dare i voice an idea for a new forum?

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dare i voice an idea for a new forum?

Post by bojangles » Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:26 pm

I don't mean to put the cat amongst the pigeons here, but I wanted to bring up an idea and see what other's thoughts/feelings on it are.

I'm really hesitant to suggest this because I have read other threads where people have suggested ideas for new forums and these threads tend to get a bit scarey for little bojjie :oops:

But...*deep breath*...I was wondering how others felt about having a board for the 20-somethings amongst us...kinda a similar idea to arc, but instead of being for the over 30s it would be for those in their 20s

Now I have tossed this idea around in my head for a while and I am not even sure what I think about it, so I am interested in what others have to say

Just briefly I will give some of my reasons for and against it

-don't want further segregation of the board or new forums to manage
-if we have a 20 something board, why don't we have one for teenagers and then we might as well have them for every age group
-this sort of stuff should be discussed on main, there really isn't need for yet another board

-there are a lot of issues pretty specific to being a 20something (or at least i have found), it's like that growing up/transition phase where you are trying to figure things out, even though you are still young, a lot of conflicts can arise because you want to be young and have fun, but you also want to settle down and be mature
-for me, dealing with my si at this age is different to when i was younger/in my teens. for one my brain has matured (isn't there some scientific fact about adolescents brains and how they are different to adults), secondly trying to run a life and stay sane is a new challenge, and thirdly my perceptions and thoughts about si are different to when i was younger.
-in the past i have tried to bring up some of these issues or have seen others do it on main, and one of several things seem to happen - barely anybody replies and the post slips off the first page pretty fast, or a few replies are given, but often (and i don't mean offence by this) younger people will reply telling them that they care but don't really have much in the way of advice/personal experience in the matter. It's not that i have a problem with teenagers (i'm sure many in their late teens are going through these issues i have mentioned), it's just that with the large amount of people on the board and a high proportion tending to be in their teens, it would only be natural that a person seeing the post may tend to be younger and either not reply or reply saying they care. (blah, why can i never make sense)
in the past i have also tried to go to arc for these type issues and post there, but i can't help thinking that they don't belong because that isn't what arc is about, so i tend not to say anything, or if i do, i modify it so that it relates more to what the arc forum is about

well, i guess that wasn't so brief and i didn't do a good job of explaining my for and against arguments (and i know i forgot a few on both sides of the fence, just can't think of them now)

so over to you guys, what do you all think?


btw - i didn't mean offence to anybody of any age when i made this post, i'm especially not dissing on teens, because that is a tough time too, it's just that i'm now in my 20s and am discovering it's a whole different world out there :tongue:
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Post by NotWhoIUsedToBe » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:04 pm

I hear you on one or more point,... It'a a fine Line.

I had hoped that 'Life after' might be a place 20'ishs give & take in that you have lived with it for a while regardless degree, and you're no longer a teenage or so in the midst of understanding out behariour anymore, it's more managing it in the world beyond parents and inbetween jobs, relationships marriage and getting closer to arc where the elder person who has had even More life experiences. defined goals and direction.

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Post by ChaseThisLight » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:58 pm

Bojie- I've had many of the same thoughts as you (I'm almost 20, close enough?) Since I went to college my perspective has changed a lot, especially on things like SI...and I am reluctant to post these thing on main, and I keep it to my place...which doesn't get many replies (which is fine), but if there was a place for twenties....yeah I'd like that. I know that it would potentially break up the board...and it would be another one to follow....but I find a lot of validity in your points...:-)
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Post by pretty » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:05 pm

I remeber there being talk about this, ages ago, maybe on the "What do you want from bus?" thread. Like a 'Common Room' type place.

I'm not sure either.

I like the idea because I often feel left out on the main board, and when I post anything long or in depth or about my life and stuff, it gets a few replies then vanishes. There seem to be quite a few people in their twenties, trying to get by in the real world - with uni, work, rent/bills, relationships, away from parents. There are a few of us who are trying to get through uni for the first, second, third or whatever time. So it'd be cool to have somewhere to hang out. We have place though, and I'm happy with that, mostly. In place it's hard not to be in a rut with jusr a few people who you regularly read along with.

Division = bad. I don't want bus to become more fragmented. It feels like we're nearing the tipping point of too many boards.

I like the idea that this is what life after is about. I like life after, and it does sort of fit....

I don't know, I'd like to hear others' thoughts on the matter, and think about it when my head's at least slightly clearer.
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Post by guest11 » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:13 pm

I'm not sure... though the idea sounds good, I think that it's then possible that someone will come along and ask for a board for their age group. And I wouldn't blame them. It'd be a fair point. I wouldn't want the board to become even more split up... but the idea sounds good too. I don't know... I'm glad I don't get a say in decisions like this! It'd be hard to make my mind up!

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Post by swanfaerie » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:29 pm

it's more managing it in the world beyond parents and inbetween jobs, relationships marriage and getting closer to arc where the elder person who has had even More life experiences. defined goals and direction.
does that mean i'm an elder? :o

bojjie, i think it's a fine idea. and truth be told, none of the forums (except the few you have to join to post in) are exclusive (probly a poor choice of word...meh), and you're right. there are different issues from the teenage years, living at home etc. vs. us "elder persons" (:roll:--i still find that amusing). and i really don't think there would be that much division, since in arc, there's people posting (or have in the past) who are in their teens.

anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.
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Post by sassy koala » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:41 pm

I tend to think we have too many forums as is. but that's just me.
so, I really am not in favor of the idea of another, regardless of what kind.
interesting Idea bojjie. :)

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Post by bojangles » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:46 pm

swanfaerie wrote:
it's more managing it in the world beyond parents and inbetween jobs, relationships marriage and getting closer to arc where the elder person who has had even More life experiences. defined goals and direction.
does that mean i'm an elder? :o

bojjie, i think it's a fine idea. and truth be told, none of the forums (except the few you have to join to post in) are exclusive (probly a poor choice of word...meh), and you're right. there are different issues from the teenage years, living at home etc. vs. us "elder persons" (:roll:--i still find that amusing). and i really don't think there would be that much division, since in arc, there's people posting (or have in the past) who are in their teens.

anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.
whoops, sorry about that 'elder' comment...maybe i meant to say older...perhaps more wise and mature would have been better....i don't know...its almost 5 in the morning and my brain is much now :P
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Post by swanfaerie » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:13 pm

more wise and mature
well that's most definitely not me. :lol:

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Post by bojangles » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:24 pm

no point going to bed now mum, i gotta be up again in an hour ;)
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Post by swanfaerie » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:26 pm

then i guess it's time to fix breakfast.

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Post by kurdt_kobain » Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:02 pm

I would not like it.

Mostly because, and I'm 16, most of the people who's posts I "stalk" or the people whos input I admire the most are these 20somethings. And I would totally stay off that board because I'd feel like it wasn't my place.

But on main, I really need certain 20 something's to read my posts and reply because there advice means the most to me. That said, I don't really get along with many people my age. They just bore me.

I dunno. I just think taking the input of these people away from main (and you can say they're not leaving, but I think that forum would be frequented more as time went by, and a lot of people would progress to only that fourm) would suck for me. It's usually the people with a little prespective under their belts that just...well...help me.

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Post by guest11 » Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:19 pm

No, I'd call that honest. Besides, I'm sure other people agree with your viewpoint, and perhaps even experience a similar situation. :)

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Post by gui hong » Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:04 am

Also want to point out that more forums = more mods and probably more admins to moderate it all. I'm not keen on the divisions, either. For a long long time, this board was one or two forums and things went well. It's unwieldy right now.

I like hearing from others younger (the majority :wink: ) and older than I am. I like the mixing of ages, and genders, on Main.

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Post by Chessie » Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:26 am

My thing is, yes, I'm 21....but create another board and it just makes my issue worse...I've had ECT twice...and at times I debate having it again and these posts end up on main...

well just the mention of ECT sends people running from your post without replying because they simply cannot relate. And those posts are the ones written just looking for an, "I care," or, "I read" type answer and I have to say it hurts when they get bumped way down and off the first page and go pretty much unnoticed. Put me in forum for my age group, and I'm betting even fewer people will reply...

Just my take on the issue....a lot has to do with where I'm currently at emotionally

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Post by berendsenea » Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:56 am

I don't know...i think that certainly the main board sometimes caters to younger people's concerns, but honestly the 20 somethings are some of their best sources of advice, cause we've been through it. And there are posts from a variety of age groups on main, and between life after (my personal fave) and place, i think there are plenty of options for peope to post in. Just my opinion.

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Post by dreams » Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:50 am

Can see both sides of this.

I'm a twenty something and do often find myself drawn to the arc as a lurker (too young to post but more in depth conversations/points of veiw etc), but only when i can cope with it.

Then again if you created a special board wouldn't it be effectively turning the main board into teenagers board? I agree with what others have said about the most in depth/thought out answers come from the 'older' age groups and know that quite often i am looking for more in depth answers. I try to put these posts either in life after or coping though. Am also worried about segregating the board any more.

Perhaps an option would be to lower the 'age limit' of the arc to 25?

dreams :clover:

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Post by Something Else » Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:21 pm

I'm confused about something. How is "Life After" supposed to be an alternative to a 20-something board? Isn't "Life After" for people who have stopped SI, or am I missing something? How is that specific to the 20-something age group? Or are we supposed to have stopped SI by now, if we're over 20?

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Post by guest11 » Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:34 pm

JadedNaive wrote:I'm confused about something. How is "Life After" supposed to be an alternative to a 20-something board? Isn't "Life After" for people who have stopped SI, or am I missing something? How is that specific to the 20-something age group? Or are we supposed to have stopped SI by now, if we're over 20?
You're getting "Life After SI" confused with "Down the Long Days Arc". The first forum is for life after SI, the second one is for people who are over 30 to deal with the issues of SI. :)


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Post by pretty » Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:19 pm

Lots of the people who hang out on Life After are twenty somethings, and lots of the discussion about things which would be discussed on a twenty something board go on over there at the moment. If that makes sense :)
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