Things Left Unsaid *LA*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by Bridget0688 » Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:31 pm

Matt- leave me the hell alone. I don't need you. I don't want your help. You don't know what I need. You don't know what you're talking about. GO AWAY. FUCK YOU. I'm not the little helpless girl you want me to be. I never was. I never will be. Please just go the fuck away.
Alex H.-Thank you for all you've done in the past week to make me feel better. It's really helped me.
To everybody-I'm not who you want me to be. I'm not pretty. I'm not smart. I'm not talented. Just give me a chance. <-----My place, replies are welcome!!
Here I stand
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What I've done
Oh God...What have I done

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Post by dancer » Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:37 am

Jay: why the hell did you lead me on for so long when I wa so in love with you.... did you ever really mean it when u said u loved me or was I just another girl in the long line. I can't believe I gave you my virginity, my heart and everything for you to do this... a year gone down the drain... why don't you want me anymore... is there anything I can do to get you to take me back, you can control me... I won't complain... not anymore I just want my bf back, please... i've cut everyday since you dumped me, I cannot take this pain... just understand that I love you... please how I wished you feel the same way about me... this is making me wana die... I wana give the hell up so give me something to not give up for.... baby this is my slow and painful death this way... PLEASE TAKE ME BACK I LOVE YOU :cry:
I'm filling up inside, like I need to open wide, and pour my heart out to you ... 'Hoobastank-Never there'

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Post by dancer » Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:38 am

Jay: why the hell did you lead me on for so long when I wa so in love with you.... did you ever really mean it when u said u loved me or was I just another girl in the long line. I can't believe I gave you my virginity, my heart and everything for you to do this... a year gone down the drain... why don't you want me anymore... is there anything I can do to get you to take me back, you can control me... I won't complain... not anymore I just want my bf back, please... i've cut everyday since you dumped me, I cannot take this pain... just understand that I love you... please how I wished you feel the same way about me... this is making me wana die... I wana give the hell up so give me something to not give up for.... baby this is my slow and painful death this way... PLEASE TAKE ME BACK I LOVE YOU :cry:
I'm filling up inside, like I need to open wide, and pour my heart out to you ... 'Hoobastank-Never there'

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Post by {{ silent scream }} » Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:06 pm

o my god, ur chinchilla is cute!

- rasika. im so so so so releved youve left ad.
one less troubled friend to worry about.

i wish i were beautiful

i wish i were thin.........

** please dont hug me **

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Post by lost down here » Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:33 pm

i love you, i can't wait until i can hold your hands and kiss your mouth and whisper it to you...i want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you, you're everything i've ever wanted and more, i don't know how i ended up with someone like you, i never want this to end


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Post by blink182 » Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:16 pm



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Post by marylou » Fri Nov 26, 2004 3:23 pm

D- You ask such hard questions some days! I wish I could answer them for you. I wish I knew what it is that you do, what it is that I need so much.
Thankyou sooooo much for saying you were concerned about me, it means alot. And thankyou for appreciating that I care about you and her. My head is bit screwed and illogical, I'm trying to sort it out. I can't always explain stuff.
But I'm glad you're with me.

Gd- Where are you? I've lost you. I've lost that feeling.
I'm lost without you.
"You loosen my chains and just ask me to trust you. But it's so much easier this way, even though I know that I am bound."

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Post by dreams » Sat Nov 27, 2004 12:28 am

I love you

I will never forget you



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Post by marylou » Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:24 pm

H- What is wrong with you? You think you've got problems??? Honestly, I could name more than ten other people who have problems so much bigger and life-changing than yours! Get yourself together and stop screwing around with everybody elses lives. A's work is closing and his family is a mess, L is so busy with the new baby, D is trying to finish uni&start a new job, O is moving house. Leave them alone!!! What's the matter with you? Everyone one has lives and we're all trying to our best to get by. Go away!!
"You loosen my chains and just ask me to trust you. But it's so much easier this way, even though I know that I am bound."

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Post by mazaru » Sun Nov 28, 2004 2:46 am

I know you're hurting. I know you think I can help. But you don't know me. You can't see what you're doing to me at the moment. Please stop taking me for granted, pull your finger out and start helping yourself. And no, you don't want to si, you've never done it in your life, and you sure as hell aren't about to start. And we both know that. So why even bring it up? Why ask me to hide sharps just in case, when you know you'd never do it? Are you purposely trying to trigger me? What is this? Get your ass down the counselling centre, go talk to J, no one cares if you're in your pjs, just do something. If you don't want to be at uni, don't be. If you don't want to be at home, don't be. You have enough friends that can help you. We sorted out a list of things you could to do help, and you haven't even made an effort. I know how hard it can be sometimes, and I know you're down, but you forget that I also know pretty well how down you are. Other people do talk to me, you know. You can't be taking the piss out of me half the time, and running to me for help the other half. I have a life and shit of my own to deal with. I'm here, but not all the time. I have to look after me.

Whew, that felt good.
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Post by whitemouse » Sun Nov 28, 2004 5:33 pm

Dad: I wish I could hate you. I guess I just wish you'd try to understand instead. Even if I tried to make you understand, the only thing you'd tell me to do is "Buck up, this is the real world". I won't let your real world become mine. Somehow I'll be happy. I don't know how, but I will.

B: I wish you knew how much it hurts when you're so hateful to me. I just want us to be nice to eachother, but anytime I say something you call me names or act like I'm a moron. You think it's stupid for me to cry when you say those things. It's not.

J: I am so glad you are my grandmother, you are one of the only things that I can count on. I love you so very much, thank you for everything.

R and C: I loathe you more than anyone. I can't even articulate it. You disgust me, and to think I loved both of you so much at one point.

P: I just want to be around you, that's all. I think maybe I am in love with you, you are so gentle. I don't ever want to tell you this, but as long as I can be with you sometimes, it's ok. You are so special that you don't realize it...what other world did you come from?

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Post by Bridget0688 » Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:10 pm

A-I just wish you would accept me for who I am...
Joe-Why can't you accept the fact that I'm not interested in you anymore? You're one of my best friends, but nothing more. <-----My place, replies are welcome!!
Here I stand
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What I've done
Oh God...What have I done

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Post by marylou » Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:36 am

D- Stop it with the questions! I can't do this anymore. I don't want to analyse it, I don't want to discuss it. Why you can't you just shut up?! You, with your perfect family and your awesome dad. It hurts me when you talk about him and how amazing he is and how you respect him. I bet he never turned away from you. Honestly! What do you know???
You've had hard times. Yeah, whatever. So you messed around with some girls and it kinda blew up in your face. You deserved it. And now, it's like it's all okay and your life is good and you have nothing to complain about. And I lived a good life and did my best, and I get this. God is not fair.

Sorry this must be crap to read. I hate myself today.
I'm just angry. Don't take it personally.
"You loosen my chains and just ask me to trust you. But it's so much easier this way, even though I know that I am bound."

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Post by Wall » Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:41 pm

I'd just like to know that you see me. That is OK that I exist, OK that I'm here and breathing. There's no need to be afraid of me or to avoid me. I was pushed and it went too far. I've tried to come to you, but you're always so busy. So many important things, I feel brushed off. Hurried. Thrown away. The fruit of my labors is appreciated, but the person inside this shell is dying. I'd like to talk. Can you make time to notice me, to respond with something more than platitudes?
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Post by mazaru » Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:52 pm

actually, seeing as you asked, not very well. kind of shitty, really.
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Post by Zebraseal » Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:31 pm

i can't even say it.
Without SI since Nov 6, 2004.

Sleep. Wake up.

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Post by sassy koala » Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:11 pm

i'm so tired. just let me take some time and sleep. and rest. and come back in maybe 2 weeks all refreshed with hopefully a new outlook inlife.
i wish i could check myself in and get the help I know I need without the fear of repercussions at work or the judgementalism of those aroundme.
i wish I could let other see how weak I really am without completley fall apart.
i wish I could just crawl into my bed and hibernate for weeks.
i wish you wouldn't expect so much ofme.

mike -
I hate you right now. your office is supposed to be my safe haven. Where I don't get hurt. And where I am allowed to feel my pain in a protected atmosphere. You took that away on Monday and I don't konw if I will be able to get that back with you. You hurt me and I am not sure if I can continue this relationship.

i don't want to hear any more comments about me spending money. ever.

to me - just do it.

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Post by dreams » Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:49 pm

I just want to be accepted for who i am. can you do that? am i worth it?

dreams :clover:

:redstar: I have been SI-free since 22nd November 2004 :redstar:


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Post by ~invisible_me~ » Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:17 pm

Im sorry. Im sorry for everything. I dont know what to say to you that will make any difference. I miss you. You were my closest friend IRL and now we hardly talk. When we do you get at me. I dont like whats happening but you dont want it to change. This is hurting me so bad right now. I need you more than youll ever know but i understand that you dont want to be around me anymore or acknowledge me im a shit friend and dont deserve anyone. I hope your happy. I will always care about you i cant stop doing that just cause you hate me now. I cant. im sorry. If i could take back the time i fucking would right now :cry:

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Post by no_angel » Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:38 am

All I say is nothing to you.
You make me feel like I'm not worth it anymore.
And for that reason, I'm saying goodbye.
I don't want to... but I have to.
I'm sorry.

"I'm so afraid to push you from my mind,
like the fear of forgetting what light is like
when you close your eyes..."

I will always keep you in my heart.


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