coping at school

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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coping at school

Post by cariad » Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:35 pm

ok. im going ack to school soon and im scared that the lack of coping mechinisms will make me si more easily. at the moment my preferred coping skill is playing music far too loudly and screaming.....cant really do this at school...especially as ill proberly be threatened with exculsion is a have *multiple peircings* :roll: :roll: :roll:

so i want to come up with a coping list designed especially for school 9or work/collage/any social situation in which it is not acceptable to scream/cry/act like a loony....or si)

here is my list so far but more thoughts are muchly appreciated. im am planning to print this list off and eep it in my blazer pocket while at school :) (yes i know BLAZER its really really not fair)

* actually concentrating on work (works occasionally)
* if panicing ..counting letters in a paragraph (tho i dont know if this could be bad as relates to OCD habbits?)
* talking to a friend
* getting out the classroom
* drawing on peice of paper
*slowly killing rubber
* stare at the person in front of you and see how long it takes them to notice/call you a freak/hit you

ok...mine so far...not really the best of ideas...any help?

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Post by Lyndsie » Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:49 pm

talk to a counsler at school
Read a book
Do homework
Play-doh-(I always carry it in my purse.)
Rubber Band
Pick off nail polish (if you have it on your nails)
Plays with jewlrey your wearing
Go to the bathroom and scream (if no ones in there)
Carry a portable CD player around with you and go to the bathroom and lissen to it for a few mintutes

~so theirs some ideas for you!~

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Post by Boris » Thu Sep 02, 2004 8:19 pm

Lyndsie wrote: Go to the bathroom and scream (if no ones in there)
i dunno about that one, lyndsie...if somebody heard screaming coming from the bathroom, wouldn't they sortof freak out and call the police?

but if the bathroom's soundproof, go for it!!!

my own suggestions:
- play the piano (really helps to get a good relationship with the music teacher!!!)
- slide down the banisters and act silly with a bunch of friends
- gradually unravel/fray a piece of fabric (preferably not your school uniform if it's expensive)
- write angry notes in pig latin about how much you hate school. do it in big block letters. it's fun.
- if your school has a daycare and you like little kids, go and pay them a visit.

i'm sure i have more somewhere, they'll come eventually i guess.
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Re: coping at school

Post by tabzy » Wed Sep 15, 2004 9:18 pm

almost_winged_one wrote: * stare at the person in front of you and see how long it takes them to notice/call you a freak/hit you
:oturq: aw that one rox! :D
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Post by Bathelina » Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:17 am

These are such good ideas! Please keep posting them; I've been worrying about the same sort of thing. I might do that too.

Thanks soo much :)
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Post by kurdt_kobain » Sun Sep 19, 2004 5:41 pm

* Scribble on a peice of paper
* Actually pay attention in class
* rub your hands together really fast
* write a note about how your feeling to a friend
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Post by demidivine » Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:42 pm

what i used to do (and yes, blazers are true hell):

:star: see how small you can make paper aeroplanes
:star: invent a new alphabet
:star: draw a devil and an angel on opposite sides of a rubber, and decide whether you're going to be naughty or nice that day by flipping it
:star: do biro-henna on your hands
:star: attempt to make notes with your other (unfavoured) hand
:star: watch your teacher carefully and note any peculiarities they have (my maths teacher used to bounce when he walked, and would only write on half the board)
:star: plait your hair
:star: if you're on a long desk, pass ongoing notes down the row - it usually turns silly

and my favourite one, in French GCSE:
:star: bring all your folders, pile them up to make a wall, and read behind it... although my French teacher didn't appreciate me reading Mein Kampf...

good luck, hon :)

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Post by Snit » Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:15 pm

* try and really go all out with the drawing. I remember at one point in University making a huge allegorical thingy with Alice in Wonderland and all of us in the course, then I started a comic strip. Learning? Bah, who needs it.
* look at all the interesting poems and stories in your English books that you're not allowed to read.
* make up a wild theory about the thing you're studying, and then try and prove it. My English class actually managed to make a semi-coherent argument for Samuel Taylor Coleridge being, if only they'd used all that effort constructively ;)
* play with your keys - locker, car, whatever. I squeeze mine.
* take Drama as an elective. 'nuff said.
* work out anagrams of the people's names in your class, or teacher's names.
* testing to see if your esp/telekinetic powers actually work
* making your book look really, really, obscenely neat
* play teacher bingo with some friends (only do this with friendly teachers). You write down a list of common things that happen in a lesson, then assign them numbers, map them on a grid, and distribute. First one to finish must call bingo.
*If it's a break, look for pictures in the clouds.
* Join a club in the school and busy yourself up. Start a club!

Hope that helps!

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Post by waxbutterfly » Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:14 am

wow, what great ideas!
here's some more

*write perverse poems about your most straight-laced teacher
*try to guess if anyone in the class is not wearing underwear
*make up a secret code
*tape your fingers of one hand together and then try to unstick them without using your untaped hand (note: this only works if you don't have to take notes)


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Post by Diamond Dog » Sat Oct 02, 2004 2:24 pm

Write lists.

I write lists about things like music and movies and it has a calming affect on me.
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Post by stripin_hate » Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:43 pm

First of all Try to go to school with a postive mood and were a rubber band aroung your wrist, this usually helps me. You might want to think about joining volleyball it is somewhat rough but It really helps to take out the angey and sadness, plus It keeps you from the house and it keeps you occiped

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Post by ShellyT » Mon Oct 11, 2004 7:39 pm

one time when i was triggered in my american studies class (there are always passionate debates going's too early in the morning for stuff like that for me :roll: ) I did an extrememly detailed drawing of my hand. Then, I drew my stapler. Then, I drew my pack of gum. Having something like that to focus on really helped. So, just pull random objects out of your bookbag and start drawing ;) it works!
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