Party/Worried...need some advice please

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Party/Worried...need some advice please

Post by morbidkitten » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:31 am

Hey i need some advice..this is kinna stupid but i need some theres this big party on saturday of a kid i know and its supposed to be really fun theres alot of fun people problem is..i should not be drinking..the last time i drank at my bday party about a month ago i SI'd really bad in my friends bathroom and my boyfriend found me in the garage and i couldnt remember even doing it...i got really depressed after a while as well..the depressed aspect of it has happened the past few times ive anyway since then ive been trying to stay away from taht whole scene for a while and ive been just scared of what might happen if i get anyway my question is my friends get frustrated when i wont always go out and party..because they dont know why they just think im being a brat or something..and my friend is really excited for me to be going and stuff so how can i say i dont want to go..for my own personal reasons without sounding bitchy..nobody knows about my SI other than my bf and hes really supportive so i cant tell my friends whats going on..i just dont want them to be mad at me because they dont know the whole story...what should i do?..or should i just go?..i know someone iwll probably say go and dont drink..but thats impossible its very hard for me to be around alcohol and not help me out if u can thanks

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Post by demidivine » Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:19 pm

it's not stupid at all. is your boyfriend going? because then you can ask him to keep a close eye on you (which i'm sure he'd do anyway) and distract you as well.

well done for having the confidence to go, i've had some bad experiences with alcohol in the past - along similar lines, and involving guys as well - but also speaking from experience, you can have a decent time at parties without getting trollied. i've often told people that i've taken my meds before i came, so that i can't drink more than a couple or i'll react badly - generally that's a decent excuse and you can ask people to keep an eye on you without telling them about the si. (the excuse works for headaches, too...)

good luck with it. i have faith in you - it's all about self-control, and try to relax and have a good time without dwelling on it. i know it's a vague statement, though. the best i can do is to say, get other people to keep an eye on you, and make sure you only have a few, which might hopefully make it easier. good luck, hon, and have a good time! :)

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Post by waxbutterfly » Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:43 pm

having a friend keep an eye on me usually helps me not to drink. but if you feel like you really can't go, maybe you could come up with an excuse for your friends so you wouldn't hurt their feelings. you could say you're sick, or have a ton of work to do. i hope that helps a little, sorry you've got such a tough decision. oh, and good for you for deciding not to drink! :)


is it getting better, or do you feel the same? does it make it easier on you now you've got someone to blame? well it's too late tonight to drag the past out into the light. we're one, but we're not the same. we've got to carry eachother.
- U2

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Post by Bathelina » Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:24 pm

Ask them if they can not have drink. I think that if you are seriously worried, maybe you should just go to a movie with your boyfriend or something? He'll understand. Tell them that you're not up to a party and drinking and if they persist it may be an option to tell them. But I advise that you go with your boyfriend somewhere nice. You can still have great time with him, but the risk of getting drink and self harming is too high, I think

Hope you have fun whatever you do!
Lots of love,
Hannah :):):):)

the girl who blocked her own shot

I want to be better than oxygen.


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