Question about Nerve damage (poss triggers)

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Question about Nerve damage (poss triggers)

Post by nomorepain » Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:42 pm

Hi everyone. Thanks for welcoming me to your group.

I had a question regarding SI nerve damage/infection.
Four months ago I cut extensively on both wrists (in the same spot) over the course of five days.

At first, I could barely use my hands, they shook a lot and my fingers were really stiff. Ever since my wrists have tingled a lot and I get this burning sensation. Especially after I use my hands a lot. (At my job I have to do a lot of data entry).

I have a hard time with handwriting. I write really slow. I can type ok. But I have a hard time with anything that involves hand/eye coordination. And anything that involves use of my hands. (eating, writing, changing clothes).

My doctor said I could have damaged the nerves/tendons in my wrist and hand. But he wasn't sure. I'm more worried about infection.

Does anyone else have experience with this? Does movement of your hands come back over time? Or is the damage permanent?

Sorry, I know its a lot of questions.
Thanks for the help

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Post by tiltheend » Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:27 pm

Hey Matt,

I wish I could help you but this has never happen to me before. Perhaps your doctor should send you to a specialist who will be able to answer your questions. I'm always here to listen...

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Post by lostchild » Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:31 pm

hi... it is possible from what you said that you have damaged some of the nerves supplying your hands, or the tendons. from what you describe, i'd say it's very unlikely you have an infection - if you did the area round the cuts would be red and hot and painful, but as four months have passed it doesn't sound like you have an infection... i'd suggest you go back to your doctor, if there is some tendon damamge you may need treatment, and physiotherapy and what have you will help improve the function in your hands. the burning and tingling sounds like nerve damage which should improve given time - i damaged a nerve in october and it's pretty much fine now. but if you're unable to do your job and stuff properly, physio and investigation to see if there is any tendon damage would be a good plan... hope this helps!
lostchild x

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