What do you do when the person you love dosent like you???

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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What do you do when the person you love dosent like you???

Post by Destroyer » Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:13 am

Hey all,
I'm new and my name is Jeff. My problem right now is basically the same as my posts title but i think you should hear the whole story first. it basically goes like this......

There is this girl I have liked as long as i have known her. i wont say her name cause she could be here and i dont wwant her to see this. anyway we dated a few years ago, only one date, and after that ireally wanted to fdate her but my problem was that i was so scared of nothing that i couldn't call her back. well after two years, yeah I know its pathetic that i went two years so scared that i couldnt pick up the phone and call her, i called her and got her voice mail. i told her that i was sorry that i didnt call her for two years and thati would like to talk to her again and if she didnt want to call me back that i understood. well she did call me back the next afternoon and we talked a little bit about basically nothing and we said that we hoped to talk to eachother again really soon but then i didnt call her again for another.....well lets just say i called her for the second timesome time in october, i think, but the point is that i havent called her back and not but a month ago i found out from a friend of mine that she dosent like me anymore. now i have no idea what to do cause all i can think about is her and i know i love her but she dsent like me any more and i have no idea what to do so if you have any advise i would appretiate it greatly. thanks.


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Post by despair » Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:37 pm

im sorry...
:1hug: :1soothe: :1hug3:
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Post by toXic » Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:23 am

hmm... i was kind of in the same situation until just a few weeks ago... my ex gf and i were together for about a year and a half, then out of the blue she breaks up with me and her only reason is "it's not working". 2 weeks later i find out she's already got a new boyfriend, and3 weeks after that yet ANOTHER new boyfriend!! now, she wanted to stay friends even though we werent a couple anymore, so i agreed to that. the problem was that when we hung out and stuff she still cuddled me and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek... imagine how confused i was about that... i was still in love with someone who didn't want me anymore, well, at least thats what she told me... so there i was, starting to SI again for the first time in over 2 years. then i realized it truly was over, i kept asking her to just say goodbye because it was obvious being friends wasn't working out for either of us.. she woulnd't say goodbye. now, mysteriously, i've gone about 3 weeks without talking to her... she won't return my calls, and anytime i call her house her family says she's not home... does that mean it's over? i'm extremely confused... but the one upside of the lack of contact between us is that it helped me to get over her. So here's my advice to you: don't talk to the girl you like anymore, completely remove her from your life for awhile.
i think it helped me because i was forced to find other things to do and think about instead of wondering "does she still like me?"

whatever you decide to do good luck with it. and if you can't come to an immediate solution don't worry, time heals everything.

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Post by Destroyer » Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:29 am

thanks for the help mike. the only problem i see is that i havent had any contact with her for quite a few months and i stil think about her and cant get her out of my head verry easily. but anyway i do thank you for your advise.

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