IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

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IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by swirlish » Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:45 pm

Hey guys!

Some of you may have noticed that we've had an influx of spam attacks lately. The staff has discussed different measures and has decided to switch from the CAPTCHA image (the little box with hard-to-read letters in) that you have to fill out when you register on the boards to a variant where you have to answer a question instead. This is supposed to be a more effective tool of keeping spammers out.

We wanted to let you know and remind you of the admin e-mail address, in case you have any problems logging in/registering or otherwise doing something on BUS. Please let us know if there are any issues or if you have any questions!

The e-mail address is

Thank you! :D

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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by k h » Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:48 pm

Why would people use a sanctuary to spam :-(

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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by swirlish » Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:29 pm

Some of them aren't actually humans, they're spambots - programs that are used to spam. Although some are probably just idiots who're trying to make some money (or just be a nuisance).

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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by LKinney » Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:12 am

Thanks swirlish and team.
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by kiwi33 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:08 am

Early days yet but it seems to be working :) - so far today I have zapped about 10 spammers which is below my usual average.
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by Spidey » Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:35 am

With that, can we get the rest of the board issues fixed?
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by kiwi33 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:20 am

Which other board issues do you think need attention?
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by Spidey » Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:15 am

  • HTML being broken

    Custom avatars no longer available

    Admin busmail address no longer working

    What happened to about, oh, half the smilies (not important but still relevant

    Inability to delete posts in place, which was always available to everyone regardless of staff or not
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by kiwi33 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:15 am

HTML being broken
I am not sure that I understand what you mean - can you elaborate?
Custom avatars no longer available
I agree that this is unfortunate.
Admin busmail address no longer working
A message to will reach the admin team.
What happened to about, oh, half the smilies (not important but still relevant)
From a quick count, members have access to ~250 emoticons. Do you think that number is inadequate?
Inability to delete posts in place, which was always available to everyone regardless of staff or not
I am not sure about the reasons for this - it may reflect changes in the phpBB software.
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by Spidey » Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:32 am

kiwi33 wrote:
HTML being broken
I am not sure that I understand what you mean - can you elaborate?
You can't use HTML in signatures anymore. While I'm very well familiar with BBCode and don't mind using it, the option of HTML in signatures did absolutely nothing to harm the board.
Admin busmail address no longer working
A message to will reach the admin team.
But why does the one no longer work? That has been there for time eternity. Beyond the mail interfaces/domain going extinct (which is isn't, loads fine on my computer), this is something that should be fixed. If anything porting the busmail to the gmail would be an excellent idea.
What happened to about, oh, half the smilies (not important but still relevant)
From a quick count, members have access to ~250 emoticons. Do you think that number is inadequate?
Honestly, no. I'm just an oldbie who remembered like 12 pages' worth :) If anything, I do miss the wave one, which is hit or miss with my computer.
Inability to delete posts in place, which was always available to everyone regardless of staff or not
I am not sure about the reasons for this - it may reflect changes in the phpBB software.
Likely so. If anything, users should be able to request and have the av wranglers upload avatars. That's been a BUS fixture since this incarnation of the board, and it sucks that it doesn't exist now.
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by swirlish » Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:34 pm

Sure, some things sucks. They are what they are, however. I'd like to refer you to Milvus' post in your earlier thread:
We appreciate that people are frustrated with some of the features (or absence of features) of the board at the moment. We really would like to fix them. However, Deb founded this community, and this board, and pays for and maintains the server, all voluntarily and alongside her RL commitments. She's currently taking a break from active participation on BUS after many years of hard work for the community. Additionally all of us admins and mods are volunteers, and are not from programming backgrounds like Deb is, so whether we'd be able to make some of the changes we'd like to if she gave us access is debatable! I'm sure I for one could royally muck some stuff up inadvertently and potentially compromise the board, so there is that consideration in the mix, as well. We all, mods and admins alike work hard to clear spam as fast as possible, and most spam is removed within a couple of hours. That is also thanks to the helpful reports from you guys of course!
As for HTML, I get that it's probably annoying when you're used to it, but I for one am deeply grateful you can't use HTML in posts anymore. You have no idea how many porn pictures that don't get posted only because the spammer is trying to use HTML which breaks the link. While the staff gets to them quickly, I much prefer posts just showing a link that people know not to click opposed to the graphic pictures we used to get on occasion, both for the users who happen to see them while they're up before someone has deleted them and for the mod who has to go through them.

As we've said before, it sucks, there's nothing we can do about it. (most things)


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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by Spidey » Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:20 am

Yeah, BBCode does cut upon robots ability to post disturbing images - I hear ya there :)

With the understanding that Deb has taken a leave of absence (awesome!) - if there's anything that is MOST important in my eyes, it is that the admins email at be restored, given its history and legacy. Even if it's just forwarded to the new gmail (like I said), it NEEDS to be active, it needs to be extant, even if just to say "we are phasing out busmail addresses, please use the gmail one".

Avs are of secondary consideration, but I feel are still important to the userbase.
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by Isme » Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:13 am

can i ask why is the busmail email so important? surely as long as you can reach the admin it doesn't really matter what the email address is.
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by amerylis » Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:40 am

Hi Jess

If for some reason you couldn't access the boards the e.g. your account wouldn't let you in or you had forgotten your password you can email the admins

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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by Isme » Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:32 pm

Yeah i get that. What i mean is why does it matter if its a busmail email address or a gmail address?
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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by amerylis » Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:09 pm

Ah sorry I misunderstood you. The gmail address works, as far as I know the other doesn't

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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by swirlish » Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:29 pm

I think that people would like to have the busmail address working because some board settings are tied to it. If you can't log in, the board says "contact the administrators here" and there is no way for us to change that. I have tried to float the information post around the boards and updated the relevant documents in before you post, but I agree that either getting the busmail address working or being able to change the address everywhere would be ideal. There might be other issues with not having the busmail domain working, but I'm not sure about those.

I'm afraid there's nothing the admins can do about this right now, though. I can't set the busmail address to forward to gmail because all e-mails to busmail bounces back.
If you guys see anywhere that you think the e-mail address needs to be updated, please let us know. If you can think of anything we can do to get the information out to the users, let us know.

We are really trying to do the best we can right now.

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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by Spidey » Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:40 am

mian wrote:I think that people would like to have the busmail address working because some board settings are tied to it. If you can't log in, the board says "contact the administrators here" and there is no way for us to change that. I have tried to float the information post around the boards and updated the relevant documents in before you post, but I agree that either getting the busmail address working or being able to change the address everywhere would be ideal. There might be other issues with not having the busmail domain working, but I'm not sure about those.

I'm afraid there's nothing the admins can do about this right now, though. I can't set the busmail address to forward to gmail because all e-mails to busmail bounces back.
If you guys see anywhere that you think the e-mail address needs to be updated, please let us know. If you can think of anything we can do to get the information out to the users, let us know.

We are really trying to do the best we can right now.

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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by swirlish » Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:52 am

Slight correction: I'm ALWAYS awesome! ;-)

(and I know it's frustrating.)

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Re: IMPORTANT - spam settings changing

Post by Spidey » Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:08 am

mian wrote:Slight correction: I'm ALWAYS awesome! ;-)

(and I know it's frustrating.)
:D :)
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