How do u stop bulimia?

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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How do u stop bulimia?

Post by VowsOfSadness » Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:18 pm

I know this is kind of a dumb question. But I have only recently admitted that I have a problem and now I want to stop (i think). I just don't even know where to begin. I don't even know what it is I have to stop.

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Post by Guest » Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:24 pm

Hey i have the exact problem. I want to stop but i dont know how. I dont even have any good advice. Try doing something elce. The problem i have if i talk myself out of binging then i feel guilty for having wanted to binge and i starve myself for a day or two.

I deffinatly need professional help.


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Post by theboldeditalics » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:07 am

For me, it was only a substitute for not cutting. If I stop cutting for more than a couple days, I usually revert. When I start cutting again, I just don't feel the need anymore...???
lately i've been feeling
like i don't belong
like the ground's not mine to walk upon


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:50 am

well i have recovered pretty much from bullimia on my own without any profesinal help

so i know it can be done

the hardest part for me was transitioning from b/p to eating regularly

it's like you don't know up from down anymore.
when i first decided that i couldnt be like this anymore i kinda swung in the other direction
hardly eating at all NOT GOOD

so how do you teach yourself to eat ....properly....with out guilt.....and without that feeling that you are gonna be sick every time you eat something bad.....

how do you stop the binges
things that have worked for me are learning how to eat my favorite foods in moderation

my two big weaknesses are chocolate and cheese so i let myself have them both in moderation

i find if you keep yourself from certain foods that you like or crave then binging becomes more appealing

when i had a hard time with just eating in general without wanting to be sick i found that eating a salad and *fattening it up* putting some cheese or deli meat on it things like taht ..... to make it more like a meal...but your mind still thinks you are having a salad.....

i think the biggest thing is to trick your mind

and i know its so emotional and in a lot of ways it is about that release just like SI ...... but you can learn to not be dependent on it.

also eating regularly through out the day is important
starving yourself all day leads you to be hungry and then your mind has the whole day to think about the binge

ok it's late and i know i'm not making that much sense but i hope this helps some

the trouble with bullimia is that you have what feel like physical reactions to food..... so it's not like SI you can say ok i want to quit SI ...but you dont need to SI to live
you need to eat to live
so it's a very hard battle to find that balance but it can be done

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Post by VowsOfSadness » Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:44 pm

Thank you so much. I have been very much restricting my intake and now I realize that will only lead me to binge cause I will get so hungry. You advice and tips are very good and I am going to try it out. It's good to know it can be done if I just try hard enough. Thanks so much!

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:11 pm

yes it can be done if you are willing to try
that is the most important thing

wanting to better

i think that's the most important thing having enough faith in yourself to beat it

i won't say that everythign is all peachy for me now....or that i'm just magically cured...because i'm not

i still have to work at it .....sometimes i ahve slip ups.....
some days it's really hard

but it does with time get easier
*hugs you*

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Post by t_k » Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:59 pm

Have you thought of joining a forum for eating disorders to get some support?
I would recommend
They have a support forum and distractions aplenty as well as disorder specific forums, other things (such as self injury and drugs) oriented forums, a diaries forum and many many others.
I've been a member there for more than 18 months and I love it, it has helped me immensly.

If you join then PM me, my username is t_k :heart:

Well done on admitting you have a problem, by the way :)
Eating Disorder Forums</CENTER>


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:30 pm

just thought i'd check up on you

how are you doing with everything?

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