Posting pics on bus

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Posting pics on bus

Post by friarygirl » Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:55 am

I just can't do it, as I don't have a Photobucket a/c or anything - tried, worked for 6 weeks, lost it, long story. Is there any way to post pics from a Mac i-photo file to bus? If so, how? I'm only after putting up a couple of kitten pics or views, but I really can't work out how to do it without an internet intermediary.

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Re: Posting pics on bus

Post by pinky » Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:59 pm

did you try putting them in the bus photo gallery

if you have tried and it didn't work, then i don't know how you can without using photobucket...

you just have to register at the gallery and should be able to upload your pictures there and then put them here...

when you go to the photo gallery, click on the little man in the corner to register...i hope this helps you...
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Re: Posting pics on bus

Post by Mistress » Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:27 pm

the pictures need to be 'stored' on the internet somewhere, is the simple answer. think of it this way - otherwise, how are people going to be able to see them when your computer is not online?

there's photobucket - if you're having problems with it i'll happily try and help. alternatively, there's flickr, or facebook if you have it, or twitpic if you use twitter or as mentioned the bus photo gallery.

if it's a one-off or you want the pictures up quickly, i'm happy for you to email them to me and i will load them onto my photobucket account for you and give you the links to post, but that's not a permanent solution...
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