how can I become a mod
Moderator: staff
how can I become a mod
how do you become a mod I was wondering whether I could have a go at mod-ing the games
quoted from here may add new moderators from time to time. It's usually not a good idea to ask me to make you a mod or an admin; if you do, you should ask once and leave it at that. Being a moderator is pretty hard work. Being an admin is harder work and most admins end up feeling a bit distanced from the rest of the board after a while. They're sacrificing a measure of support and comfort in order to make this board a better place, and they're great at it. I could not run this board without them. Also, please don't assume that not being asked to be a moderator or admin means there's something wrong with you. One of the joys of this board is that we have so so many qualified people for jobs like this.
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