birthday list?

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birthday list?

Post by glass angel » Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:13 pm

hi admins and mods!

is there someone already assigned to starting birthday threads? i can't find info about it anywhere...

if not, i would like to volunteer to give something back to bus. i'm online just about every day, and i think i can input birthdays into my email so it alerts me when a birthday is coming up, so hopefully i wouldn't forget.

we have an avatar wrangler, i think i'd like to be a birthday wrangler! maybe it's a post that could be passed on each year?

just a thought anyway!

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Post by Scoots » Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:57 pm

that sounds like a good idea. i know often one of the mods starts a thread but maybe it would be something that would relieve one extra job from them. there is a thread that does have quite a lot of people's birthdays on it

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