Flash phpBB tutorials

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Flash phpBB tutorials

Post by Priceless » Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:08 am

Thought this might be interesting for some people here
phpBB flash tutorials
These are the tutorial subjects
  1. Registering a user account
  2. Editing your user profile
  3. Creating a new thread (topic)
  4. Replying to a thread (topic)
  5. Creating a poll
  6. Sending private messages
  7. Using the Search function
  8. Admin (18)
  9. Installing phpBB
  10. Configuring your board
  11. Creating and managing forums
  12. Setting forum permissions
  13. Managing groups
  14. Setting group permissions
  15. Pruning forums
  16. Censoring words
  17. Managing ranks
  18. Managing smilies
  19. Managing styles
  20. Editing a user profile
  21. Setting user permissions
  22. Banning members (users)
  23. Disallowing usernames
  24. Sending mass email
  25. Creating announcements
  26. Backing up and restoring databases

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Watch your words; they become actions.
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Watch your habits; they become character.
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