Is not hiding scars/marks wrong?

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Is wearing short sleeves (when scars and cuts are visible) wrong?

It depends on...
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Post by Fleur » Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:24 pm

Frozen wrote:
Jaded_Melody wrote:I think its ok to not hide your scars...

Except around small children who are too young to understand.
young children are the ones i feel i DONT have to hide around. hey dont understand, so you can say something easily, they will take your word for it, and not bother you!
I hide my scars around kids too. I don't feel like it's right to lie to them, and you never know what they're going to take back to their parents (who might not believe the explanation you gave the kid.) At least with the young ones I've looked after, if I told them my cat scratched me, I'd be asked if it hurt, if I cried, if someone gave me a bandaid for it, etc.


Post by guest1 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:10 am

usually i dont care, but today i wore long sleeves and it was 96 degrees out.

maybe cause they were too new and on both arms and much more visable today


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Post by butterflygirl348 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 6:56 am

I voted no because it's your choice, your comfort level. I've rarely hid my scars/cuts... but then I cut my leg and thigh so it's less noticeable. Most of the important people in my life know that I cut so it's not an issue with me.


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Post by Green Beauty » Sat Sep 10, 2005 4:15 pm

IMO i don't have a problem with scars being visible. But i dont like it if people show off unhealed wounds. Its just un called for in the publics eye..

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Post by codey » Sat Sep 10, 2005 5:17 pm

Hey, your question is a good one, i think the answer depends on the person your asking, as there is no right or wrong answer.
I have si for about four years now, i cover my scars and wounds as i cant handle people looking and judging me with out even nowin me.
But heres a question is covering our scars saying that we are ashamed of who we really are?
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Post by what_if » Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:20 am

I dont think its wrong. People should be free to wear what they want, and show what they want of their body. I dont usually cover my scars. If they are visible, i just come up with a good excuse for them. one hand, i know this is probably a stupid point, but if i were to see someone with really visible scars, it would trigger me. Its not their problem if that happens, but i do find that seeing other people's SI scars really triggers me. So in a sense, if they are cuts, then perhaps they could be covered. But i in no way think that a person should have to wear concealing clothing just because of another person's issues...its really not their problem. I just thought i'd say my wacked-up thought anyway :wink:

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Post by GirlInterrupted » Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:39 pm

It's purely a personal thing. I'm quite comfortable with not hiding mine, unless I'm going to see my parents...otherwise, pretty much everyone knows what I do, so I don't really worry about it much...

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Post by morganna » Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:21 pm

Green Beauty wrote:IMO i don't have a problem with scars being visible. But i dont like it if people show off unhealed wounds. Its just un called for in the publics eye..

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Post by shadowavenger » Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:40 pm

I don't think it's wrong, but I agree that it can be insensitive. I cover up cuts because I know some of my friends would get very upset if they saw my arms with cuts. I generally cover my scars too but I'm not so neurotic about that. Sometimes I feel like I want to show people my cuts, because I don't know how else to explain what I feel inside, but that is a very private thing and I don't want the whole world to see how I feel, but that's my choice and if other people want to show everyone how they feel that's not wrong. If you don't like it, look away.

The only circumstance where I think you should cover up is if you KNOW you will be around someone for whom your scars or cuts would be triggering, but that would probably happen rarely if ever for me. If someone asked me to cover up because it triggered them then I certainly would, but if someone asked me to cover up because they didn't like my cuts/scars for another reason (such as squeamishness) I would consider that to be their problem rather than mine and probably be offended.
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Post by Blake 1 » Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:47 am

i said no because i ussually cut where a short sleeved shirt would cover. i don't cut very much on my lower arms and if i do its only one cut and its only very occasionally so ppl usually ignore it.
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Post by theboldeditalics » Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:55 am

Sometimes I feel like I want to show people my cuts, because I don't know how else to explain what I feel inside
I know exactly what you mean, but I also don't want to make the mistake of being an 'cutter for attention.'

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Post by rainbowFAILURE » Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:15 pm

I dont think you have to hide your scars. I used to all the time, but it does get hard finding a way to cover up all the time. If it is a new cut then yes, I think it is probably best to cover up. Mainly, it just depends how comfortable you are and whether you can cope with answering any questions about the scars.

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Post by DJ_CJ » Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:50 am

kakalina wrote:i said no because i ussually cut where a short sleeved shirt would cover. i don't cut very much on my lower arms and if i do its only one cut and its only very occasionally so ppl usually ignore it.
I do that too but scars on my lower arms are adding up now. I do think it's necessary to hide new ones but that won't stop questions about them when they scar. I definitely don't think it's wrong to hide, but the more you do, the harder it is to stop hiding. You can't wear longsleves and jeans for the rest of your life. Well you could but it would get very old and uncomfortable.

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Post by eerie_me » Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:20 pm

I dont bother hiding my scars. I get hot a lot and I am always rolling up my sleeves. But i leave the option open to roll them down again if I am around children. I dont think its right to display your scars to children. Ok so some of them wont know what they are, but they are likely to ask a lot of questions which u cant answer honestly because of ethics.

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Post by Lonely Soul 13 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:23 am

I don't wear long sleeves. I think it's the fact that I really just want to be heard. I guess I really want to stop. But I can't- you know. I can't stop! But I need someone to be like- I think she SIs. Maybe my best friends. I've learned that this is one thing I need help on. I just can't figure out how.
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Post by lvpps » Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:18 pm

I think the decision is up to you, if you feel comfortable having people see your scars and no what you do, then there's nothing wrong with having them visible. For me, I dont want people to know, most people I dont think would understand and wouldnt know how to deal with it, so I always hide them to try to fit in


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