Religion shoved down her throat!!

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Religion shoved down her throat!!

Post by broken_words » Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:28 pm

It been along time since I've *si*ed, but the urge is returning, but i'm fighting it well. I guess my problem isn't my self, but i have a friend who it struggling with it, and i want to help her out, but i can't seem to put into words why i don't anymore...its basically b/c i put everything into God...but i don't want to shove anything to religious down her throat you know? She knows i'm a christian and she said i'm the first "cool christian" shes ever met, b/c i'm "real"....which i awesome, but how do i tell her that God is helping me thru and there is no other way for me besides Him with out shoving religious stuff down her throat????

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Post by plantt » Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:46 pm

rel christianity

how do i tell her that God is helping me thru and there is no other way for me besides Him
--it sounds like you're very clearly saying that it's your choice... & that you're not meaning to force her to believe as you do. you added in the "for me" bit. you didn't say '& there's no other way for anyone...'
she knows you're a Christian so i'd imagine it'd not surprise her to find out that God is involved in your life.

i have friends who are Christians. some very openly so. i don't mind hearing about their day even when it's involved bible study or meeting with pastors. i don't mind being told sincerely & as a friend that someone is praying for me. really i'd mind more if i felt like someone felt a need to censor their beliefs around me because of my beliefs.
i feel like religion is being forced down my throat... when people don't accept 'i'm really not interested in becoming a Christian' 'No, i don't want to hear the plan of salvation' 'No, i don't want to tell you my views of Christianity in-depth' it's more when it's a constant................ 'i won't hush until you believe what i want you to' deal. when it's all aimed directly towards me. rather than conversational.

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Post by catlover » Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:10 pm

lol plantt said exactly wat i was going to when i read your post so i wont repeat it and will jst wish u good luck with telling her.
cat..the "mslb and asa "

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Post by Licentia Poetica » Sat Jul 09, 2005 9:45 am

Disclaimer for some of my religious views which may seem a little skewed if not strange:


I don't believe in God and I'm not religious. That doesn't mean that I don't think Chrisitanity is a great thing for those who do believe it. I believe in the Bible in a symbolic type sense. And I think if you believe in God, God is there for you, and I think that's great. I just choose not to, because it's not for me.

But Christianity the way I see it has a lot more in it than just believing in God. There are morals and ways of thinking and coping mechanisms that you follow right? A lot of these things you could pass on to her. Help her to think there are people around her that love her. Help her to see that there is a kind of spiritual level in life, it may be God or it may be the idea that things happen for a reason, and her life is worthwhile.

Pass on to her your ways of thinking without flat out saying "God is looking out for you". Because for someone who doesn't believe, "God is looking out for you" is not really going to change a bad situation or help you get through it.

:star: my two cents.
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Post by Tamrick » Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:27 pm

You basically put it together in a few words: you want to help your friend out. You can help her out in a number of ways - the greatest of which is just being her friend and being yourself around her. That means that you can discuss how you feel about things and talk about Christianity as well. The best way to do this is to say things from your own point of view - I believe this... I feel this... This helped me... Then you cannot be accused of shoving Christianity down her throat. All you are doing is telling her your own beliefs and views and opinions and what she does with this is her own choice.

I am a Christian and my best friend joined me at a Christian event only two years after I met. I had never even really spoken about Christianity to her in those years, but she knew I'd been going to things and was involved and soon she was too. Other friends of mine choose not to. The decision is always theirs. You just need to be a friend.

I hope you and your friend feel better soon. I'm glad you want to help her. Is she on Bus - maybe bring her here too?

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Post by broken_words » Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:41 pm

Thanks for all your replies!!! They helped and i'll keep you posted on what happens!

See these tears fallin'?
they're pure and true,
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