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Post by Alone » Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:46 am

# Why do I feel I need to hurt myself? What has brought me to this point?
kitty jus died.. i guess. just like overall stress (with school and shit)

# Have I been here before? What did I do to deal with it? How did I feel then?

# What I have done to ease this discomfort so far? What else can I do that won't hurt me? cried.. tlaked a bit to some one online

# How do I feel right now?
sad lonely hurt helpless

# How will I feel when I am hurting myself?
calm relieved

# How will I feel after hurting myself? How will I feel tomorrow morning?
i dont know. . angry?

# Can I avoid this stressor, or deal with it better in the future?
drop outta school .. . never have a pet again..

# Do I need to hurt myself?
yes..well no..i feel like i *need* to.. bu ti just want to.. i dont really need to.. i dont think..

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Post by Jomomma » Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:44 pm

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. I have lost a couple pets and it hurts.
That alone can be a major stressor.
What else is going on with schooland such that has you so stresses?
Can you eliminate some of it in any way?

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Post by Alone » Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:25 pm

well with school.. i am doing an internship.. which caused me to miss the first 2 weeks mwf.. there was a class that i wanted to take.. during that time so i talked to the instructor and she said we could work it out and not to worry about it.. okay so we decided i would go to out side poetry readins to make up what i missed.. well when i finally get there she was like well i expected you to keep up with the work.. (since i knew what it was?... grr) and she said icoudlnt make any of it up and that she has made the participation points worth more and since i missed so much it wont be possible to get an A any more.. she said that only if i go to all the out side poetry readings can i get an A.. well turns out that they are all like 1-2 hours away.. i cant drive that far...then she told me she would suggest i drop the class.. . but it was to late.. i couldnt get money back.. and if im going to apy for it i might as well stay in ya know? its frustrating because i asked her more the once what specfifically she wanted me to do that iw as missing and she told me every time that i just needed to do the extra credit .. but then she wanted me to do the stuff..that they did in class? .. . i never even got the handouts or anything.. how was i s'posed to? so im stressing abou that.. i dont want to ruin my GPA .. and shes not willing to work with me on this at all.

other stressors.. jsut like bills and a job and my other classes because im afrid that they might not get the attention they need.. and then my internship.. its just lots of stress. i guess. that i could avoid.. i guess but i would have to not take classes not work.. not do the internship..i dont know..

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Post by Elizabeth » Fri Apr 22, 2005 7:34 pm

Hey there! I just finished college myself- and can totally relate to the stress of doing an internship while trying to keep up with classes. And having a pet die during the middle of a term... oh boy do I know the feeling. I was thinking. about the extra credit poetry readings ... could you make it a road trip or something fun like that... see if any friends want to go, then it wont be such a long trip? As far as your teacher goes, man I'm sorry she did that to you! That is messed up. For my pet dying, what i found to be really helpful was writing a long letter to him. Saying how great of a dog he was and talking about all the great times we had together.. It helped me a lot to get some closure that way. I must add, it is OKAY to grieve over the loss of a pet. Keep your chin up! You have fought through so many battles in your life so far, you can do it again. You have more strength in you than you think!

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Post by WhoAmI_NoOne » Fri Apr 29, 2005 2:29 am

I am sorry to hear aboutyour kitty. Maybe, to help deal with that stress, you can get another pet? THe new pet can never replace the old, but maybe getting another can get your mind off of the old one, and focusing on the new one. And I dont know what to say about your teacher, maybe even though you wont get your money back, you could still drop the may or may not be worth the stress. But then again, that is up to you
No one can see the pain that we hide, They're happy for us to keep it inside, Our fear is our own; they don't want to know, Why should we involve them; why should it show.

I know what it is like to live inside of yourself, and you can't escape.
~ someone

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