Apology Letter for Hacking

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Post by xanemicroyaltyx » Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:46 pm

*has nothing of great construction to say, just anger*

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Post by Smeagol » Sat Mar 12, 2005 3:40 pm

Silversan wrote: I'm sorry, but whoever hacked this board lacks a bit of common sense. If it ends up because it was "funny", then I fail to see the sense of humor is changing the title with attempted-l337 mixed in with an popular quote. (Which by the way, where did it come from? The "All your bases..." one.)
http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/A/ ... [quote]all your base are belong to us

A declaration of victory or superiority. The phrase stems from a 1991 adaptation of Toaplan's “Zero Wing” shoot-'em-up arcade game for the Sega Genesis game console. A brief introduction was added to the opening screen, and it has what many consider to be the worst Japanese-to-English translation in video game history. The introduction shows the bridge of a starship in chaos as a Borg-like figure named CATS materializes and says, “How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us.” [sic] In 2001, this amusing mistranslation spread virally through the Internet, bringing with it a slew of JPEGs and a movie of hacked photographs, each showing a street sign, store front, package label, etc. hacked to read “All your base are belong to us” or one of the other many supremely dopey lines from the game (such as “Somebody set up usthe bomb!!!” or “What happen?”). When these phrases are used properly, the overall effect is both screamingly funny and somewhat chilling, reminiscent of the B movie “They Live”.

The original has been generalized to “All your X are belong to us”, where X is filled in to connote a sinister takeover of some sort. Thus, “When Joe signed up for his new job at Yoyodyne, he had to sign a draconian NDA. It basically said: All your code are belong to us.” Has many of the connotations of “Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated” (see Borg). Considered silly, and most likely to be used by the type of person that finds Jeff K. hilarious.[/quote]
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Post by Hammy » Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:57 am

MarthaG, if you want to seem sincere, don't put apology in quatation marks. That is a real "smart" thing to do. :roll:
<center>Fear cannot touch me...
It can only taunt me,
it cannot take me,
just tell me where to go...
I can either follow,
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Post by glass angel » Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:58 pm

funny. everything's back to normal now except someone changed the 'appology' letter :lol:
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Post by blacktiger » Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:39 am

Last edited by blacktiger on Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jomomma » Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:44 am

Let's stop now.

It is over and done with and we are all still here.

Let's drop in for now
:disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco:

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