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Emeritus staff bios (bios of former staff)

Post by silent_scream » Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:53 pm

This thread is for the staff bios of emeritus (retired) BUS staff. You can find the bios of current staff here.

I'm Kazz. I am a forum moderator on families and friends.

I have been on bus for a couple of years, and was made a mod mid 2004 (Around that time).

I'm 23. I live in America, but I'm from England. I moved to America to marry Mike (who is freewolf on bus, but doesn't post much anymore), we met here. I live with him and his 16 year old son and daughter (they are twins)

I like to play piano and guitar. I like chatting to and making new friends. I like learning about the mind. I enjoy mountain biking (although I'm not very good at it) with my family.

I also like juggling, reading, drawing, writing poetry and playing games. Sometimes I like to sing. I really enjoy drawing, and designing different kinds of artwork, and messing with photos on photo shop. I tend to make friends with people who are outgoing, and will stay strong friends for a long time.

I swear too much, spend too much time online, and say the wrong thing often but I try to always be around if someone needs me (which makes up for it ;) lol ).

That's me.
Last edited by silent_scream on Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:00 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by 8586 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:52 am

Hey I am Pope8586, but you can just call me Pope. I am a 19 year old female and I live in Michigan. I am a forum moderator in both distractions, games, and mainly place so feel free to come visit those forums and make lots and lots of posts! :wink:

Right now, I am attending Michigan State University, and my major is psychology. I have always been interested in psychology and helping others, even before I became depressed. I didn't know I wanted to become a therapist, but I new I wanted to do something similar. I now know I want to do just that, and work with children.

So yes, I absolutely love children. My mother owns her own daycare, so I've been around kids ever since I was little. I feel there is no one in the world that understands me better than a child would.

I used to play soccer and run cross country in high school, but now I just run in my free time and just play pick up games of soccer with my friends. I am trying to continue running just to stay in shape, but I often lack in the motivation area.

I enjoy hanging out with my friends, like most people do. I am in college, so of course I am like most college kids. I just like to have fun and enjoy being young. I feel as if I missed out on a lot when I was seriously depressed so I am trying to make up for some of that now. So yes, I drink and I party, though not nearly as much as many others around campus do.

In the summer I work at a pizza place called Towne Square. I make pizzas, take orders, ring people up, just about everything. I've been there for quite a while and I know most of the customers that come in. While at school, I work in the cafeteria. So when you're in college and complaining about the food, I am the one behind the scenes making it (though I swear we don't get to pick what is served, just cook it).

In my free time, I am often on the computer doing something. I like to visit bus or even just sit around and play games on the computer (like internet backgammon or spider solitare). I am not much of a TV person, I'd rather be online.

I listen to a lot of music. I love music! I mostly listen to country music, but really I can get into anything that I can sing to (though I am a terrible singer, anyone can tell you that). I admit to being a fan of Britney Spears too, I can't help it, I just love to dance and sing her songs. Everyone makes fun of me for that one, so feel free to, I am used to it. :roll:

I have been self-injuring since the summer going into my junior year in high school. A lot of different things had been going on in my life at the time, and self-injuring seemed at the time the easiest way to deal with all of it. The longest I have made it so far without self-injuring has been 10 months, and I am really proud of that accomplishment and hope to be able to reach it again (and even pass it).

If you have any questions about me, don't be afraid to ask. Please PM me anytime, I would love to receive them.


Last edited by 8586 on Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chimera » Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:57 pm

My name is Jessica, and I'm 29 years old. I live in the absolute middle of nowhere in rural Ohio with my husband Jason, a betta fish named Kipper, and four fabulous kitties (Obaka, Skittles, Elmo, and Dizzy).

I have been diagnosed as Bipolar I, with rapid cycling and mixed episodes, and I also struggle with OCD issues and anxiety. I had an eating disorder during my teenage years, but have managed to recover from that apart from occasional problems. I was born with congenital birth defects of my hands and arms, and have a total of six fingers (three on each hand). Because of the severe deformities in my arms, I have osteoarthritis and tendonitis in my hands and arms that causes intense chronic pain, and it finally progressed to the point where I had to stop working and apply for disability benefits.

I *love* to read. My favorite genre by far is fantasy. Some of my favorite authors are Lynn Flewelling, Dawn Cook, Anne Bishop, and Jacqueline Carey. After reading, my favorite activity is listening to music. I love animals, movies, and cooking as well. I volunteer for the National Weather Service as a trained severe weather spotter, and I absolutely adore storms and severe weather. I like watching documentaries on t.v., particularly those about nature, medicine, and weather. My guilty pleasures and closet addictions include subscriptions to both Glamour and Cosmopolitan magazines, reading trashy romance novels, and watching the daytime soap opera Days Of Our Lives religiously.

I've struggled with SI on and off for the better part of my life (since I was 12), and I joined BUS in summer of 2002. I became a forum mod in 2003, and an admin in the summer of 2004. I've been recovered from SI since the October of 2002.

Last edited by Chimera on Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ChaseThisLight » Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:33 am

Hi! I'm ChaseThisLight. I am a twenty-five year old female. I earned my bachelor of science degree in Forensic Science. I also have a law degree. My ideal job would be an advocate for Planned Parenthood, but more than likely I'll do something else to pay the bills. No matter, I thoroughly enjoy the law. I have been on BUS since mid 2003, and have been a mod since 2004. I started out in Random Weirdness, then moved to Life After, then to Spirit and Before and After, and I am now an Admin.

I have been self-injuring for about 11 years. I'm currently in recovery and have been committed to it since July.

I love music, I find it to be a great expression. I play a couple instruments and I sing. My favorite types of music are basically anything but country, and as my name reflects, I love Jimmy Eat World. I am also very into theatre; during my four years of high school I was in 10 shows.

Strengths: Outgoing, punctual, objective

Weaknesses: Can come across as being aggressive, sickening perfectionist about certain aspects of my life, have trouble asking for help and relating my feelings.

BUS really means a lot to me because even though I have troubles asking for help, it's always here when I need it.
Last edited by ChaseThisLight on Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:26 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by mallie » Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:54 pm

Hi. Around here I go by the name of Mallie. I'm 26. Female. I spend too much time on the internet, espeically here on bus. I've been on this board since late 2003, but was on the mailing list version of bus for a few years before that.

I have a BSc in biology, and began post-graduate study, but put that aside to focus on getting myself to a mindspace that I want to be in. Eventually I want to get back to study, and end up somewhere in genetics.

I've had problems with depression for a long time. There have been periods of reprieve, but it is something I've not managed to conquer properly yet. SI is not something that was always present for me - there were a few isolated incidents earlier, but that didn't really start until I was out of school, and would have been 18, so its probably a bit later than a lot of people on the board. Although I can't be sure that I will never SI again, I do know that if it happens it will be a conscious choice - I've gotten to a point where the feelings of urgency and need are something that I can handle in other ways.

I like reading science fiction, fantasy and kids books, but will read anything if its got a good storyline I can get lost in. I like colourful and shiny things generally. I often don't act my age, but consider this to be a positive trait. I like to listen to music and tend to vaguely categorise what I listen to as either heavyish-rocky stuff or pretty stuff, which isn't really a description that makes sense to anyone but me. Since I 'discovered' Star Trek last year, Spock has become one of my heroes. My cat has the run of the house, even if my parents don't admit it.

I tend to be pretty rational when dealing with other peoples problems. I'll try to think of ideas or silver linings in situations, but often lack this ability when thinking about my own issues. I often have trouble stating my opinon, and can have difficulty in forming it coherently at all. I can be a bit erratic. I'm not usually terribly fast at replying to PMs or posts, preferring to read and come back when I've had a bit more time to think.

I feel honoured to be on the board staff here, to be able to help out with a place that means so much to me.
Last edited by mallie on Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:55 am, edited 1 time in total.


Post by Paradoxis » Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:19 am

I'm Para, one of the moderators of the Arc. I'm female, 37, and live in SE Queensland, Australia.

I have a little boy who I relinquished to adoption just after he was born, out of love for him. It's a closed adoption (by law that's the only option here) but I'm allowed to participate in the "mailbox program" where we can send photos, letters, and small gifts to each other through the Dept. of Families. He'll be six this year on 9/11 and he is the most gorgeous child ever born. :D

I draw black and white pencil portraits and love music and dance. I prefer cats to dogs. I love Nature. I'm a loner, a hermit. I like movies, playing games on my computer (mostly arcade games), spending time on BUS, and reading. My favourite genre is fantasy. I've studied both formally at uni and informally from home. My major was Anthropology, second was Studies in Religion. I relate most closely to Buddhist philosophy.

I'm also interested in mythology (Joseph Campbell is my hero), Ancient History (particularly the 6th and 5th centuries BCE), Jung/analytical psychology, and love symbolism. I'm also interested in learning about various psychological theories. The mind fascinates me.

If you're interested in such things, I am an introvert - INFJ according to the Myer's Briggs thingy. Number 4 on the Enneagram. And I'm a Virgo. I have also been known to read cards (oracle, not Tarot). :lol:

I can't remember a time when I didn't SI in some form or another. I first found BUS through the Secret Shame site of Deb's in the mid 1990's. Back then, BUS was just an email list. When I came back to BUS again a couple of years ago, I found out about the BUS messageboard from another member of the email list. She mentioned the welcome cow and I just had to come. Been here ever since.

The longest I've gone without SI'ing has been just over three years. I don't struggle with it much anymore, and on the rare occasions when I do hurt myself it's easier for me to work out what happened and why, and what I can do differently next time. I've done a lot of work on myself over the years.

My weaknesses are that I can be self-absorbed and inconsistent at times, but I'm working on that. The thing I struggle most with is balance in all areas of my life. I am an obsessive person by nature. :roll:

I think my strength is my compassion, and genuine caring for people. What I offer the board is a sense of fun and play, humour, as well as understanding, acceptance, and support. So if you drop by the Arc, don't be surprised if you're welcomed not only with the traditional bus cow, but also with a handful of chooks and quite possibly a tomato or two.


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Post by pretty » Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:12 pm

Everyone round here calls me Pretty, which is fine by me. I'm 26, live in the middle of England with my partner, ageing goldfish and two rats. Like seemingly everyone else here I would love to have a cat, but living arrangements make that impossible for now. I work full time and spend any time I have left being a student with the OU doing vaguely literature related stuff.

In my spare time, which is kinda scarce at the moment, I spend a lot of time online. I really enjoy reading, walking in our local park, embarrassing trashy magazines, eating out and going to the cinema. I read a huge variety of stuff, I especially love Paulo Coelho, Virginia Woolf, and Terry Pratchett but I'm open to anything. I love music, and listen to a vast variety including punk, pop, folk, indie, rock, industrial, emo, the very odd bit of country. Mostly I listen to rock, new school punk and Ani Difranco at the moment.

I started self-injuring when I was fifteen, and it kind of went in phases, gradually getting worse. I stopped for quite a long time when I was 21 and 22, but then things started to go very wrong at uni and I started again. Right now I feel confidant describing myself as 'recovering'; this time I think I'm sticking with it. This time I've actually worked on things to make life better, and I've discovered that you have to work on it every day. Every day is a choice to be better. Even when I'm stressed or feeling really low now, I know I don't need to si. I wouldn't have got to this point without bus. Anyway… I have a tendency to ramble on a bit ;)

I'm pretty level headed and I'm good at seeing the rational side of things. I'm good at coming up with practical solutions and suggestions. I'm pretty good at techy stuff up to a point, mostly because computers don't scare me at all.

I'm not great in a crisis, and I don't think particularly quickly. I need a few minutes to step back and gather myself, so if it's an emergency it's probably best to ask someone else. When I'm feeling less than great or I have a lot going on in life, I start to find it hard to focus, so long or in depth posts aren't always something I can be any use with. Also, drama brings me out in hives ;)
Last edited by pretty on Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by tattybluetrees » Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:02 pm

Hello. I'm tattybluetrees, more usually known as tatty. I'm twenty four and I want to be a fifties film star when I grow up.

I'm having a bit of a hiatus currently. I was a philosophy student for a long time, and then I gave up my job to spend more time with my therapists, and now I'm trying to be a singer, and trying to be well. I've been in DBT for a year, and it seems to be working well for me.

I live in a little house with a little garden in a rather grubby corner of London with my two half-siamese cats, Theo and Ezra Pound, my bust of Thackery, and a semi-fuctioning piano. We are almost like a real family. Some of my walls are yellow and some of them are blue, and when things get hard I write slogans on pieces of newsprint and maskingtape them to any surface I can find.

I have struggled with self harm for most of my life, but I've almost given it up now. I still slip up when things get difficult, but that seems to be less often than it was.

I love books of all kinds, and although I like to think I'm highbrow I read Jilly Cooper and spy novels in secret. I eat fish finger sandwhiches when I can get them. I never sit in silence, but my music taste is bizarre- I love classical music, but I also listen to a lot of blues, rock, folk, and bleepy-weird-machine-music-without-a-tune. And Bob Dylan. And, when no one is here and I'm not afraid for my pride, I know all the words to almost everything by Dusty Springfield.

As far as strengths go, I genuinely want to help people. I am better at dealing with specific problems than with more general worries. I am a near obsessive correspondant and always welcome PMs. I am best at one to one interaction.

My sense of humour can be a strength or a weakness depending on whether you find my jokes funny. I use humour as a coping mechanism, and a way of communicating difficult truths, but I always keep it to a minimum with people I don't know. I can be irreverent.

I can also be very wordy. If I am too wordy, bite me.

I am a bit tatty.
Last edited by tattybluetrees on Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by NotWhoIUsedToBe » Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:44 pm

2007 edition

All about me, Spirit (and former Expressions)....mod.

My si started after I had my initial diagnosis of bipolar (which was assessed after a manic psychotic episode – in 1998)
... I was in hospital a second time, but this time I was depressed. From what I can recall, in frustration I flung my arm out and the back of my hand hit the corner of the bedside table. I think it all progressed from there, Over time
I has served many purposes for me.... It was words for when I didn’t have any, tears for when the wouldn't otherwise fall, it was a release when I was overwhelmed and it also allowed me to feel when I was too low and ground me when I was too high.

I still see a T but not as much as compared to when I started T. It’s gone from 3 times a week to roughly every fortnight. Thanks to therapy, meds and BUS, i’m here today and pleased to be so.

I don’t know exactly when I joined bus, but my guess is 1999. (That’s how I got the ‘honored elder’ title, it has nothing to do with my age...Sept/77)
The only other name I’ve had is ‘The Mad Hatter’ The transition between names was a long one but also marked a turning point in my recovery. Just this week, 16/3/07 I changed my avartar for the first time since 2001. I think it also mark a change from Image

To Imagemy closest canine friend Sara ..

I’m starting a diploma in Transpersonal Art Therapy this year.
My mental health prevented me finishing other study. Naturopathy/ philosophy of human psychology and psychoanalysis. All things psychology interest me no end.
As does Buddhism. I describe myself as Buddhist. I view it more as a philosophy than a religion.... I tend to add a melting pot of other beliefs into my own spiritual truth. (Quantum Psychics parallels to Buddhism at the moment, I’m particularly finding meaning .)

One of the reasons I like to be a mod on Spirituality is because it give me the opportunity to learn about others beliefs and also helps me practice acceptance and tolerance and empathy. I also like mod’ing because I can give back to a community that helped and gave to me.

I was born under the sign of the scales, Libra. This means I have a strong sense of justice with a benefit being I can see both sides of a situation, which can be a useful tool on BUS. The difficult side of that is I often have a hard time making decisions

I’m not sure how I’d describe my sense of humour...quirky, dry, witty dark?... You tell me.

Other than that I love my alone time, time with my dog, walking and spending time in nature. Learning about all things psychospiritual/ transpersonal arth therapy)
I like to journal, I like to BUS, and spending time on the net. I like to garden, watch nature documentaries and read national geographic. I also like gong to the pub to play pool with people and talk to friend/s...I actually enjoy meeting new people for the first time in YEARS! (and practising being social again.)
I read tend to be non-fiction relating to psychology, alternative therapies, philosophy, spirituality,...and atm lots of mental heath memoirs as I’m trying to write my own.
I’m a bit of a hippie at heart and often wonder why I wasn’t born in the 60’s. My music interests vary greatly but generally it is on the alternative side, things that either will never make commercial radio, or are played on my favourite station months before they hit the mainstream, if they ever do.

Things I know most about: SI, SU, OD, and IP. (psych conditions, meds and sexuality issues)

Any questions ASK :)
Last edited by NotWhoIUsedToBe on Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by kurdt_kobain » Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:49 am

Well, hey there, I'm Kurdt. I'm a 16 year-old female from the southeast USofA.

I started SIing when I was about 11. I just hated life and hated everything. I was always left out and ignored and I felt like no one liked me. I focused a lot on the bad things people said about me (ugly, fat, loser) and ignored anything good anyone thought about me, ever. I had a low self-esteem problem since before I can remember and I tried to work through it, but I just...hated myself and didn't see myself as worthwhile.

Finally, when I started middle school, things just got really shitty. I hated everything, and one day I just got so disgusted with myself that I started cutting my arms. My parents found out really quickly but I told them I just did it to see what it felt like. My dad asked which of my friends was cutting too and yelled and screamed at me. They took the door off my room, but they didn't think much of it. I had no reason to be unhappy.

They said they wanted to take me to a doctor, but nothing ever came of that. So I was cutting worse and worse until one summer my parents took me to a beach and my pants were loose and slipped down my hips. My mom saw some words (ugly, worthless) carved in there and freaked out. They took everything away from me. My music, my friends, everything. They took me to see some therapist lady who decided I was doing everything for attention.

I joined BUS sometime around this.

I strached the skin off the entire top of my arm and my mom came into my room and saw some of it because my sleeve slipped up. She decided I was still cutting (no shit?) so she took me to be evaluated. I ended up in a mental hospital for two weeks. I was put on Zoloft and Risperidal and I remember everyone thought I was very negative. I was given fifty million "positive thinking" exercises but nothing helped. I had a problem with seeing everyone around me as wonderful and perfect and myself as a horrible person.

I had a dabble then with religion and it was acutally helping me when a teacher of mine who had introduced me to Christanity decided that I was the person writing "I want to die" on the bathroom walls. I was so angry because at that time I was happy for the first time in forever. I gave up on that.

Then I joined the debate team and met some really cool people. I decided somehow just to stop doing things that made me upset. I don't know quite how, but between my medication and finally finding friends and an activity I love I got better. I grew up. And I've been SI free for a long time now.

I was made a mod through Random Weirdness, then moved to B&A. I try to help out, but I don't know how effective I am.

I'm pretty good at keeping people distracted, so if you ever need to talk about anything, I can listen and occasionally offer advice. I can also just be really...weird...so if you need to just be distracted or if you just want to make a friend, feel free to IM me.

I'm not so good at coddling people or giving hugs or if you're in a crisis I'm probably not the best person to contact.

That said, I'm in love with Nirvana and the music has helped me through a lot. I love music. My favorite band right now is probably Dinosaur Jr, but I really dig Marvelous 3. I'm a complete nerd.

Uh, if I forgot anything, I'll edit it in. :)
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Post by balletomane » Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:26 am

Main Entry: bal·let·o·mane
Pronunciation: ba-'le-t&-"mAn
Function: noun
Etymology: ballet + -o- + -mane (from mania)
: a devotee of ballet
- bal·let·o·ma·nia /-"le-t&-'mA-nE-&, -ny&/ noun

So yeah, that would be me. My love of dance started when, as a two year old, I developed a quasi-obsession with the song “Don’t worry. Be happy.” Fortunately sixteen years and hundreds of dance classes later, I can do more than sway side to side (though not too much more). I have just started college and I plan to take lots of courses in math, biology, and women’s studies, and ultimately spend the rest of my life playing around in a lab.
In addition to studying (and procrastinating) too much, I buy too many books, watch too many emergency medical shows, and drink far more diet coke with lime than could possibly be healthy. I have three earrings in my left ear and one in my right (I have a thing for odd numbers). I am terrified of birds. I have completed part of a jog with a calf as my running buddy. I cannot live without peanut butter.
I have been self-injuring for two and a half years. I have been getting treatment for depression, but nothing has worked as of yet. It has been an interesting process to say the least.
The best way to contact me is by PM, though with the huge amounts of schoolwork they give around here, you might need to be a little patient with me. :star:

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Post by Laura » Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:46 pm


I'm Laura, born in 1976 and too lazy to edit this post every time my age changes ;) I joined BUS in 2001 which was around when I started to realise my self-injury was becoming a problem, although I'd been doing it for some years before that. People here supported me in the first scary steps of seeking help. Since then there have been ups and downs, diagnosed with depression, the SI got rather severe, then stopped for a year and a half, and more recently have had a bit of a relapse. I was a forum mod for Coping (!?) before I became an admin.

I have a PhD in mathematics and am still working in academia even though I feel very, very stupid there most of the time. I'm a Christian, at the sort of evangelical end of the spectrum though I don't label myself with a particular denomination. I'm Scottish :D, I'm veggie, I also love cats and desperately long to be able to have one (or more! :cat5: :cat6:) of my own. I play the cello, and sometimes attempt to play the piano or (quick, cover your ears!) sing. :oops:

My weaknesses are wanting to be right all the time, and getting very discouraged and constantly seeking assurance. Am kind of shy in social situations, but am very fond of coffee, and chatting with a friend over a cup of it is one of my favourite things to do.

Laura :java:
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Post by Green Beauty » Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:26 pm

Last updated 1/05/2007

Hello i'm Green Beauty, real name Alex, feel free to call me by either. I have been assigned to moderate Challenge me and please be healthy, and i also help out with the welcome wagon.

I am likely to be online most nights (GMT), so if you ever have a problem with anything, or just want to chat my pm box is always open, and i promise to get back as soon as i can.

So where should i start... I was born on the 18th May 1988, making me the youngest of all the mods currently. I'm from England in a lovely place on the outskirts of London. After i achieved my A levels, (Biology, Psychology and Geography amoungst a few other smaller award subjects). I have gone on to uni to study an animal management course, which involves everything from hands on animal handling, anatomy and physiology to animal behaviour. And at 25 hours a week, it's quite a full on course. I started this course in the october of 2006 and if i stick it out til the end i shall be here until the summer of 2009.

Ok so thats that part out of the way, now my reasons for being a member here:

I have always in some way or another used self harm since i was a little child, yet i only became aware that it was a problem shortly before i joined this forum, the reason for this was because it was becoming alot more frequent. When i first signed up i was confused and not really aware of what self harm was, i knew i injuring myself but that was it. This place provided me with information i so badly needed, i wasnt ready to stop just then but gradually my self harm got worse until one day i woke up and decided enough was enough. At the moment i am trying to recover, slip ups still occur, but by using this place to understand my emotions and work on the issues behind this, it makes life alot easier, alot more bearable. And i know it will be a long journey but i'm willing to stick it out. Life's too short to have to deal with this.

Apart from self harm i have low self esteem and anger issues. I also have a tendancy to struggle with eating issues and have slight ocd tendancies. All of which i am working on as we speak.

Many people mistake me for a female, but don't let my forum name fool you, i really am a guy. Since the 11th June 2005 I have been in a relationship with a very special girl, whom i love with all my heart. Unfortunately she suffers from depression and anorexia nervosa, so i also use bus as a place to understand and learn how to cope with this.

I always speak the truth, that is the one thing you should expect from me, i don't lie just to keep others happy. But i like to think i am able to speak the truth without causing upset. Lets just say i am challenging but compassionate :wink: . My door is always open. Sorry to have rambled on, but be warned, i do that alot.

You'll mainly find me in challenge me, please be healthy, random weirdness, family and friends, the welcome wagon and main, but i do make an appearence pretty much everywhere, just not as often as in the forums specified above. So i'm sure you'll come to recognise my name fairly soon.

Last edited by Green Beauty on Tue May 01, 2007 4:17 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Post by magicmum » Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:37 pm


My moniker is magicmum.

I've been a regular on F/F for years now and I'm a mod for The Nest as well as F/F. I am a very cuddly person.

I came to bus to find out how to help my beautiful daughter, and I made so many friends. My d is doing OK now but I'm still here.

I live on a farm with sheep, cows, chickens, ducks and pigs - my favourites ! And I have 3 cats and a goldfish. Oh - I also have 4 children - 3 boys (26, 24 and 17) and my pink one who is 21. The older ones have all moved out just leaving me with my baby boy. It's very peaceful now and so much cheaper!

I turned 57 this year, but I really don't feel that old. When I am with my big boys and their friends I forget that I'm not the same age.

I enjoy calligraphy which I have been trying to master for 15 years or more, and I also make miniatures. I started on a miniature house when my d was 6 and it will be finished in a few years ! I also like to embroider.

I'm a pretty healthy person, and I am actually losing weight playing on my H's Wii Fitplus. I went through some dark times when my d was first SIing but I'm mostly pretty cheerful and optimistic. Hopefully I can use that to support members in The Nest. I think I'm an honest person too. I don't think there's any point in telling lies to people, but you have to know the right way to tell the truth.

I work in the theatre - have done all my life. Stage Management at first, then lighting, set construction, and latterly FOH management. It's only casual which suits me cos I have lots of freedom to do things I like. I have been married for 31 years to a Pom (he's an Aussie now !) who is also a theatre worker.

I love all sorts of music, mostly oldies stuff - 60's. My favourite new band is Birds of Tokyo - only slightly biased cso my eldest son is their lighting guy ! Can't stand rap or metal. Love reading - although haven't done so for ages now. I'm not into games much besides the Wii - my PC game of the moment is Emperor. I love Sudoku. All in all there's not enough hours in the day.

Wow - that's a ramble. My h says I'm a talker !

love and peace
magicmum :bcatsmile:

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Post by rainy day » Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:51 am

hi, i'm Katy but everyone calls me Kat, i'm 22 and live in castleford with my mum, and and my brother (sparky from bus) and my 3 cats :D , i also have a sister. I also became an aunty for the first time 5 months ago :D

I'm one of the moderators in nest and really happy to be a mod.

I dont work at the moment but i am thinking of attending college to study crime scene investigation and get a job in that kind of field.
At the moment i am mostly on bus, which i find really help me.

If anyone ever needs someone to talk to or help with anything, feel free to pm me anytime.

luv kat
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Post by Boogie Man » Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:16 pm

hello, my names boogie man and i'm a shaved monkey.

you'll commonly find me swinging around the random weirdness forum which i moderate with twitt and nils.

as well as self harm, it should be evident that i have problems with taking myself seriously. :tongue:

but i'm serious when it comes to my mod duties, and taking care of bussers. so if you ever have any problems or concerns you're most welcome to talk to me and i'll do my best to help.

i currently live in australia, and i work as a graphic designer.
in my spare time i like to play war games with toy soldiers, listen to music, draw graffiti art, hang out with my mates, and create graphics on the the computer.

i also spend a great deal of time right here on BUS, so feel free to send me a PM. :star:


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Post by Smeagol » Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:13 pm


I'm Gwylan, I'm 23, and I'm doing a PhD in computational linguistics. Prior to doing that I was a linguist specialising in phonetics, so I'm very good at making funny sounds. I run linux and I programme in python. I am a geek.

When I'm not playing with my computer I'm likely to be found surfing the web, dancing, with my boyfriend, listening to music, or reading. I used to do a lot of dancing but now I mostly do lindyhop, with the odd bit of ballroom. In the past I've done rock'n'roll, offbeat, salsa, and argentine tango.

I'm really easily pleased. I love flowers and sunsets and animals and small children and the feel of a blanket on my skin and driving too fast and listening to music and laughing and being alive. I wish I could remember all this when I am depressed. :roll:

I've had problems with depression for years, probably going back to when I was about 10. They got seriously bad when I went to uni at in 2001, and in 2003 I started cutting. I found bus almost immediately and have been here ever since. I don't cut very often - never have - but I've learned so incredibly much here.

Strengths: I genuinely like and am interested in people. I'm very analytical. I try to watch out for people's feelings. I try not to take my feelings out on other people. I am good at putting my feelings to one side. I try.

Weaknesses: I am good at putting my feelings to once side. I find it hard to connect with people. I am phenomenally insecure.
Last edited by Smeagol on Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by NobodyToYou » Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:31 am

Hi everyone!
While it is really difficult to capture who I am in a few sentances, I will do what I can.
I have been on BUS a little over a year. I have been self injuring (and knew what it was) about a year and a half, although I had dealt with ED issues and some SI that I didn't recognize quite a while before that. I am a mod in "Life after self harm" which is what I am working on having, even though I still slip occassionally.
I am 26 years old. I live with my sister and our "baby", a 2 year old cat. (He says hi, by the way.) I work in a mental health field, which makes my own issues a little tricky for me to handle sometimes...but I put most of that in my Place, so you won't have to hear me complain unless you go there.
I have a wide variety of interests (music, making things, drama and dance, reading, and tons of other things) when I am not feeling too depressed, and I am only interested in sleep when I am.
Sometimes I take myself and the world too seriously, but the good side of that is that I will take you and your needs seriously too. So feel free to PM me if you need anything or if you are just bored and want someone to talk to.

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Post by PassingCloud » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:49 am

hi all. people around here know me as clouds or cloudya. i'm 23 years old and live with my dog (a rottweiler, currently one and a half years old and a real handful) and my four rats in austria.

i first came across bus around 1999 while looking for help on the internet for my self-injury. i stumbled across the "secret shame" website and joined the bus mailing list. i stayed on there for a few years before i found the board. bus has helped me a lot through struggles and i've found some pretty good insight here that i probably wouldn't have found elsewhere.

i was diagnosed with PTSD a few years back. i have been in therapy for many years and i am still struggling with quite a few issues, but it comes and goes in waves and i enjoy the "up times" that i get.

i love to read. i read anything from fiction to non-fiction to fantasy and science fiction, though the latter is my most favorite genre. ;) favorite authors include john steinbeck, anne mc caffrey, charles de lint and shakespeare (yeah, i know, how geeky :tongue: ).

i currently only work part time as a waitress on the weekends, since full time is too much to cope with atm. i am also studying to finish high school, since i dropped out after my junior year. after i am done with all that i would like to study to become a therapist (probably specializing on children and teenagers, but we'll see how it goes).

i roll my own cigarettes and drink way too much coffee and way too many energy drinks. i love to laugh and it's not hard to get me to do so. i am also currently addicted to the tv show "the gilmore girls" - but those things seem to come and go. i love to tease my dog and he just loves to tease me back and play tricks on me.

i am glad to be a moderator for place since journalling was always a big part of my life and also played a huge part in my healing journey.

and now i ran out of words. if there's anything else you'd like to know about me, don't hesitate to pm me. :)

[I'm talking about my life.][I can't seem to get that through to you.]
[I'm not just talking about one person,][I'm talking about everybody.]
[I'm talking about form, I'm talking about content.][I'm talking about inter-relationships.]
[I'm talking about God, the Devil, Hell, Heaven!]
[Do you understand?]
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Post by swanfaerie » Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:32 am

hi i'm swannie. i'm *coughcough* old enuf. :tongue: i have 2 kidlets and one pyschotic cat named hobbes (aka gooberface).

i found bus when my si came raging back in 2003. i first remember si'ing when i was in elementary school. my self-harm took various forms throughout the years, including alcohol and drugs. what i love about bus is that it's a place where we can talk about a variety of self-defeating behaviors and work on overcoming them. :)

although i mod in arc, i don't hang out just there. you may see me posting anywhere, including workshop, please be healthy, place and spirit.

i fill my time with my work, my kidlets, decorating my home, the internet, reading, therapy and chatting with friends. my hobbies include playing the piano, sewing, crocheting, redefining the brownie and yes, drinking way too many iced mochas. :roll:

strengths: thinking outside the box, seeing both sides of a situation, humor, wanting what's fair, boundaries, and compassion.

weaknesses: being overly emotional, standing up for myself without waffling, and being less judgmental (of myself or others).

Last edited by swanfaerie on Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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