does this count??

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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does this count??

Post by Scatterbrain » Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:58 pm


I have almost 9 months cut free and I think I might have thrown it all out the window last night... I have been really triggery lately, and I kinda lost it last night in the car. I was driving to rehearsal and I was like fuck it. Who cares if I SI again. I had the strongest urge since I stopped last year. I didnt have my tools with me, so I had to make do. I scraped my arm several times, but I could break the skin very much. I didnt actually draw blood, but it seemed to do the trick for a while until I could distract myself with rehearsal. I still have the scrape marks pretty vivid in my arm and they hurt when I bump them etc. Does this count as SI??? I know people usually talk about my intent.... But I dunno if it is even valid since I wasnt able to draw blood... Please let me know what you think.

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Post by Green Beauty » Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:31 am

You do not have to bleed in order for it to be self harm. You have not thrown anything out of the window, you still have those nine months behind you. No matter what you do still be proud of that. It hasnt ruined anything. Just learn from it, and continue to grow.

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Post by rin » Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:06 am

Hey there... I'd agree with Green Beauty and say that no matter if it *counts* or not, you've still got nine months, and counting...

Not to say that it isn't incredibly difficult to see that after you've just slipped, or maybe slipped. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone can tell you for sure whether or not it counts, because it all depends on your perspective. I think the main thing is that if you see it as a slip, to see it as one slip and not as falling back into the routine or thinking it's all over. It sounds like you've been doing really well, and that's something to be very proud of.

Take care,

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Post by TainTeD Xx gRAcE » Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:46 pm

If you even have to ask yourself the question on whether it was self harm or not, I think you know the answer. You didn't ruin your 9 months, youstill have them. You can have 9 more and it will be a year and a half with only a slip. Slips are okay. They will happen no matter what....
Be Safe and dont fall back into regular habit because you just had one little slip.
Take care.
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