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Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:49 pm
by okie
This after post comes a little late. It's one of those "afters" that has some consequences. I realize now, two days later, that I have to face physical therapy with cuts on the same arm as the shoulder getting worked on.

I hadn't been coming to BUS much. Visits had become a little too routine for me. I wasn't really reading and responding with conviction. Well, facing this, I came to BUS and remembered about "Before and After". What strikes me is how very useful the information and questions here are. So, after considering the "after" questions, though without responding, I am making a promise to myself to remember this place. Responding to the "before" questions has, in the past, helped me work through my emotions in a more productive way for me. Also, I'm printing off all the questions so I can have access even when I can't get online. In fact I think I'll stash them in my purse. Because, yes, for me, it always comes down to being overwhelmed or not having expressed my feelings at the time.

Thanks for being here.


Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:02 pm
by beachgirl

Hope you're okay now.


Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:06 pm
by tattybluetrees
Hi Odette.

I'm glad that this place can be of some use to you. The questions are hard, but they can, I think, help make sense out of things.

please remember that there is no time limit as to when you post here- it can be as long after an urge or incident as you want- sometimes it might even be better to wait a while given that the questions can make you do a bit of difficult soul searching. Also remember that you don't have to answer all of them. It's up to you :)

Big welcomes for whenever you want to come back.


Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:34 pm
by okie

Having those questions in my purse feel like having gas in my car or money in the bank. There's a wealth of info there even in revisiting the same questions again and again. I'm just grateful to those who have figured out what it is we need to examine when we stress.
