how can I become a mod

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blue butterfly

how can I become a mod

Post by blue butterfly » Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:59 pm

how do you become a mod I was wondering whether I could have a go at mod-ing the games

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Post by Milvus » Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:29 pm

I may add new moderators from time to time. It's usually not a good idea to ask me to make you a mod or an admin; if you do, you should ask once and leave it at that. Being a moderator is pretty hard work. Being an admin is harder work and most admins end up feeling a bit distanced from the rest of the board after a while. They're sacrificing a measure of support and comfort in order to make this board a better place, and they're great at it. I could not run this board without them. Also, please don't assume that not being asked to be a moderator or admin means there's something wrong with you. One of the joys of this board is that we have so so many qualified people for jobs like this.
quoted from here
A nevem Corti és papírzsepi vagyok meg gumikígyó jövetele!

blue butterfly

Post by blue butterfly » Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:32 pm

No worries maybe in the near future

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