after.... again

tools to help you assess your urges before you give in to them, and to help you understand and learn from slips after they happen. by posting here, you're saying that you are serious about exploring the feelings behind your self-harm in depth, whether you're ready to stop hurting yourself or not. to request posting access, click usergroups above and join before and after.

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after.... again

Post by 44_false_starts » Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:45 am

have you taken care of your physiacl wounds? if not, go do that now. we'll wait. Sure have.

what had happened just before? Nothing really, it was just a build up of pressure.

what were you thinking and feeling? That I couldn't keep ignoring the urges, 3 weeks of constant urges was getting a bit hard to take.

why did you end up hurting yourself then instead of some other time? was there an event that was teh final straw? what was it? Not being able to talk to people about it, and how I need them to help me.

how did the situation get to the final straw stage? trace it back through the events thatled up to the last event. look for some point at which you could have made a different decisiona nd not arrived at the final straw. I could have said to the people i was talking to, "please, i am about to hurt myself, please help me stop myself."

were there outside factors like drugs, alsohol, being off your meds, lack of sleep, etc? can you address those in the future? how? Just a generally dodgy mood... which comes with being at home for too long.

what other ways of coping did you try besides self-harm? how well did they work? Playing guitar, talking to people. The talking to people kind of worked, but cause it was only online, there was only so much good it could do.

in retrospect, are there coping methods that you now realize might have helped? what were they? Yes... but i never quite took them to their full extent.

name at least two things you will do to help yourself remember those coping methods if you end up in this situation again. When i am back at boarding school, i know there are people there who i can physically talk to, and i will write it down.

how do you feel about the situation that led to self-harm now? is it resolved? if not, what are some steps you might take toward resolution? The situation isn't resolved, but i do feel better. Unfortunately. I just need to keep fighting off the urges and behaving myself.

are you likely to be in that emotional place again? how will you recognize it when you're in that situation? Probably, i will recognise it by the complete realisation that fighting the urges is hopeless.

what will you try before you resort to self-harm if you're in that situation again? list three specific things you will commit to trying.
Talking to people
Going for a walk (but my urges are usually at night)
you ask me if the ringing in your ears could be the sound of thought...

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Post by plantt » Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:20 pm

Yes... but i never quite took them to their full extent.
what kept you from doing that?
Just a generally dodgy mood... which comes with being at home for too long.
what are things you could do to lessen that feeling...? all the home-time?

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Post by 44_false_starts » Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:45 am

plantt wrote:
Yes... but i never quite took them to their full extent.
what kept you from doing that?
Just a generally dodgy mood... which comes with being at home for too long.
what are things you could do to lessen that feeling...? all the home-time?
I didn't take them to their full extent because... well.. the urge fully overtook me.

And the dodgy mood... I go to boarding school, so when I am home in the holidays, I have to be home for as long as the holidays take, so there probably isn't a lot I can do about that.
you ask me if the ringing in your ears could be the sound of thought...

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