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Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:19 pm
by Antenna
It's worth it.

I got to that guy first on his intro thread. He's a mod at a couple of other SI boards (he didn't mention where). I suspect he's old hat at all of this. But still . . . I got a semi-off vibe from him. I can't put my finger on it, but I don't think you should be offended.

I think it's possible that he's a bit of smartass. So you really shouldn't think too much of what he said.

I think welcome wagon is a great idea.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:35 pm
by Jomomma
Not too long after I joined but I started to send welcome pm's to newbies.
I guess I had been here a few months and while I didn't know everything, I felt it was a good thing to let other newbies feel confortable with the new environment.
Shortly after I started sending pm's to newbies, I got a scathing reply which had me thinking why bother with the whole thing.
Pm's, bus, people in general.
A couple days later I got a reply fomr a young lady who was so touched that someone made the effort to welcome her.
She told me that she had been a member of another board for 2 years and never received a single message formanyone.
To her, the pm I sent was the deciding factor for her to stay here at bus.
She is still here

There is always gonna be a few cold hearted folks that can't see the effot it takes to send the pm's btu for me if even one person feels better after getting it then it is well worth it

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:51 pm
by Antenna
I always have to remind myself that just because they're BUSers doesn't mean that they're necessarily nice.

Not in a PM, but in a thread once, one busser said something to me that totally pissed me off. It also hurt me. And I considered the old "why stay" feeling . . . but then I realized that it was just one person.

At BUS, there is good and bad. But I think for the most part, the good outweighs the bad. At least in terms of people. :)

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:15 am
by mallie

I'm sorry you got negative feedback from someone. I can relate to being really shaken by such things, even when there is far more positive things coming in [incidentally, this kind of 'filtering' is one of the forms of twisted thinking that is talked about in one of the books i'm reading. That you can identify it and recognise why you've gone that way with your thoughts is really good :)]

I think all your efforts at welcoming people and working on things here and the talk about mentoring is all really fab. You should be pleased with yourself, and not let one ungrateful person ruin it. So many more people appreciate it. You're a :star:

Love Mallie.