Rubbish *lang*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Rubbish *lang*

Post by del33t » Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:23 am

I’ve decided that I shall no longer come here in hope of looking help or advice, or friendly words. I’ll now come simply to vent and to exercise my desire to open up – in whatever I can.

I went to a new quack today. The session was most interesting. For one, my mother had to come in with me for a few minutes to settle some details, considering that I’m not yet 21. She spent almost half an hour just going on and on. I thought this was for me? Hmmm, moving on. It was a great relief when we got talking, and he pointed out all of the contradictions in what she said, and how she’s completely misdirected her anxieties and such.
It’s due to her past and what her husband did.
Well, there’s a lot to it. But he said something that makes so much sense, and really hit home:

“Don’t think you’re doing something wrong. You have no reason to feel this (separation individuation) guilt. You’re freaking them out.
Don’t tell yourself you’re doing something/s wrong. Tell yourself that you’re doing some things right.”

Finally, someone who fucking understands and sees this whole fucking situation for what it is.

My life is fucking mine.
A new life-form that likes to fantasise about it's own demise.
- Girl Interrupted

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