I'm new

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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unpacking boxes
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I'm new

Post by shellchick91 » Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:02 am

I'm new..I'm Michele...I've been SI for bout 21/2-3 yers since 7th grade, i'm in 9th. I'm 14...My parents r divorced, I only c my family a few times a year which is hard b/c they don't really now anything bout me..I also have an ED but only had that for bout 1year i'm bulimic...my doc thinks i'm anorexic but i don't think so..I lost most my friends in 7th grade the 2nd half after I thought i could tell her but i guess not b/c she told everyone..and in 8th grade i didn't really had anyone, no one i could trust..and now in 9th grade there startin to talk to me a little bit more but I can't trust them....Most my friends told me that if I wanted tot alk to them I can't talk bout my "problems", well I guess I can't talk b/c i'm always complaining b/ c it feel better to talk bout it rather than SI...I would really like to find people that r goin through the same thing as me and I would like someone I could talk to...I have trouble copin, my councler and doctor gave me papers after papers w/ ways to deal w/ it but none seem to help...so plz give me some ideas..My AIm is shellchick91..

down my cheeks the tears do flow,
my heart broken with grief
my skin mangled with scars i bare
come kind night....
please take my thoughts and prayers

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Post by katja » Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:15 pm

welcome to bus :moo:

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Post by beautiful_facade » Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:05 pm

Welcome to bus.

Here, have a cow :cowsleep: sssh she's sleeping, :) please take care of her.

Feel free to PM me any time

<center>The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes but in having new eyes.

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If I bore you, that is that. If I am clumsy, that may indicate partly the difficulty of my subject, and the seriousness with which I am trying to take what hold I can of it; more certainly, it will indicate my youth, my lack of mastery of my so-called art or craft, my lack perhaps of talent…
A piece of the body torn out by the roots might be more to the point.
James Agee.

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