i've been scarce lately

news about changes and fixes to the board, and a place to post any technical queries.

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sine nomine
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i've been scarce lately

Post by sine nomine » Wed May 31, 2006 8:15 am

work, a medical issue (it's fixed, more or less) and a major conflict with our landlords have been keeping me from the board lately. i'm hoping to be more consistent -- today was the firstchance i've had to be here in a while, and i wanted to get maintenance done.

i've got a couple of pms to ansnwer; i will get to that tomorrow because i've got to sleep soon. things are settlingnow,and should be back to normal soon.


[blockquote]Facts are not frightening. But if you try to avoid them,
turn your back and run, then that is frightening. -- Krishnamurti[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Why are we so frightened of what is?
What is the good of running away if whatever we are is always there? -- Krishnamurti[/blockquote]

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