SU*SA*why I am like I am (very long)

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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SU*SA*why I am like I am (very long)

Post by innerpain » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:02 am


I am tired of running away, and hiding it from myself as well as everyone

else. to put this on the bus is something I realy did not want to do but I

think it might be good to talk or atleast type about it.. When I was 11 SA

happened to me and went on untill I was 14. as a male who has been SA

it brings questions into mind like why me not to mention the questions

about sexuality. It also brings emotions like guilt and shame. I called a

SU hot line last year when I was on the verge of SU and to this day that

person on the phone is the one of the four I ever told and i only know the

other 3 from here i used pm's. She said she could not imagine why I

would not tell anyone when it happened which to me made me think I was

to blame because I could have stoped it, then she put me on hold how

could she do that,I attempted SU that night and I got real close to death.

the person that did it said if I ever talked he would kill me so I was

scared and ashamed. he aimed a shot gun at my head when I said I was

going to talk,I think he would have killed me if I had. by 14 I just wanted

to die I knew life would never be the same for me, I would always be

hiding the shame, and hiding the pain behind a false smile. My mom

worked in a factory and had to be at work at 3:15 am I had no locks on

my backdoor he knew that and let himself in he tryed to do it again and I

fought him with all I had which was not much I was laying on my back

with him choking the life out of me. I realized he was going to kill me and

I was suprized to find out I wanted to live, I reached to the headboard of

my bed and grabed what I can only describe as a brick but it was just a

large rock not as wide as a brick but as long as one and it was much

harder then a brick. I hit him with all my might in the side of the head and

he fell into the floor bleeding bad from where I had hit him he was trying

to crawl away and all of that hate,rage,fear,guilt and shame was put into

one hit right on the top of his head. He was out I thought I had killed him

I hoped he was dead. I changed my cloths, washed my hands and face

then went to my friends house,I did not tell him what I had done, I said

my mom had locked me out. At four o clock that afternoon I went home

expecting to find that my mom had found his body, but he was gone,

two weeks went by and I got a phone call it was him he said he was going

to kill me for what I did, I told him he had already killed me my life would

never be the same because of him, I told him how he took everything

that made me who I was and mudered it,then I said if you are going to

kill me you better do a better job then last time because next time I will

not stop untill I can no longer move my arms and that if he ever tryed it

and felled I would tell everyone what he was,,however that was a bluff

that would also have told everybody what had happened to me I guess he

belived it because four months went by and I did see or hear from him.

on that fourth month I moved in with my dad. There is not a day that

goes by that I don't think about what I have been through I think about

SU at least once a day,I thought as I got older the pain would slowy drift

away but it just got worse which brings me to the bus. I have never had

any thearpy and I know I realy need it because one day I may hit such a

low point that I just end it all Thank you for listening and sorry it was so

long I had to tell it though for myself....
Last edited by innerpain on Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Digitalis » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:14 am

Who the hell on a SU hotline puts you on hold?? What an asshole!! Stay strong, and you may want to go foward that way he won't be able to hurt other the way he hurt you, it won't cure things, but it may help to set things more right. Know people are listening. *huggs* if wanted.
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Post by PassingCloud » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:40 am

hi, i wanted to let you know i've read. you have been through a lot. i think it's very brave to tell. therapy really helps dealing with SA and the SU thoughts. please try to remember that it was not your fault.

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Post by jordan » Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:17 am

i'm deeply sorry for what you have had to endure in your life. But even though you don't want to, telling the authorities or at the very least going to therapy will help you. It may not at first but talking about it to someone will help get it all out and with work hopefully you won't have SU thoughts every day. And then you'll only have them once a week, once a month and eventually it will get better. Have faith in that. My thoughts are with you and please take care of yourself. Gentle thoughts and hugs to you if you want them.
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Post by Christopher » Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:33 am

Lady__P wrote:Who the hell on a SU hotline puts you on hold?? What an asshole!!
Exactly: Those stupid, iresponsible jerks !
I am getting really angry when I read this!

I read what happened to you innerpain, I am
deeply sorry. But its good that you wrote about it.
Try to stay stron and safe!!



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Post by emnatic » Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:46 am

i read and im really sory for the pain you have been through and are still going through.
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Post by Eccie » Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:34 pm

I'm really sorry you had to go through this. I think it's a good idea for you to go to therapy and maybe one day you'll be able to tell the authorities, you could even send them an anonymous note if you had to, anything to stop this man from doing the same thing to someone else. Again, I'm sorry you've had to deal with all this pain and I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to.
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Post by innerpain » Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:44 pm

thank you all for replying it did realy help to talk about it but i think as i get older it will only get worse

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Post by jordan » Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:17 pm

that's why you need to do something about it now, before then. If you just wait around for it to get worse and not try and do anything about it, then you can safely bet that it WILL get worse. give yourself the support you need. whether it be talking to a therapist or just confiding in someone you trust, talk to someone now. please do it for your own sake. take care.
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Post by dbms » Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:41 am

thanks for taking the time to share your experience. It is one that no one should ever have to go through but unfortunately too many do. What happened to you was incredibly wrong and not your fault. Please see, at least talk to, a therapist about what happened to you. I feel strongly that one would most likely help you find some relief from what you are feeling. It is hard but in the end it is worth it. Please take care..
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Post by PassingCloud » Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:26 am

jordan wrote:that's why you need to do something about it now, before then. If you just wait around for it to get worse and not try and do anything about it, then you can safely bet that it WILL get worse. give yourself the support you need. whether it be talking to a therapist or just confiding in someone you trust, talk to someone now. please do it for your own sake. take care.
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Post by innerpain » Wed May 10, 2006 7:58 pm

I would like to see a therapist but they cost alot and I don't have a job or insurence

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Post by forevercryingtears03 » Wed May 10, 2006 8:20 pm

Ditto on the other replies. I'm here if you ever want to talk. ::points to my head:: I'm a good listener.

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