Add your ideas on how to improve the WW!

for talking about the whole welcoming new people to bus project.

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Add your ideas on how to improve the WW!

Post by Green Beauty » Sat Aug 12, 2006 5:34 pm

Do you have any suggestions that you think could help make the welcome wagon more active on bus? It's a shame to see something like this become inactive, we need your help to stop this, so please share.

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Post by jaded melody » Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:22 pm

Advertisement - lets put a sticky on main letting people know what it is, why we need people to help and try to get them motivated to help. Thats my 2 cents anyway.
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Post by Green Beauty » Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:41 pm

phuzzie logic wrote:The problem is motivation Alex... I don't know how you'll solve it or even if it can be done
Yeah i can see that, there are many members of the WW, and the majority are not involved at all. It's odd though, it really doesnt much take time to help out. Even little things like adding in the url of newbie threads when you see one can take a minute, if that.

Perhaps it could be an idea to start a thread asking members why they have stopped being involved in the WW, what they found boring/difficult etc? As if we have a list of reasons we could try to work on that. Maybe even making it clear that any help, no matter how small, can make a huge difference, as if every member of the WW pm'd one new person a week, or hunted for a thread once a week, this would be off the ground in no time.
jaded melody wrote:Advertisement - lets put a sticky on main letting people know what it is, why we need people to help and try to get them motivated to help. Thats my 2 cents anyway.
I have made a short post on main but perhaps i did not make it detailed enough? Any input on what could be added to it would be useful. I wanted to make it short so people would read it, but i wanted to put in enough information. Have i achieved this?

It is currently a sticky, but it won't be for much longer as many people do not like them and compared to other stickies it's not as important.

*points to signature below* i was hoping everyone could put the welcome wagon bit in their sig, which helps to advertise the place, and also everytime someone pm's a new member to add something like 'so on behalf of me and all the members of the welcome wagon, welcome aboard' etc.

Do you have any other ideas on how to make this place more well known?

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Post by pinky » Tue Aug 15, 2006 4:29 am

well, i think the pm's are working...some of the new members that i have sent pm's to, pm'ed me back to say thanks for the warm welcome and said that i made them feel comfortable here...

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Post by green » Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:21 pm

well I definately think advertising it on the main board will help a bit- I didn't even know it existed until I saw the post on main! pretty shameful since I've been here 4 years but there we go.

also I think that the only way the welcome wagon is only going to be sustainable and have any real positive effect, is if a number of people send out a few PMs here and there, rather than the same people sending out millions. I suppose it just stops being personal then. And maybe more people would want to help out if they thought they'd just have to send a few PMs when they could rather than at a certain time or a certain amount- because as phuzzie logic said, that's pretty intimidating.
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Post by Green Beauty » Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:55 pm

phuzzie logic wrote:So I think my suggestion would be make being in the welcome wagon something to be proud of. I would have a talk to Deb and see if it would be possible for people who are actively welcome wagonners and spend a great deal of their time doing it to have it as their member status. That would in turn mean that people would see that status and wonder what it was and how they could get to be one. I think you would have to be careful and say people who have been actively welcoming for 3 months could apply to have their status changed and they would lose it when they stop being active.
I have brought this up with some of the other mods and admins, it sounds like a good idea, but there could be a few issues with this. How would we firstly know that they are active? It could be quite visible if they are replying to new threads but with the pm's there isnt really anyway to keep track of that. Not saying people would but you may get a few people who just want a new rank to try and improve their 'image' without doing anything for it and just sitting back waiting for the 3 or so months to pass.

I personally like this, but as i say there could be a few issues surrounding it, would you have any ideas (or anyone for that matter) on how to resolve these problems, or perhaps a similar idea to ranks but not quite - if you get what i mean? Nothing is final it's still in the discussion phase at the moment, but the more input we have on this the better :)
phuzzie logic wrote: One last problem, which is eventually what stopped me sending welcome message, is that you can get members who latch on and treat you like their personal counsellor, its exceedingly hard to log on to find 20 messages asking you to solve their problems. I found it totally draining, so maybe a buddying system could be helpful.
On other forums i have seen 'buddy' threads so older members can offer to be around to help a new member and people get matched up, is that the kind of thing you mean?
green wrote:also I think that the only way the welcome wagon is only going to be sustainable and have any real positive effect, is if a number of people send out a few PMs here and there, rather than the same people sending out millions. I suppose it just stops being personal then. And maybe more people would want to help out if they thought they'd just have to send a few PMs when they could rather than at a certain time or a certain amount- because as phuzzie logic said, that's pretty intimidating.
Yeah that makes sense. The rota's are a good idea for people who will be around alot to help, but by no means does everyone have to join that list. If every member of the WW just sent 1 or 2 pm's a week that would be perfect, but i don't see that happening, yet anyway. Do you think it needs to be made clear that people do not have to be on the rota to join in?

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Post by jaded melody » Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:42 pm

Green Beauty wrote:How would we firstly know that they are active? It could be quite visible if they are replying to new threads but with the pm's there isnt really anyway to keep track of that. Not saying people would but you may get a few people who just want a new rank to try and improve their 'image' without doing anything for it and just sitting back waiting for the 3 or so months to pass.

I personally like this, but as i say there could be a few issues surrounding it, would you have any ideas (or anyone for that matter) on how to resolve these problems, or perhaps a similar idea to ranks but not quite - if you get what i mean?
Well, if people post in the PM a newbie thread whenever they PM a newbie, thats a good way of keeping track of it. Maybe we could start a thread where people could update on what they've been doing to help out or how they have managed to help new people or something? I think it is possible to tell how active members are being. But I do think we should take into account that some people simply have more time than others and so it may look like they are less dedicated than they are? Im not sure im just throwing ideas around at the moment.
Green Beauty wrote:On other forums i have seen 'buddy' threads so older members can offer to be around to help a new member and people get matched up, is that the kind of thing you mean??
I think thats a great idea. Ive seen it on other forums too - where older members "adopt" newbies - and it does work well in making people feel welcome.
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Post by Green Beauty » Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:04 pm

I will keep on discussing the ranking with other staff and see what is decided, will keep this thread up to date of what is happening :)

I like the buddy system idea, but one question that immediately came to mind is where would it be put? I can't imagine people would be happy to have another sticky, but would it get noticed if it were just a normal thread?

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Post by claire » Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:35 am

i kinda see this happening automatically.
or maybe its just me.

like. i will pm a newbie.
and they will pm me back
and eventually it'll go on until we're great friends yadda yadda.
i've met stacks on people that way.

but then i suppose, there are those that i don't really 'click' with through pm's and then maybe those people get left unnoticed and feel as though bus isn't for them.

i am just rambling anywyas.

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Post by Green Beauty » Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:02 am

claire wrote:i kinda see this happening automatically.
or maybe its just me.

like. i will pm a newbie.
and they will pm me back
and eventually it'll go on until we're great friends yadda yadda.
i've met stacks on people that way.
From what i can understand i think that is the reason why people think having a 'buddy' thread is a good idea, as whilst some people have no problem with being there for new people, becoming their friends etc. there are those who are happy to welcome others but don't really have the time/energy to become someones 'therapist' everytime something goes wrong for them. So i think the suggested thread is to try and ease pressure off those who pm, as people can volunteer to help rather than just kind of being picked by a new person. Correct me if i am talking nonsense here..

It's just a case of location and practicality of the thread that i can't work out. So help on that would be good, than i can bring up the idea with other staff :)

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Post by claire » Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:15 am

just so i can check i got what you saying right ...

most people do it the way i do it and like it that way.
but other people have problems when other newbies rely too much on them.

so the solution
is to take pressure of the ww pm'ers, and so those who are happy to chat for months through pm's can do so.

and, you want to figure out how to make that feasible.

is that right?

im going to ramble as if it is. but yell at me if it isn't okay?

im not sure. but im brainstorming some thing similar to the member avocates. except more 'member welcomers' who are on hand, that new people can just pm/e-mail etc etc. i dunno. seems kinda dumb now i put it down. but i'll leave it in case someone else thinks of something ebtter.

the only other thing is a lesson to all ww-ers about how to say back off to a newbie whos getting a little over the top.
but then, i do know people, and i am sometimes one of them, that has a hard time telling people to back off a little.

the other thing, is a suggested i think that was posted on the suggested threads (funnily enough) wheere someone was making the comment about an introduction section.
so maybe a newbie section.
but then, how long until one is no longer classified a newbie.

i really have no idea.
and this is way too long already.

if i;ve got everything wrong, just ignore them as the mutterings of a over tired blonde.
but maybe there is omsething there that someone else can latch onto.

i dunno.
i like ww and i hope it becomes really effective again.

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Post by Green Beauty » Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:39 pm

No-one is going to shout at you :tongue:

I think you have pretty much summed up what i have concluded from the suggestion (whether i have interpreted it correctly is another thing, but that is what i was thinking).

Do you mean to have a thread to put list of welcome wagonners who are available to speak to others? Rather than having a thread for newbies to go to and say they would like a 'buddy', than have people from the WW say they will be their 'buddy'? Have i read that right?

By newbie section, do you mean a new part of the forum? As i don't think many people would be happy about that, or did you just mean a thread or...?

Sorry i just want to make clear i know what is being suggested so i can make a list of all suggestions. :)

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Post by claire » Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:55 pm

oh but shouting can be fun ... but only if i got to shout back :tongue:

im glad i got the jist of what was being said.

yeah thats what i meant. i really don't know.
kinda like. hi, if your new and need some help, these are the people to talk to. i really have no idea. i think instead of brainstorming, i was brainmushing.

yeah i meant a new part of the forum, but yeah. its already pretty big already isn't it. so maybe scrap that one.

i was really just sticking down all my random thoughts in the hope that someone else would use them for a springboard and think of something totally awesome.

and anyyas, to go off on a totaly random tangent.
the introductions sticky (?) on main. is hardly replied to. well. i think.
and i never do either, cos i just forget,
is there a way to get that happening?

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Post by Green Beauty » Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:17 pm

claire wrote:and anyyas, to go off on a totaly random tangent.
the introductions sticky (?) on main. is hardly replied to. well. i think.
and i never do either, cos i just forget,
is there a way to get that happening?
A thread could be made here to just remind people that it's there, not a sticky or anything just a simple reminder?

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Post by claire » Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:07 am

Green Beauty wrote:
claire wrote:and anyyas, to go off on a totaly random tangent.
the introductions sticky (?) on main. is hardly replied to. well. i think.
and i never do either, cos i just forget,
is there a way to get that happening?
A thread could be made here to just remind people that it's there, not a sticky or anything just a simple reminder?
i am thinking thta would be nice.
i will leave it your capable hands oh one of the modness :tongue:

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Post by Green Beauty » Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:44 am

I have created a reminder thread here :)

I have just had a thought about this buddy system idea. Perhaps it may be possible to change the 'introducing myself' thread on main a tiny bit so people also have the chance to say if they would like a buddy and people can then welcome them and also become their buddy if they so choose. Obviously this is only just an idea and may not actually be feasable, but if some of you people think it could work, i will bring it up with a few admins 'n' such.


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Post by claire » Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:50 am


yeah bring it up with them
do do do

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Post by mydriasis » Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:43 pm

I think that could work!
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Post by claire » Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:09 am

i imagine ww is not the top list of prorities right now ...
but has anything been said alex?

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Post by green » Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:19 pm

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I haven't been around much in this forum lately... I've been going through a bit of a shit time and haven't really felt up to composing coherent PMs for new people. I should be around more often soon though.
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