Common BUS Abbreviations (Spoilers) And What They Mean

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Common BUS Abbreviations (Spoilers) And What They Mean

Post by Spidey » Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:41 pm

As I was going through a big pile of papers I'd happened across a couple months ago last night, I found a post to buslist (the BUS mailing list) that I figured most people would be interested in -- the list of common BUS abbreviations and what they stand for.

I know that there is a list of abbreviations and their meanings in "before you post" and I think "sourcebook" and "administrivia", but those posts can be hard to find if you're new, have weak search-fu, or don't have tabbed browsing. So to make life easier for one and all, I'm posting it on the main board (where I hope against hope it will be stickied).

It was posted originally in early 2001, and to get it current, I have revised and updated it. So here it is, folks:

<b>Common BUS Abbreviations And What They Mean</b>
<i> originally posted by gillianangel on buslist on 3 feburary 2001
revised and updated by mercy snow on 7 june 2006
with another edit on 1 july 2006</i>

(your (in)famous spoiler tags)

SI = Self-injury
SH = Self-harm <i>some also substitute self-hate, but that is not a required board spoiler</i>
ED = Eating disorder
SM = Self-mutilation
SA = Sexual abuse (of any type)
IP = Inpatient
OP (sometimes IOP) = Outpatient (the "i" is for intensive)
Pdoc = psychiatrist/psychologist
T = therapist/therapy
PA = Physical Abuse
*no irl* = Requests that anyone who knows the poster in real life (outside of the online universe) does not read thier post
LA = Language
OD = Overdose
REL = Religion
SU = Suicide


CPN = Community Psychiatric Nurse (UK/Commonwealth)
NHS = National Health Service (UK health program)
A&E = Accident and Emergency (UK/Commonwealth)
ER = Emergency room (US version of A&E)
Section = to be involuntarily committed (UK/Commonwealth)
Dx = Diagnosis
AD = Anti-depressant(s)
NOS = Not Otherwise Specified (tacked onto a diagnosis if someone doesn't meet full diagnostic criteria for a given illness)
Butterfly/Steri-strips = can be used in place of stitches <b>NOT RECOMMENDED. If you are in need of medical treatment. SEEK IT.</b>
GP = General Practitioner (primary doctor/ primary care physician - UK/Commonwealth)
DSM-IV = Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV = what psychiatrists (and sometimes other doctors) use to diagnose mental illness
ICD-10 = Diagnostic system used in Europe and in many other countries - this diagnostic system was created by the WHO (World Health Organisation).
Rx = prescription
Tx = treatment
NHS Direct = Phone "hotline" for questions about injuries / illnesses / symptoms (UK/Commonwealth)


DID = Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD = Multiple Personality Disorder is the archaic term for this diagnosis)
BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder (or Bipolar Disorder)
PTSD = Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
SAD = Seasonal Affective Disorder (for some, Schizoaffective Disorder)


IMHO = in my humble opinion
IAWTC = I agree with that comment
FFS = For f*cks sake
AFAIK = As far as I know
FWIW = For what it's worth
OT = Off-topic
soz/sry = sorry
IIRC = If I recall correctly
IRC = Internet Relay Chat. It is a chat client (or form of chatting) that was popular before the advent of instant messaging. If you're interested in connecting to the BUS IRC chat, you can either use the Java Applet or download <a href=">mIRC</a> for Windows or <a href="">X-Chat Aqua</a> for the Mac, then type:

/join #bus si

To join #busfamily:

It's on the same server, so unless you are connecting to it you don't need to do the /server command.

/join #busfamily si

To change your nickname, type /nick [insert your preferred name here].

LINKS TO THE JAVA APPLETS (so if you don't want to download an IRC client, you can still chat from here:

<a href="">BUS Chat [will NOT work in Firefox]</a>

<a href="">Family and Friends Chat</a>


I have omitted the smilies and Internet chat program listing (hey, it's 2006, pretty much everyone knows about them now), but if there is a great outcry for it, I will post that, too.


- Gillianangel for originally compiling this
- Priceless for July's edit
- Y'all.
Hope this post helps.
Last edited by Spidey on Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by whypie » Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:00 pm

Cool post, thanks
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Post by wish » Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:21 pm

ta very muchly :)

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Post by silent_scream » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:00 pm


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Post by Green Beauty » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:03 pm

Thanks for this. One little thing for the *no irl* you have wrote that it means the poster wants people in real life to read it. Unless i have read it wrong?

Thanks again though :)

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Post by barnabygirl » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:28 pm

ty :D

i didnt know all of them,,,,

shame boarderline and bipolar has the same letter, because those are two very different situations,, :(


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Post by dev » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:04 pm

great post.
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Post by April » Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:33 pm

Very useful for newbies like myself!
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Post by LBC » Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:47 pm

Thanks, Mercy Snow. I needed to be reminded on some of them. :)

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Post by Hisforever » Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:58 am

thanks for posting this. Its a great reminder for us.

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Post by My Hazey Clarity » Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:48 am

I was wondering about a few of those... would be cool if they made it a stick post.
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Post by Christopher » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:17 pm

Very helpfull, thanks !

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Post by magebaby » Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:42 pm

can we stickify this separate from other "useful posts" posts, please?

take care all,
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Post by Wynndi » Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:30 pm

Thanks for the post!

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Post by angelstarbeam » Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:25 pm

I just found this post, haven't been on the boards much at all. I find this list to be very helpful.


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Post by Spidey » Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:11 pm

Main post edited 1 July 2006:

- Added ICD-10 explanation (Thank you, Priceless!)
- Added more information about UK/Commonwealth terms (NHS Direct)
- Cleaned up some formatting issues.

If you have any more additions to this list, feel free to PM me. :)
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Post by TainTeD Xx gRAcE » Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:03 am

*no irl* = Requests that anyone who knows the poster in real life (outside of the online universe) does not read thier post

I have been wondering for TWO YEARS what that meant.

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