Physical contact - Anyone else struggle? *not really SA*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Physical contact - Anyone else struggle? *not really SA*

Post by Wandering » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:32 pm

I have a real problem being touched - I don't mean by people I know well - I'm always up for hugs from my friends - but if a stranger touches me, I panic. Especially if its a male. Like today, I was on a basic first aid training day, and at the beginning our trainer (a guy) mentioned that there would be a lot of practical work working in pairs with one person as the casualty. Right from then, I started getting nervous, and though I went through with it, I was so tense and had to keep telling myself not to panic. This is despite the fact that I was (luckily) working with a woman most of the time.

The worst point was when the trainer used me to demonstrate bandaging a hand. I was wearing short sleeves, and he had me lift my hand up above my head, so it was elevated and he could bandage it. It was the side that I SI the arm on, so my arm was visible and obviously he was touching it occasioanlly to bandage it. I honestly nearly panicked.

All this I could understand if I had been SA or something, but I haven't. Or if I have, which I doubt, then my brain has done a bloody good job of blocking it out. I've never been hurt by a stranger or by a guy. Yet I'm honestly paranoid around men I don't know - if they touch me for any reason I start panicking. Does anyone have any possible explanations, or suggestions, because it annoys me how illogical my body's responses are.

Thanks, Andi
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Post by nika » Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:17 pm

I never experienced any SA, but I don't like being touched/hugged/etc. by strangers. And especially guys. I can have a hard time talking to guys, looking them in the eye, etc., let alone be touched. I'm not sure why it is, and I guess the reason I'm writing this isn't to give an explanation or suggestions, but just to say, I think I know somewhat where you're coming from. I hope someone can be more helpful. :roll:

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Post by ladymorgaine » Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:22 pm

I don't have as difficult of a time as you do, but yeah... for the most part for anyone I would strongly prefer that they stay at least 1-2 feet away from me. That goes for family too.... I really just don't like to be touched in any way and my mom is always trying to hug me and it pisses me off. Strangers touching me is unacceptable. :wink: I tend to get a bit panicky if strange people stand too close to me.

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Post by nika » Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:40 am

I tend to get a bit panicky if strange people stand too close to me.
*nods* Some people don't understand personal space boundaries ... can drive one crazy ...
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