make sure my little sister is ok, and i'll be looking out for any signs of SI behaviour with her...
we've never been poor or needed anything... but it was not a happy home... living with the constant threat of anger and rage makes for a bad atmosphere...

that's what i got for now... bravo for anyone who reads all of this...
:lblstar: - May

:lblstar: Never underestimate the power of silence... :lblstar:
:lblstar: micro-chipped mental cyber twins taking over NewZealand... :lblstar:
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Post by half/hearted » Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:35 am

When I was little, even three or four, my mom would shout at me, blame me for things, hit me--generally just abuse me in different ways. I was miserable and because I thought she wanted to punish me, I started hitting myself to "help" her. (because when she felt I had been adequately punished she would always stop.) Instead she just got angrier and angrier. I continued hitting myself in secret right into my teen years; somehow I felt like this would still fix something, I guess. :roll:

I started scratching my skin lightly when I was about 9...I wouldn't call it self-injury per se because there wasn't a lot of pain involved. Just doodling little designs, my name, etc.

I guess the scratching just got worse...eventually, when I was about 15 or 16 I cut myself. Eventually the cutting got so bad that I have scars all over my left arm.

I finally told my T about my SI when I was about 16. She didn't "freak out," and has been very understanding.

I've lost count of my suicide attempts over the years; I just know that the first was when I was six years old. Over the years I've tried again by a lot of other methods, mostly useless impossible ones...it's unlikely that the methods I tried would actually result in death, but...it sounds really stupid, and sounds like just theatrics, but I really did want to die every time.

I've had some eating problems over the years, but I'm not sure if they qualify as full-out "disorders..." at times, I have eaten almost nothing for days at a time; at other times, I've stuffed myself sick. I haven't made myself throw up or used laxatives, but my eating (or lack thereof) has definitely caused problems. I used to starve myself more often, and I was always tired and unhappy; this past year or so, I've been eating WAY too much and I am [#edited] overweight.

I am still self-injuring and am not quite ready to make that decision to stop. But unlike a year ago, I can actually see myself making that decision someday. I am going to college this fall and I'm very happy about this, as it's kind of the beginning of my going out into the world. :)
Last edited by half/hearted on Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Please be gentle with me.

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Post by tzanti » Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:45 pm

It's three days since my last slip. Three days ago my goal was one day without SI. So in that respect, life is good.

I first got depressed when I was 10. I was halfway through my penultimate year of primary school, hated my teacher (who got on with my parents like a house on fire) and was having a car-crash of a year. When I was 12 I had my first proper SU.

It's worth saying at this point that I was the world's most incompetent SU teen. Both my serious attempts were catastrophic disasters and thus I survived. Obviously I don't want to explain them as I don't want anyone to learn a better method from my mistakes. Sorry. Ironically, they are something I can look back on when I need something to smile about.

And I don't smile much. I never did. It's the thing my mum remembers people saying about me when I was a child. "He doesn't smile, does he." So at least I was never thought of as a happy child.

At 14 after my second cocked up attempt at SU, I started scratching. I felt numb nearly all the time, and I just thought if I could feel something then everything would change. I changed for a few moments, but then everything was numb. I didn't tell anyone, I was terrified that I'd be locked up somewhere (there were two big psychiatric hospital one either side of the city) so just hid the marks and pretended that nothing had happened.

At the beginning of the next year, me and this other lad found ourselves backed into the same corner. The bullies who'd been destroying me for 3 years had gone after the new kid that year, and has left me alone for a couple of months, but then they decided that two us would be more fun that one. So he and I became friends, and still are 20 years on. But I can't even begin to talk to him about this, he just wouldn't handle any of it at all.

I scratched and, rarely, cut for several years. Always afraid that someone would find out I had depression and had tried to kill myself, let alone that I was harming myself almost daily. I did stop, sometimes for weeks, but never longer. Usually I will be SIing for weeks or months at a time. I never really started to deal with my depression until after college.

Just before college I had my last SU attempt, my first in several years. It was just as disasterous. I wound up with a twisted knee, lots of bruises and a mild case of hypothermia. I decided that SU wasn't going to help, and haven't even considered it since.

I started hitting in my 20's, it was implusive and sudden. By the time I was a graduate, I was hitting a lot: my head, legs and arms. Over the years I started just hittng my head. Last year I ended up in casualty, they were great, and I decided to try and get some help. I tried a year or so earlier, but that was a rural trust and they just had no resources so I'd moved before they could organise anything. This time I was in London.

I went to the GP. She listened for ten minutes then wrote a letter that contained almost none of what I'd said to her, but a lot of standard psychobabble and stated that I had said "I did it for the attention." This went forward to an appt with a CMHN. I'd worked for a MHC trust in my home city a few years earlier, they had been wonderful people, and so I knew that I was going to talk to someone who would try to help me.

The postcode lottery strikes again. The CMHN listened and questioned for half an hour. I had to explain everything from the top, after she read me the GP letter. It's really hard talking to someone whom you know just doesn't care, and is never going to. She wrote my GP a letter confirming everything in the GP letter. I may as well have talked to the TV, and saved myself the grief. However, the GP finally referred me for counselling.

Counselling was good. But after the standard 8 sessions + follow-up the counsellor said in a very serious voice, "Tom, I think what you are doing is defined as self-harm." She told to use the Internet to get help. That was the end of the counselling.

That was about six months ago.

So here I am, getting help on the Internet.

Just lately, things have been really hard. I have been stressed, crying a lot (which is what got me picked on in my teens - I was the school crybaby) sleeping badly and generally out of sorts. My new GP (I moved here a couple of months ago, but I always forget to re-register before I need to) as recommended putting me on SSRI's so that I can "remember what it is like to feel normal." I see where she is coming from on this, but it's very scary. It's scary because I've never had to take pills for my depression before and because I'm not sure I remember what 'normal' is. I think depression became 'normal' for me sometime in the last twenty-five years. So I have not idea where the pills are going to take me.

When I write it on here, it feels very trivial incomparison to some of the suffering I have just read. My life is and was, apart from the depression and SI and SU bits, pretty good. I had two loving, if rather distant, parents until my dad died some years ago. I now have a brilliant relationship with my mum, although she doesn't understand my SI, she is very supportive when I try to get help. I have good friends, some who can handle my depression and some who can't.

Well, that's another long tale for the thread. Thanks for reading.

No hugs please.

"Rational resistance, to an unwise urge." Prime Mover, Rush.
"Change means movement. Movement means friction." Saul Alinski

Place: The Rational Resistance

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