silver_smurf wrote:I agree with him, but have been feeling for a while that I'm not working hard enough or accomplishing enough and that conversation verified my feelings.
hi silver smurf,
i just wanted to point out that that seems
to be the same issue that you posted about
in the workshop about the therapy group,
about feeling like you are not working hard
enough or accomplishing enough. i don't
really have any conclusions, but it just caught
my eye when i was reading what you wrote
here, and thought "hey, there's that same
i have felt that way before. it kind of sounds
like you are at a place where changes need
to be made, but you're not sure what exactly.
it reminds me of how i've felt with my counselor
before, i would feel like i wasn't getting enough
out of it, and then i took a risk and went into this
intensive outpatient program and everything is
going better now, because the new situation
is meeting my needs better.
i'm not saying i think you need an outpatient
program, because it sounds to me like you
are probably further ahead than i am, and past
that point perhaps? but what it makes me think
is i thought i maybe wasn't working hard enough
or doing enough but it turned out i just wasn't
"in the right place at the right time" so to speak.
so i am just wondering if maybe your outer cir-
cumstances are not meeting your needs very well
right now and you got destructive because you're
blaming yourself for that? i don't know, just a
seems like for myself, i always
seem to think its me, even when sometimes its
the situation that isn't what i need, if that makes
sense. but it feels safer to blame myself because
it really scary to look at changing the outside
circumstances. i get really scared about making
any kind of "move" that way. i tend to "hunker
down" where i'm at instead of moving outward
toward something else. i am wondering if maybe
we are alike in that way.