Usergroups divided by sex

news about changes and fixes to the board, and a place to post any technical queries.

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Post by silent_scream » Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:34 pm

I have 20 forums, not including mods stuff or welcome wagon
Mama wrote:Copied from bojjie's post.

I've been here a loooooong time, in fact so long ago, that there were only two forums and reading the posts was a nightmare.

I just looked and as of today, we have 18 forums (not including the admin/tech or the ones accessible by mods or admins only), 8 administrators (and I'm not including ben or deb here) and 23 moderators. Bus averages over a thousand posts per day as it is and an average of 60 topics per day.

Now, if we added forums for each topic that was discussed (in this post or others), we'd be adding 4 new forums, each of those forums would have to have a least 2 mods (3 if they're very active) and we'd probably have to add at least two new admins.

This place is daunting enough for new users. Are we sure that we want to make it more complicated?

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Post by Proximity » Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:13 am

silent_scream wrote:I have 20 forums, not including mods stuff or welcome wagon
Carolyn wasn't counting before you post or administriva

1 main
2 coping
3 before and after
4 life after
5 arc
6 sourcebook

7 family and friends
8 family and friends private

9 expressions
10 distractions
11 games
12 random weirdness

13 events
14 going away
15 place
16 spirituality
17 debates
18 please be healthy

:redstar: prox. :redstar:
[it's true it's true it's true - it's still still still true]
Amid the tornadoed Atlantic of my being, do I myself still forever centrally disport in mute calm; and while ponderous planets of unwaning woe revolve round me, deep down and deep inland there I still bathe me in eternal mildness of joy.
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Post by dreams » Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:24 am

ben wrote:
dreams wrote:Another practicle query how would people with more than one personality be treated. What if one or more of their alters were male and one or more female?
Ah - easy - here it's 'one body one username'.

Keeps things simple and straightforward.
I know Ben, but that doesn't solve the problem of which board they would be entitled to have access to: male? female? both? if the proposal was taken up.

:redstar: I have been SI-free since 22nd November 2004 :redstar:


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Post by ben » Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:54 am

Indeed it doesn't dreams,
but i am already of the opinion that there are plenty of forums,
so it's not a problem that i wish to devote any brain power to :wink:

More just mentioning it in case anyone wasn't aware already :)
"Knew what cats know that makes them scream like babies in night.Looked at sky through smoke heavy with human fat and god was not there.The cold,suffocating dark goes on forever,and we are alone.Live our lives, lacking anything better to do.Devise reason later.Born from oblivion;bear children,hellbound as ourselves;go into oblivion.There is nothing else.Existence is random.Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long.No meaning save what we choose to impose."

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