Marmite, fish....

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Marmite, fish....

Post by Small » Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:20 pm

Ok, just been told that both of these - marmite :marm: which I despise :nomarm: and fish -are both good things to eat if your suffering from depression, and also that marmite :marm: which i despise :nomarm: makes you less likely to cut - got that info from an ex-cutter.

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Post by Green Beauty » Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:13 pm

Well for some people SI stem's off from depression, so if it helps one it's not suprising it helps the other. I think eating fish and marmite can only help up to a small amount. I can't personally see everyone being cured by a tea spoon of marmite though. But there are foods out there that do supposedly 'lift the mood'. Any ideas what is in them to have this effect?


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Post by amyfairy » Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:55 pm

marmite does rock my world and it makes me very happy :D

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Post by claire » Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:15 pm

yeah i heard the thing about fish before, that if you eat it once or twice a week it 'lifts the mood' so to speak. i'm thinking its the omega 3 or watever thats in it. I'm pretty sure i've read something about this too.

i have no idea about marmite though, but i guess anything could be in that. Maybe it also has omega 3 i have no idea. i chekced the vegemite, but it doesnt ... but marmite is rather unique and speshul isn' it?

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Post by dbms » Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:25 am

Ok, I'll bite. What on earth is marmite? For a poor boy from Canada it sounds like luggage.

On the serious side I have heard that certain foods and herbs can address mild depression. Did try St John's Wort for a while but really didn't notice any effect that I can talk about. I've read as well that a craving for carbohydrates comes with depression.

I guess that true test is whether it works for you. If it does who cares what conventional thought says. Hang on to what works and toss out what doesn't.

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Post by claire » Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:45 am

marmite is :yuck:

vegemite is fantastic...

and i did go research, cos thats just me AAAAAAAAND yeah fish has omega 3 in it, that is thought to help with depression.

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Post by kermit » Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:22 pm

Marmite rocks!!!!

:frog: :lavheart: :marm:
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Post by pretty » Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:28 pm

dbms, marmite is a spread you put on toast, bread, or anything else you might fancy. I think it's largely a British thing.

<a href=" ... p">Marmite FAQ</a>.
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Post by art-girl » Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:24 pm

ive tried st johns wort for a while and the only effect it had was to make my contraceptive pill not work, thus giving me the scare of my life!
chocolate contains serotonin which makes you feel happy :lol: thats my excuse anyway :roll:
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Post by Small » Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:32 pm

dbms wrote:Ok, I'll bite. What on earth is marmite?
Marmite is a spread derived from the left overs after brewing beer, it is basically the scum that they clean off of the bottom of the brewing vats. This, and its taste is the reason I don't like it. It tastes foul.

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Post by beautiful_facade » Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:12 pm

Try vegemite!!!!!!

Don't like marmite but vegemite is delish! Myabe that'll be work cuz it finishes in 'mite'...hehe. Or try marmite with something else so the flavour isn't as strong. i like vegmite and cheese on toast!

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Post by Kaelyn » Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:12 pm

claire wrote:and i did go research, cos thats just me AAAAAAAAND yeah fish has omega 3 in it, that is thought to help with depression.
You know, you can even buy omega 3 capsules... concentrated fishy :o
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