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Brain Storm

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 9:37 pm
by Jomomma
There are 130 or so people listed as member of this usergroup.
Of those i would guess that maybe 1/2 are actually active members of the board.

Newbies are getting lost on the main borad and it is up to those of us that have volunteered to be a part of the welcoming commitee to ensure these people do not get lost.

We have a thread here to post first threads.
If you see a newbie please let us know so more people can welcome them and let them know they are being noticed.

Pm's make a huge difference to newbies.
When we were new, and we all were once, we were so lost. Had no idea how to do anything.
Wouldn't it be nice to let the newbies know that they can ask someone a question?

When you notice a newbie and post in the first thread thread would you please send them a pm.
If you are not comfortable sending pm's just let us know and someone else can do it.


Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 10:03 pm
by xanemicroyaltyx

i totally agree with what you said about PM'ing newbies- i think that it's important to make them feel not only part of the board but part of the wonderous community that comes with it :D.

one suggestion i made was, perhaps, if you noticed a newbie you could track their first few posts? it's always reassuring to get replies to what you have written and if you see the same face on different occasions it can be reassuring and nice to know that someone is listening to you and looking out for you.

just an idea.

emma xxxx