hanging in there...need support...etc

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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hanging in there...need support...etc

Post by collide » Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:41 am

well...just been not feeling good these days...my SI has escalated these past few months...and feeling pretty depressed a lot...i know i am under a lot of stress and that's part of it...but i also think i'm regressing...i told my psychiatrist that maybe he should up my Celexa (that med i was taking for 2 years now at a very low dose)...i just take it so if i land in a hospital they won't start me on some other antidepressant that i prob taken before and say that's why i am depressde...i just don't see any hope really in anti-depressants, none has ever helped me...but i don't know...maybe an increase in the Celexa may or might help with this regression...i don't know...i was taking 10mg (pretty low for effect)..and now i just started 20mg...


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Post by onlypurples » Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:15 pm

Here is an idea... Do you ever think that the reason you aren't getting better is because you are doing things that aren't necessarily helping you get better? You are admitting that you are only taking the medication because you want to make sure you are "taking something" in case the worst scenario happens (hospital) so they don't put you on something else. Have you ever considered that Celexa isn't the right medication for you in the first place?

Your motives behind taking the medication are things you might want to look into too. If you believe the medication is going to help you, then it actually will help more than just the medication acting in your body itself. If you fight the medication and are taking just "because it is medication and medication is supposed to cure me" - then there is a good chance it isn't going to work, no matter what the dose.

Medication isn't going to work on its own. Medication needs help from other types of sources - such as talk-therapy, stress relieving activities, and other conscious decisions to reduce the depression. Medication has been proven to work best when combined with other forms of treatment.

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Post by Poya Maitri » Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:36 am

Hi Collide,

Sorry you aren't feeling good. :cry:
Hope you feel better soon.


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Post by collide » Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:45 am

thanks for the support you guys....

Medication isn't going to work on its own. Medication needs help from other types of sources - such as talk-therapy, stress relieving activities, and other conscious decisions to reduce the depression. Medication has been proven to work best when combined with other forms of treatment.

to orangepurples...i know that medication doesn't work by itself...but i've been in therapy, and actually been with a good therapist for 4 years now, and a good psychiatrist too...but antidepressants have REALLY not worked for me...i even did ECT to shock my brain and that helped because it was after a rape...and i forgot a lot of memories...but i still not just feel depressed, siing more these days...end up in hospitals like 4-6 times a year...i've improved some...before it was more like 6-10...so i don't know...i just feel like my life is ALWAYS gonna be a struggle and sometimes it's not worth it... :cry:


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Post by Poya Maitri » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:03 pm

collide wrote:i just feel like my life is ALWAYS gonna be a struggle and sometimes it's not worth it... :cry: collide
I'm sorry you are in so much pain, Collide. Here's
a llama :deb: They are wooly and fluffy, and their
faces look rediculous!

I noticed in your first post, you said, "I know I'm
under a lot of stress and that's part of it, but
I feel like I'm regressing too." I just wanted to
say that stress CAN cause people to regress.

I am just wondering if you might be underestimating
the effect stress is having on your life right now? I
say that because I do that A LOT. Underestimate
things. Like I'm supposed to be some kind of
machine or something instead of a feeling
person with limits and everything...

I guess I'm just wondering if maybe you are
expecting too much from yourself right now
and not taking into consideration that you
a person with needs. I don't know if that
fits at all. I hope it doens't come off as
critical. I sure don't want to criticize you.
I just wonder if you "give enough room"
to the human side of you. Does that make
sense at all?

Hope that's helpful,


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