
tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by Candy » Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:28 am

My name is Karen. I am 41 years old and I have been SH for about 7 years. I tried so many different coping skills and for some reason they are not helping, I think the problem is that when i get close to SH, I totally forget my coping skill,cause the urge to do SH is so strong, that nothing seems to help. I need to find better coping skills that work for me,just having a tough time at it. Frustrated with it all

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Post by Hisforever » Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:20 am

Hey Karen,
I think I responded to your thread somewhere else, but I could just be insane. Anyhow, I don't have much to offer you as far as coping strategies since I am really struggling myself. However, I can offer you my ear to listen and my shoulder to cry on, should the need arise. You can always PM me, and we can try and get through this together. Take care of yourself and welcome to bus, you have found an amazing community.

Take care and Be Safe,

Hisforever ><>

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Post by dbms » Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:41 pm

Hi Karen and welcome to BUS. I understand there is a time when the coping skills don't seem to work for us. If I let myself get to the point where the relief I get using coping skills is outweighed by the relief I think I'll get from self-harm then I have to get some outside help if I don't want to self-harm. It's a lot of work and at times its just plain frustrating.

Do you have a therapist that you can work on alternate coping styles? It may take a few different ones until you find the one that you feel you can rely on and even then the more coping methods you have at hand the better off you'll be. What works for you and what doesn't - perhaps talking about the that may help you.

There are a couple threads here in BUS, one in coping that has a number of alternatives to try. As there is a before questionarie in before and after that I found very helpful.

Take care...
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re Hello

Post by Candy » Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:24 pm

It is Candy,
I could not open that site that deals with coping skills. Mark. Just having a rough time, cause my thoughts are racing and I am getting anxious,and I am trying very hard not to do any SH, but it is getting hard,that is why I need to find coping skills that will work for me. Mark,if you can send me some coping skills by sending them to my private mail,that will be helpful or if anyone knows any coping skills I will be very grateful. Just everything is getting to me and I do suffer from Borderline Persnality Disorder,if anyone knows what that means. I need support and I know that you are all nice people here and I am glad to be here.


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